
PCMark 7 V1.04

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  • 作者:Futuremark.com
  • 大小:306MB
  • 語言:英文
  • 平台:Windows 7/8
  • 授權:共享
  • 推薦星級:★★★★★
  • 查看次數:961
  • 下載次數:439
  • 發布時間:2012-11-07 18:11
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PCMark 7是Futuremark專為Windows 7打造的基準測試軟體

PCMark 7之所以取名為7,而不是PCMark 11,主要是只支援Windows 7!

相比上一代產品,PCMark 7大幅瘦身,從上一代600多M一下子降到了300多M,而在測試流程上也更為簡化,測試時間從一個多小時也一下子縮減到20分鐘以內。

PCMark 7的測試門檻在作業系統部分必須是最新的Windows 7

PCMark 7 主要分為「系統綜合測試」、「普通應用測試」和「硬體效能測試」三大項

總共分為三個版本,分為免費版、進階版和專業版三種,其中免費版雖然為免費,但還是能讓玩家們「完整地」跑完各項測試,唯一的缺點就是沒辦法做單一選項來測試,而且還會有廣告視窗,但如果只是想嘗鮮、又不想花錢的玩家,倒是可以體驗一下和之前 PCMark Vantage 之間的不同之處。至於進階版則是要價 39.95 塊美金,折合台幣大約 1,100 多元,價格並不算太貴,而且沒有廣告,且能單項選擇要跑的效能測試,對於常常在測試的玩家們來說,這一版是較適合的。專業版的話是針對一些特定的商業客戶所制定的,因此價格貴到爆表,美金就要價 995 塊,不過因為它能直接對 PCMark 7 下特殊指令,並且能記錄詳細的 log 檔案,所以對於一些專門測試的商業使用測試族群是有必要的。


The newest version, PCMark 7, was designed taking modern hardware into account, including solid-state drives, CPUs with integrated graphics and computing capabilities and devices such as netbooks and tablets.

PCMark 7 includes 7 PC tests for Windows 7, combining more than 25 individual workloads covering storage, computation, image and video manipulation, web browsing and gaming. Specifically designed to cover the full range of PC hardware from netbooks and tablets to notebooks and desktops, PCMark 7 offers complete PC performance testing for Windows 7 for home and business use.

PCMark 7 is available in three versions, including a free download that allows unlimited test runs of the main PCMark test. Those who want access to the all various workloads designed to show particular areas of system performance can opt for the Advanced Edition, which retails for $40, and the Professional Edition licensed for commercial use is $1,000.


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