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[軟體遊戲] Stadia 跨平台存檔即將上線,下周新上遊戲《全境封鎖 2》搶先支援!

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伊月夜 發表於 2020-3-13 20:59:38 | 只看該作者 |只看大圖 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

《全境封鎖 2》上周上了新的 DLC 《紐約軍閥》,一上就讓玩家體驗到原汁原味的育碧傳統,玩家們紛紛 OS「育碧傳統,全新感受」,不過經過了一周的時間,確實在遊戲體驗上面有改善了不少,新 DLC 的劇情雖然不長,但也還算有誠意,且地上物資超多,算是在更新後給玩家變相的回饋吧?

但這都不是這篇文的重點,根據外媒 wcc 消息指出,Google Stadia 近期跟育碧有著緊密的合作,未來幾周將會有數款遊戲,陸續進駐這個雲遊戲平台,但除此之外,像是下周即將進駐的《全境封鎖 2》,更會是首款可以跨平台同步進度的遊戲,玩家將可以不用擔心所有的遊戲進度要重打。

那接下來還會上到 Google Stadia 的遊戲還會有《飆酷車神 2》及《MONOPOLY 地產大亨》,有興趣的玩家可以參考看看 Google Stadia 的訂閱方案。

Google 官方資訊如下:

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 (March 17)
Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 plus its new expansion – Warlords of New York – are coming to Stadia. Washington D.C. is on the brink of collapse, and all active Division agents are needed to save the city before it’s too late. Prepare to return to Manhattan on an intense manhunt to take down rogue agent Aaron Keener. Both cross-progression and cross-play with PC players will be available at launch.
The Crew 2 (March 25)
Take on the American motorsports scene as you explore and dominate the land, air, and sea of the United States in one of the most exhilarating open worlds ever created in The Crew 2. With a wide variety of exotic cars, bikes, boats, and planes to choose from, experience the unbridled thrill and adrenaline-pumping excitement of competing across the entire US as you test your skills in a wide range of driving disciplines. Fame is yours to take!
Monopoly (April 28)
You can now enjoy the game you know and love on 3 unique 3D living boards. Your city lives and evolves; invest in charming neighborhoods with strong unique personalities and watch them prosper in front of your eyes as you progress! Play the way you want by selecting one of the six official House Rules chosen by Monopoly fans from around the world.

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