bankerju 發表於 2009-1-6 01:14:43


(1) 具國內外圖書資訊學、資訊科學、資訊工程、資訊管理、或資訊傳播等相關領域之博士學位。
(2) 具以下學術專長,能開設相關課程者優先:
- 數位與網路科技、資訊計量、知識管理、資訊社會等。
(1) 博士學位證書影本。
(2) 博士班成績單影本。
(3) 履歷表。
(4) 著作目錄
(5) 近3年代表著作1~3篇,且至少有1篇以上相當於SCI、SSCI 、TSSCI、EI、A&HCI等級之期刊論文。
(6) 已具助理教授(含)以上資格者,請附近3年主持之研究計畫目錄
(7) 可授課程綱要。
(8) 2封推薦函。
3. 經本所教評會初審通過後,應徵者須親自至本所面談,費用自理
4. 起聘時間及職級:自民國98年8月1日起聘,職級依「本校教師評審辦法」規定辦理等級聘任。
5. 申請截止日期:民國98年1月20日。
6. 聯絡方式:
(1) 郵寄地址:台北市10610 和平東路1段162號,國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所,卜小蝶所長收。
(2) E-mail:
(3) 聯絡電話:(02)2351-3968轉11 傳真:(02)2351-8476

Two Faculty Positions Available in the Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies, National Taiwan Normal University
1. Qualifications:
(1) Ph.D. in Library & Information Science, Information Science, Computer Science, Information Management, Information Communication or a closely related field.
(2) Applicants with research expertise and teaching interests in the following areas are preferred: - Digital and Internet Technology, Informetrics, Knowledge Management, and Information Society.

2.Required Application Documents:
(1) A copy of Ph.D. diploma
(2) A copy of official transcripts from doctoral studies
(3) Curriculum vitae
(4) Publication list
(5) 1~3 selected publications within 3 years, and at least 1 paper published in SCI、SSCI、TSSCI、EI、A&HCI-indexed journals
(6) Applicants currently at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher, are required to submit a list of the research grant projects conducted with the role of principal investigator
(7) Teaching plans or course syllabi
(8) 2 letters of recommendation
Note: Please include a return envelope with mailing address and sufficient postage if you would want your application materials back.
3. Each qualified candidate is invited for an interview (fee not included).
4. The anticipated appointment start date is August 1, 2009. Official rank and position commensurate with qualifications and experience.
5. Application deadline: January 20, 2009.
6. Contact:
Dr. Hsiao-Tieh Pu, Chairperson
Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies
National Taiwan Normal University
No.162, Sec. 1, Heping E. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886-2-23513968-11 Fax: +886-2-23518476

地址:台北市10610 和平東路1段162號,國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所
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