
風扇監控精靈 SpeedFan 4.52日期:2016-07-12

作者:almico.com   大小:2.50MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:532

簡介: 監看CPU、風扇、顯示卡的溫度,一個SpeedFan 就夠 SpeedFan可以顯示CPU、顯示卡、硬碟...等設備的運作溫度與相關風扇的運轉速度,此外還可查看主機板電壓、硬碟的 S.M.A.R.T.資訊與SCSI硬碟的屬性..等等資訊,並提供簡易的超頻功能與監控圖表,有興趣的人可以玩玩看。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/SpeedFan/Speedfan_System_Monitor_Icon_by_3xhumed.png[/img] Description: SpeedFan is a program that monitors voltages, fan speeds and temperatures in computers with hardware monitor chips. SpeedFan can even access S.M.A.R.T. info and show hard disk temperatures. SpeedFan supports SCSI disks too. SpeedFan can even change the FSB on some hardware

顯卡綜合測試 3DMark (2013) v2.0.2724日期:2016-07-12

作者:Futuremark.com   大小:2.21G   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:469

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D-Mark-20131.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/Sky Diver.jpg[/img] Futuremark 11 日宣佈推出 3DMark Sky Diver 基準測試,這是新一代 3DMark 的更新版本,在現有的 Ice Storm 、 Cloud Gate 及 FireStrike 中加入第四個測試場景, Sky Diver 測試項目將會採用 DirectX 11 功能層級,主要針對中階 PC 系列及 Gaming Notebook 產品。 據了解, 3DMark Sky Diver 基準測試性能要求將介乎 Fire Strike 和 Cloud Gate 之間,有別於 Cloud Gate 採用 DirectX 10 功能層級 720p 解析度, Sky Diver 將會採用 DirectX 11 功能層級 1080p 解析度, Futuremark 建議如果 Fire Strike 成績得分在 2800 以下,應採用 Sky Diver 測試作為基準,如 Sky Diver 測試成績在 12800 以上則應使用 Fire Strike 作基準。 3DMark Sky Diver 包括 Demo 、兩個 GT 繪圖測試、一個 PT 物理測試與一個 CT 合併測試,繪圖測試測量 GPU 效能,物理測試測量 CPU 效能,合併測試則同時對 GPU 和 CPU 加壓,而演示不會影響測試分數。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D2013.png[/img] Version History 2.0.2530 This is a major update that adds new Stress Tests for checking the stability of your PC. New Use the new Stress Tests to check the stability of your system after buying or building a new PC, upgrading your graphics card, or overclocking your GPU. Stress testing can help you identify faulty hardware or the need for better cooling. Stress Tests are not available in 3DMark Basic Edition or the Steam demo. Improved SystemInfo module updated to 4.46 for improved detection of new hardware. Reintroduced the option to set up a Custom run using only the Demo. Fixed Fixed an issue that could cause 3DMark to fail to install test DLC files. Description: 3DMark - The Gamer\\\\\\\'s Benchmark for all your hardware Whether you\\\\\\\'re gaming on a smartphone, tablet, notebook, laptop, desktop, or a high performance gaming PC, 3DMark includes a benchmark designed specifically for your type of device. And it\\\\\\\'s not just for Windows. You can compare your scores with Android and iOS devices too. 3DMark is the only benchmark to include a range of tests for different classes of hardware: Fire Strike, for high performance gaming PCs Sky Diver, for gaming laptops and mid-range PCs Cloud Gate, for notebooks and typical home PCs Ice Storm, for smartphones, tablets and entry level PCs

CPU-M Benchmark日期:2016-06-29

作者:majorshare   大小:1.13 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:880

簡介: CPU-M Benchmark 是一款測試 CPU 效能的工具,由它測試 CPU 後得出的成績讓您可以比較出兩台電腦中的 CPU 哪個比較強勁,倘若您喜歡超頻的話,這個軟體還可讓您知道超頻後 CPU 的效能提高了多少。當執行主程式 CPU-M Benchmark.exe 之後 按下主介面中的「Start Benchmark」按鈕來開始測試,等待幾秒後就可以看到測試的成績。 [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL//CPU-M Benchmark/CM.png[/img] Description: CPU-M Benchmark’s compact, dialog-based user interface looks a lot like the system data and performance resources in Windows. A tree view-style navigation console on the left accessed main categories: Benchmark, CPU, Memory, and About, the latter accessing Web-based assistance and contacts.

硬體偵測工具 AIDA64 5.75日期:2016-06-29

作者:FinalWire Ltd.   大小:27MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:731

簡介: AIDA64 可以很完整地顯示電腦軟硬體各方面的資訊, 例如:CPU、主機板、溫度、儲存裝置、網路、晶片組……等。支援 32 位元或 64 位元的作業系統 也支援 Windows Server 2008 R2,而且它也支援 SSD 固態硬碟。 AIDA64 是一款測試軟硬體系統資訊的工具,它可以詳細的顯示出 PC 每一個方面的資訊。 AIDA64 不僅提供了諸如協助超頻,硬體偵錯,壓力測試和感知器監測等多種功能 而且還可以對處理器,系統記憶體和磁碟磁碟機的效能進行全面評估。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/AIDA64/AIDA64.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/AIDA64/A64theme_logo.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/AIDA64/AIDA64 Extreme Edition 5.00.3300.jpg[/img] 【功能特色摘要】 分析電腦硬體資訊 顯示已安裝軟體以及 Windows 之詳細資訊 顯示超頻資訊 系統穩定性測試 螢幕診斷 CPU、記憶體以及磁碟測試工具 溫度顯示 Version: 5.75.3900 stable (Jun 28, 2016) Release notes: AVX2 and FMA accelerated 64-bit benchmarks on Intel Kaby Lake and Broadwell-E/EN/EP/EX CPUs Support for Microsoft Windows 10 Redstone RS1 Insider Preview build 14372 AquaStream Ultimate and NZXT GRID+ V2 sensor support Improved Corsair Link sensor support Support for Kingston SSDNow UV400 SSDs Improved support for AMD Zen Summit Ridge CPUs Preliminary support for AMD Radeon RX 470 and Radeon RX 480 GPUs GPU details for NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070, GeForce GTX 1080 and Tesla P100 Description: AIDA64 offers a complete set of tools to benchmark, overclock, monitor, fine-tune, and troubleshoot Windows based desktop and mobile computers. AIDA64 is a powerful system information, benchmarking and diagnostic tool that can provide a host of information about the current state of your PC. The program is able to tell you a great deal about your PCs hardware, for instance, without you having to open the case. Motherboard model, CPU type and speed, chipset details, memory speeds, BIOS date, there\\\'s plenty of useful information to explore.

SSD-Z 固態硬碟資訊 16.06.23日期:2016-06-29

作者:aezay.dk   大小:278KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:394

簡介: SSD-Z是可靠的SSD固態硬碟資訊檢測工具,當然也支援傳統的HDD機械硬碟。它的介面與著名的CPU-Z極為相似,簡單直觀。SSDZ通過讀取硬碟固件中的資訊,為你提供即時的硬碟健康狀態彙報,此外它也提供了性能評分模組,可對自己的存放裝置進行打分。 [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/SSD-Z/SSD-Z -01.png[/img] [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/SSD-Z/SSD-Z -02.png[/img] Description: SSD Life analyzes how actively you use your solid-state drive and uses a special algorithm to calculate its estimated lifetime. Of course, the date of the lifetime expiration is corrected depending on how intensively you keep using your drive.

顯示卡診斷工具 GPU Caps Viewer 1.30.0日期:2016-06-29

作者:Hypergraphics-3D   大小:3.5MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:411

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU Caps Viewer/gpu_caps_viewer_logo.jpg[/img] GPU Caps Viewer是和GPU-Z類似的一款顯卡診斷識別工具,二者在顯卡的檢測識別方面可以說各有千秋。GPU-Z對顯卡的功能規格顯示的非常詳細,而GPU Caps Viewer除了對顯卡的基本規格能夠完全正確識別外,還專門提供一個有關顯卡OPENGL能力檢測測試的介面 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU Caps Viewer/GPU_Caps_Viewer.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU Caps Viewer/GPU_Caps_Viewer_ex.jpg[/img] GPU Caps Viewer 1.26.0 Changelog ====== v1.26.0.0 ======[ 2015.12.31 ] + added support of AMD Crimson graphics drivers. + added support of Radeon R9 380X. + added /export_txt_report command line parameter to export the full report to a txt file. ! updated: ZoomGPU 1.15.0 (GPU monitoring library) ! updated: GPU Shark Description: GPU Caps Viewer is a free and highly-featured tool that quickly describes the essential capabilities of your graphics card/GPU including GPU type, amount of VRAM , OpenGL API support level, OpenGL API extensions database and general system configuration, as well as a GPU-Stress-Test functionality (GPU-Burner). Furthermore, this software will allow you to view extensive reports in text or XML format.

顯示卡監測工具 GPU Shark日期:2016-06-29

作者:Hypergraphics-3D   大小:589KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:439

簡介: GPU-Shark基於ZoomGPU引擎開發,同樣小巧靈便,只有一個綠色的可執行檔,支持AMD Radeon、NVIDIA GeForce顯卡,相對於GPU-Z或GPU Caps Viewer不過更側重於顯卡狀態的監視,包括核心與PCB溫度(包括當前/最低/最高)、性能狀態、風扇轉速、顯存佔用等等,而且如果系統內有多塊顯卡的話會在同一視窗內分別顯示出來,當然它也能提供相當豐富的顯卡規格資訊。 GPU-Shark現在還提供了簡單、詳細兩種顯示模式,可通過視圖功能表進行切換。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU Shark/GPU Shark 0.6.8.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU Shark/gpushark.jpg[/img] Version – 2016.05.26 ————————— + added support of GeForce GTX 1080. ! improved support of AMD Radeon GPUs (Radeon Pro Duo, R9 Fury, Radeon R5, R7, R9 series). ! updated: ZoomGPU 1.16.0 (GPU monitoring library) Description: GPU Shark is a simple, lightweight and free GPU monitoring tool for GeForce and Radeon based graphics cards and is available for Windows only. GPU Shark offers a global view of all your graphics cards in a single window.

免費硬體檢測工具 HWiNFO v5.30日期:2016-06-29

作者:Martin Mal   大小:4.54MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:331

[img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HWiNFO/HW.png[/img] 簡介: 市面上有許多可以檢視系統資訊的軟體,但大部份的軟體都只能檢視部份資訊,例如只能顯示主機內部的溫度,或是只能顯示硬體配備。而HWiNFO32是一套整合了電腦所有資訊的好軟體,所有系統的資訊完完全全呈現在你眼前,一點都沒有遺漏,可以說是一覽無遺了!   老牌電腦硬體檢測軟體。它主要可以顯示出處理器、主機板及晶片組、PCMCIA介面、BIOS版本、記憶體等資訊,另外HWiNFO還提供了對處理器、記憶體、硬碟(WIN9X裡不可用)以及CD-ROM的性能測試功能。 在64位漸成主流的今日,老牌電腦硬體檢測軟體HWiNFO32也不甘落後,發佈了64位版本:HWiNFO64。它主要可以顯示出處理器、主機板及晶片 組、PCMCIA介面、BIOS版本、記憶體等資訊,另外HWiNFO還提供了對處理器、記憶體、硬碟(WIN9X裡不可用)以及CD-ROM的性能測試功 能。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HWiNFO/HWiNFO.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HWiNFO/hwinfo32 EX.png[/img] Description: HWiNFO™ and HWiNFO32™ are professional hardware information and diagnostic tools supporting latest components, industry technologies and standards. Both tools are designed to collect and present the maximum amount of information possible about computer\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s hardware which makes them suitable for users searching for driver updates, computer manufacturers, system integrators and technical experts as well. Retrieved information is presented in a logical and easily understandable form and can be exported into various types of reports. Features: Comprehensive hardware information System health monitoring Basic benchmarks Text, CSV, XML, HTML, MHTML report formats Periodical updates Shows all hardware components hierarchically in a tree Displays status from hardware monitors Does benchmarks


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