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 樓主| shadowsfall 發表於 2010-7-9 02:13:26 | 只看該作者
請問CPU VDDA是那裏的電壓?
xZeroG 發表於 2010-7-7 19:07

    簡單的想法是控制CPU LOADINE的電壓

"Basically what happens to the voltage when a load is applied on the CPU is the voltage actually drops. so if you set your voltage to say 1.45v in BIOS and the CPU VDDA is set to it's lowest setting, under idle conditions, the voltage should be around 1.45v. however, under load, the voltage will actually drop below your setting of 1.45v. how much depends on the make and model of your motherboard.

setting the CPU VDDA to it's highest setting will cause the CPU voltage to be (alot) more than what you set it to in BIOS. for instance, if i set my CPU VDDA voltage to 2.80v (Auto, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8v are the settings on my ATI chipset), under idle conditions, my CPU voltage will be about 0.04-0.05v more than what i set it to in the BIOS. while under load, it can go as high as 0.10v over my BIOS settings.

it does this to make sure that your CPU is always getting a good amount of power so that the power doesn't dip down and cause BSOD's. usually setting it to AUTO is fine as it will use the lowest settings while under idle and use the highest settings while under load. this makes it so that your not wasting too much power and/or over-volting your chip at idle while making sure under load, you're receiving enough power."
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