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[處理器 主機板] AMD 官方聲明 Ryzen 7000X3D 燒毀主因為電壓過高,目前已請各大廠更新 Bios 解決問題!

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近日 AMD Ryzen 7000X3D 處理器燒毀事件頻傳,根據外媒 Anandtech 報導指出,AMD 官方也在隔日即給出聲明,指出 Ryzen 7000X3D 處理器燒毀的主因源自於超頻後過高的電壓,也積極與版場溝通透過更新 Bios 的方式來解決此問題。

Anandtech 文中 AMD 官方聲明
"We are aware of a limited number of reports online claiming that excess voltage while overclocking may have damaged the motherboard socket and pin pads. We are actively investigating the situation and are working with our ODM partners to ensure voltages applied to Ryzen 7000X3D CPUs via motherboard BIOS settings are within product specifications. Anyone whose CPU may have been impacted by this issue should contact AMD customer support."

根據 Wccftech 的報導指出,各大廠也在 AMD 發出聲明的隔日,更新了 AM5 主機板的 Bios,華碩表示目前關閉對 Ryzen 7000X3D 處理器電壓超頻功能,但記憶體超頻不受影響,另外建議玩家使用 240 以上水冷確保處理器獲得足夠的散熱,微星及 Biostar 也發出聲明表示新的 Bios 將遵循 AMD 目前解決方案關閉對 Ryzen 7000X3D 處理器電壓超頻功能,而技嘉也於稍早發出新聞稿,詳細內容如下。

An important update for Ryzen7000X3D processor owners

Several AMD Ryzen7000X3D owners have reported CPU and motherboard failures. We acknowledge the incidents/issues and have been communicating with AMD to analyze the possible causes. We have also contacted affected users to provide support and collect additional information.

Ryzen™ 7000X3D processors do not allow for CPU ratio or CPU core voltage tuning (CPU overclocking) but do allow for performance tuning and DRAM overclocking via PBO2 and EXPO memory. To support EXPO and/or memory overclocking at DDR5-6000 and beyond, SoC voltage has to be sufficiently increased to ensure compatibility and stability. The amount of voltage required varies between CPU samples. Some processors are more sensitive to overvoltage than others, and some are capable at running higher memory frequencies without needing as much voltage.

As confirmed with AMD, any intentional manipulation of these settings can damage the processor, socket, and motherboard. To mitigate this, we have been working with AMD to define new rules for EXPO memory and SoC voltage. To help protect the CPU and motherboard, we are issuing new EFI updates to limit the maximum available SoC voltage to 1.3V.

We recommend updating your motherboard UEFI BIOS to the latest release. Please also ensure the CPU is cooled adequately. Our recommendation is to use at least a 240mm AIO liquid cooler or high-performance air cooler.

If you have been affected, please do not hesitate to contact ASUS support for your region.

技嘉科技始終與AMD密切合作,在AMD推出廣受期待的7000X3D系列處理器的同時,技嘉的AM5主機板便在最佳用料及先進技術的加持下,第一時間支援,並發揮新款遊戲處理器最佳的效能。而為了確保技嘉主機板的各項設計都符合AMD的規範,並在各個方面都能滿足玩家對絕佳效能跟可靠性的需求,以持續提供最卓越和穩定的平台,技嘉發布了最新的測試版BIOS,以因應AM5主機板搭配Ryzen™ 7000X3D系列處理器,可能發生的損壞疑慮。

最新的技嘉AM5主機板測試版BIOS,提供了更安全的SOC電壓設定範圍,以減少因電壓調整過高,而導致處理器損壞的風險。同時,通過BIOS選項中的獨家Performance Bung技術,玩家可以更輕鬆最佳化處理器電壓配置,並進一步透過AMD PBO2選項來獲得最佳處理器電壓,以發揮 Ryzen™ 7000 X3D處理器的最佳性能。

Biostar 官方新聞稿

高階主機板、電競與電腦周邊設備國際大廠BIOSTAR映泰,今日宣布為X670E VALKYRIE、RACING B650EGTQ和B650M-SILVER主機板發布了BIOS更新。為了預防AMD Ryzen 7000X3D處理器因為電壓問題而造成毀損的相關風險,此次BIOSTAR映泰 BIOS更新限制AMD Ryzen 7000X3D處理器的電壓,來確保提高處理器安全性。

最近有報導指出,當使用電壓輔助超頻AMD Ryzen 7000X3D處理器時,有可能造成毀損,因此BIOSTAR映泰立即反應並推出具有電壓限制器的BIOS更新。


如果你也是使用 Ryzen 7000X3D 處理器,建議盡快為主機板進行 Bios 更新,確保自己不會成為下一個受災戶。
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