
OCCT 4.4.0 Beta1 穩定性檢查工具日期:2013-01-29

作者:OCBase   大小:16.4 MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:1220

簡介: OCCT,其全稱為英文OverClock CheckingTool,是一款專門測試電腦負載能力及穩定性的程式,它使中央處理器進行繁重的運算,來檢測電腦的中央處理器、記憶體、電源等設備的穩定性。 功能概述 OCCT形式CPU測試:提供三種模式,分別是「自動(1小時)」、「無時限」和「自訂」模式,該種測試項目主要類比了CPU滿負荷時的CPU佔用,從而測算出CPU的性能。 LinPack形式CPU測試:一樣提供以上三種模式,但更加高階。 OCCT形式顯示處理器測試:一樣提供三種模式,但測試的是GPU而不是CPU。 MEMTEST形式顯示處理器測試:一樣提供三種模式,但比上一種模式更高階。 電源測試:測試電源在滿負荷時的穩定性。 程式轉成正體中文介面步驟: 1.執行 OCCT.exe 2.點選左邊的 OPTIONS 3.從右邊 Language 下拉選單選擇 Chinese* 即可 Description: The name OCCT comes from OverClock Checking Tool. This application will let you benchmark and overclock your system components. [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/OCCT/logo-occt.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/OCCT/OCCT.jpg[/img] Features: Up to 16-core support ( for instance, up to a Quad-Kentsfield or an Octo-Conroe ) Customizable tests ( Duration, Priority, CPU or RAM, ... ) CPU and Motherboard detection Monitoring support through 3rd party application ( i.e. MBM5, Speedfan and Everest Ultimate Edition 3.50 or above ) Can produce graphs showing temperature and voltages during the test : Unique feature ! Multi-language support

StressMyPC 壓力測試工具 2.12日期:2013-01-29

作者:Nenad Hrg   大小:19KB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:876

簡介: 測試工具StressMyPC 一個簡單的顯卡、CPU和硬碟的壓力測試工具,可將設備使用率提升到100%這是一個測試cpu,硬碟,顯卡等電腦硬體設置的使用效率的工具。測試顯卡時有幾秒鐘閃頻。可以提升硬體的使用效率。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/StressMyPC/StressMyPC.jpeg[/img] Description: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/StressMyPC/StressMyPC PIC.jpg[/img] Stress My PC\" is stress testing software, to do a pc testing e.g. computer stress test. Let\'s see! How long can your laptop battery hold a charge? Or let your PC sweat like a .... ;) Warning! Unstable and overclocked systems can be crashed. # StressMyPC : Start / Stop the stress-test # Paint-Stress : Simple stress for the graphics (GPU) # Aggressiv CPU-Stress : Aggressiv stress for the CPU(s) # HD-Stress : Stress for the hard drive

AllBenchmark 1.0 貓吉拉 Beta 19日期:2013-01-21

作者:ALLCinema Ltd.    大小:500.84 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:947

簡介: Catzilla 貓吉拉的3D測試軟體Allbenchmark登場 Catzilla Allbenchmark可以支援OpenGL、DirectX 9、DirectX10、DirectX11測試模式, 作業系統可適用於Windows XP、Vista、Win 7、Win 8的32或64位元版本。 國外媒體PCGH進行了一項綜合測試,平台為Core i7-3770K(@4.5GHz),並使用了數張的顯示卡,並測試了兩個不同的等級,分別為1920x1080以及2560x1440兩個解析度。為了測試公平基準,關閉了PhysX的加速功能。 與3Dmark一樣,Catzilla Allbenchmark 依照功能不同有免費版本以及收費版, 收費版將會有基本版的3.99美元、進階版的14.99美元,以及專業版的899美元。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ALLBenchmark/ALLBenchmark_Catzilla_1.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ALLBenchmark/ALLBenchmark_Catzilla_2.jpg[/img] Description: ALLBenchmark is a software solution that uses graphics cards and CPUs for testing and comparing the most powerful computers, suitable for playing games with advanced graphics. This genuine hardware test is made for all computer users. It\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s a computer test focused to check your computer graphics capabilities. The test can analyze if your computer is suitable for latest games or watching HD movies in best quality. It can also suggest what hardware modules of your computer should be replaced in order to get best performance.

MemTest v4.0日期:2012-12-28

作者:HCI Design    大小: 13.1 KB    語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1486

簡介: MemTest v4.0 - 檢測記憶體本身及超頻後的穩定測試工具 MemTest 是少見的記憶體檢測工具,它不但可以徹底的檢測出記憶體的穩定度,還可同時測試記憶的儲存與檢索資料的能力,讓你可以確實掌控到目前你機器上正在使用的記憶體到底可不可信賴。 Mem Test 的使用方式並不困難,請先確認目前你的電腦中所剩的隨機存取記憶體有多少,在 Windows 2000 / XP 底下你可以使用 [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Delete] 鍵開啟工作管理員功能中的效能檢視器瞭解目前所剩於的部份有多少 透過執行 MemTest 您可以確認您的電腦記憶體功能是否正常。當您購買新電腦、安裝新的記憶體或變更電腦組態(例如:超頻) 時,可以利用 MemTest 來檢測記憶體本身及超頻後的穩定測試。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/MemTest/MemTest-Pro-1.png[/img] Description: MemTest is a RAM tester that runs under Windows. It verifies that your computer can reliably store and retrieve data from memory. A correctly functioning computer should be able to do this with 100% accuracy day in and day out. A computer that fails these tests, perhaps because of old hardware, damaged hardware, or poorly configured hardware, will be less stable and crash more often. Even worse, it will become even less stable over time as corrupted data is written to your hard disk. By running MemTest you can ensure that your computer\'s RAM is correctly functioning. It is wise to test this when you buy a new computer, install new RAM, or change the configuration of your machine (for instance, to overclock it). Are you the sort of user who likes to push the performance of your machine to the edge? Relying upon whether your machine will boot after your new BIOS tweaks is a poor way to determine the safety of your new settings. Use Mem Test as a true test of stability.

Memtest86+ 4.20日期:2012-12-28

作者:TechRepublic.com   大小:390 KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1176

簡介: Memtest86+,可以經由可開機USB測試記憶體是否故障 下載後執行安裝檔(Auto-installer for USB Key),並準備一個USB製作成可開機隨身碟 將電腦重新開機進入BIOS設定以USB開機,再重新開機後就會自動執行數個記憶體測試項目 看到底部出現「*****Pass complete, no errors, press Esc to exit*****」 則表示檢測正常,若記憶體有問題,檢測時會出現紅底白字 並顯示錯誤的位置(如:3063.5MB),實測8GB的正常記憶體(兩條4GB) 檢測時間約花了47分鐘,要注意的是:此軟體測試完畢後不會自行停止,必須按鍵盤的「Esc」鍵來離開 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Mem86Plus/memtest_logo.png[/img] Description: Memtest86 is a thorough, standalone memory test for x86 architecture computers. BIOS-based memory tests are a quick, cursory check and often miss many of the failures that are detected by Memtest86. What\\\'s new in this version: Version 3.5b includes a number of fixes from the 4.0 release that corrects all of the know issues with testing more than 4 GB of memory.

TessMark 0.3.0日期:2012-12-19

作者:Geeks3D   大小:1,951 KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:595

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/TessMark/TessMark.jpg[/img] “TessMark”,專門用來在OpenGL 4的基礎上考驗顯卡的曲面細分功能。   因為基於OpenGL 4規範,所以運行TessMark的前提就是Radeon HD 5000、GeForce GTX 400系列顯卡,作業系統則支援Windows XP/Vista/7。   TessMark提供了性能測試和穩定性測試兩種運行模式,可以選擇解析度、後期效果和多重採樣抗鋸齒級別,特別是還有四種曲面細分級別,其中 適度(Moderate)、普通(Normal)相當於我們在正常遊戲中見到的水準,極端(Extreme)、瘋狂(Insane)則是純粹壓榨顯卡潛 力。 Description: TessMark, is small synthetic graphics benchmark focused on one of the killer features of Direct3D 11 and OpenGL 4 capable cards, I mean the GPU tessellation. Like Unigine Heaven, TessMark allows to select the level tessellation. The small difference is that TessMark proposes four differents levels (see the screenshots at the end of the post): moderate normal extreme insane

IntelBurnTest v2.54日期:2012-12-07

作者:AgentGOD   大小:1.7 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:27134

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/IntelBurnTest/ibtv.png[/img] IntelBurnTest是一款極端CPU燒機軟體,據稱搭配Linpack使用的話能使CPU溫度比Prime95還高22度。 使用Linpack的好處: 擁有比Prime95更精確地FFTs/Blend 可以在更短的時間內測出CPU/記憶體的穩定性(一般來說測試8分鐘的Linpank相當於40小時的Prime95) 使用的烤機引擎與Intel工廠所使用的一致 使用IntelBurnTest的好處: 簡化了Linpack的使用 直接將結果輸出到螢幕 很容易的調節測試程度 更人性化的外觀 Description: IntelBurnTest packs the technology used by Intel in their lab tests before the CPUs are approved and released. This sounds assuring enough; however the list of its benefits does not stop here. The application is recommended to be run on x64 systems because of the higher accuracy these systems provide. It takes less of your time to inform you of the stability of your system than Prime95. Considering the fact that Prime95 is one of the highly praised tools in the field, that can only come as a huge plus.

FurMark v1.9.2 顯示卡負載測試工具日期:2012-11-22

作者:ozone3d   大小:3.51 MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:12804

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/FurMark/furmark.jpg[/img] FurMark是oZone3D開發的一款OpenGL 基準測試工具,通過毛皮材質渲染算法來測試顯卡的性能,同時還能藉此考驗顯卡在高負載的穩定性。提供了多種測試選項,比如全螢幕/視窗顯示模式、九種預設解析度(也可以自行設定)、基於時間或FPS影格數的測試形式、多種多重採樣反鋸齒(MSAA)、競賽模式等等,並且支援包括中文以內的五種語言。 本來FurMark只是用來測試顯示卡的OpenGL效能,但是因為它能將顯示卡操到負載,所以可以拿來當燒機軟體使用。它可以讓顯示卡跑出任何遊戲都達不到的高溫,以致於只要通過了FurMark考驗過的顯示卡,跑遊戲都不會出問題。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/FurMark/furmark_test.jpg[/img] Description: In order to stress test and burn the new graphics cards you will receive for Xmas, here is an update of FurMark. FurMark 1.9.2 brings some bugfixes, latest versions of GPU-Z and GPU Shark and a new benchmark mode: the burn-in benchmark. The aim of this benchmark is simple: get the highest score with the lowest GPU temperature. The benchmark lasts 15 minutes at a full HD resolution (1920×1080). Here is an example of score: Radeon HD 6970 (3630 points, 96°C). FurMark 1.9.2 startup dialog box [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/FurMark/furmark_dreamhack2011.jpg[/img]


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