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牛永肥 發表於 2008-5-26 15:02:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

译  名 风暴模型
片  名 Storm Cell
年  代 2008
国  家 美国
类  别 动作/剧情/惊悚
语  言 英语
字  幕 中文
评  分 7.5/10 (31 votes)
链  接 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0983922
视频尺寸 640 x 368
文件大小 2CD 372MB
片  长 96 mins
导  演 Steven R. Monroe
主  演 咪咪·罗杰斯 Mimi Rogers .....April Saunders
     Robert Moloney .....Sean Saunders
     Andrew Airlie .....Travis
     Ryan Kennedy .....Ryan Laswell
     Elyse Levesque .....Dana Saunders
     迈克尔·艾恩塞德 Michael Ironside .....James
     Kristy Dinsmore .....Young April
     Ryan Grantham .....Young Sean
     Matt Anderson .....Lew
     Tracy Trueman .....Molly Saunders
     琳尼·阿德奇 Leanne Adachi .....Drama Teacher
     Shawn Reis .....State Trooper
     Roger Haskett .....Mike
     Jacqueline Ann Steuart .....Ellen Saunders
     Alex Zahara .....Joe
     Mike Antonakos .....Producer


  Eighteen years ago, April and Sean Saunders watched helplessly as their parents were consumed in the wrath of a massive twister. Now April (Mimi Rogers) is a storm chaser seeking to understand every aspect of the forces that ripped her life apart, while Sean moved to Seattle where there is minimal chance of a twister touching down. As April is researching current shifts in weather patterns, she discovers that the path of Tornado Alley may be moving north...with Seattle as the new tornado hotspot. Immediately, she drags her boyfriend and rebellious teenage daughter to Seattle to warn Sean, a city Sheriff. Sean finds April's theory ridiculous; and more importantly, he despises what his sister does for a living?basically chasing the ghosts of their parents. It isn't long before odd weather phenomena begins to wreak havoc on the unassuming city, and April now realizes her prediction is horribly accurate. With a massive storm system brewing, and a category defying twister looming, April must fight against an entire city unwilling to believe, as well as two decades of her own nightmares and demons, in a desperate attempt not to let this deadliest of storms finally get the best of her and her brother.



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