
CPU 調整工具 CPU-Tweaker v2.1日期:2016-04-29

作者:tweakers.fr   大小:424KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:2452

簡介: CPU的Tweaker是一種易於使用的CPU調整工具 添加一個視窗監控。 •取代平均溫度最高溫度曲線圖。 •添加面板隨時間 •提高頻率對所有的CPU。 [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/CPU-Tweaker/cputweaker.jpg[/img] Description: CPU-Tweaker is a memory tweaker for processors with an integrated memory controller: Latest release notes: -Replace the Average Temp graph by Highest Temp. -Add a panel with time elapsed.

硬體辨識工具 Hardware Identify 2.0.1日期:2016-04-29

作者:tweaking.com   大小:7.45 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:610

簡介: [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/Hardware Identify/v2.0.1.png[/img] Description: Hardware Identify 是一個偵測小工具能夠提供你偵測未知的硬體 Tweaking.com - Hardware Identify will help identify unknown hardware on your system. This program does not help you download drivers but helps let you know what the hardware is so you know what drivers to find. For example say you just reinstalled a computer and the device manager shows multiple unknown hardware with no drivers installed. Well you don\'t know what drivers to find since you don\'t know what the hardware is. Now with Tweaking.com - Hardware Identify you can see what that hardware is. The program also has a easy option to help improve the device database. Once you have all drivers installed you can have the program check for any hardware on the system that isn\'t in the database and submit it to Tweaking.com. With in a few days the database will be updated and the device list will grow with the help of users like you!

SysTool 系統調教超頻小工具日期:2016-04-29

作者:techPowerUp.com   大小:722KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:446

簡介: 可自動偵測超頻幅度,監測溫度等許多功能的小軟體 [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/SysTool/screen.gif[/img] Description: SysTool SysTool is an allround tweak and overclocking utility for enthusiasts. Main Features Motherboard Monitoring ATI Video Card Overclocking NVIDIA Video Card Overclocking Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Control AMD64 Cool&Quiet Control HDD Acoustic Management Changing chipset memory timings for i855/i848/i865/i875/i915/i925/i945/i955 and AMD64 Changing CPU FSB (includes ABIT uGuru). SysTool will only work on Windows 2000/XP/2003 (64 bit versions are supported). SysTool is no longer in active development and will not support the latest hardware.

SteamVR 效能測試工具日期:2016-04-29

作者:Valve   大小:1.31MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:901

簡介: Valve釋出VR效能測試工具SteamVR,以評估電腦的渲染能力,渲染上能否維持90 fps的畫面更新率,以及VR內容的視覺逼真度能否達到建議水準,對於未達標準的系統,可分析效能受限的原因是顯示卡或處理器。 [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/SteamVR/steamvr_header.jpg[/img] [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/SteamVR/steamvr-headset-support-play-area-input.jpg[/img] Description: The SteamVR Performance Test measures your system\\\'s rendering power using a 2-minute sequence from Valves Aperture Robot Repair VR demo. After collecting the data it determines whether your system is capable of running VR content at 90fps and whether VR content can tune the visual fidelity up to the recommended level. For machines that are not VR Ready the tool can help determine whether capabilities are bound by Graphics Card, CPU, or both.

顯卡綜合測試 3DMark (2013) v2.0.2067日期:2016-04-29

作者:Futuremark.com   大小:2.1 GB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:578

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D-Mark-20131.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/Sky Diver.jpg[/img] Futuremark 11 日宣佈推出 3DMark Sky Diver 基準測試,這是新一代 3DMark 的更新版本,在現有的 Ice Storm 、 Cloud Gate 及 FireStrike 中加入第四個測試場景, Sky Diver 測試項目將會採用 DirectX 11 功能層級,主要針對中階 PC 系列及 Gaming Notebook 產品。 據了解, 3DMark Sky Diver 基準測試性能要求將介乎 Fire Strike 和 Cloud Gate 之間,有別於 Cloud Gate 採用 DirectX 10 功能層級 720p 解析度, Sky Diver 將會採用 DirectX 11 功能層級 1080p 解析度, Futuremark 建議如果 Fire Strike 成績得分在 2800 以下,應採用 Sky Diver 測試作為基準,如 Sky Diver 測試成績在 12800 以上則應使用 Fire Strike 作基準。 3DMark Sky Diver 包括 Demo 、兩個 GT 繪圖測試、一個 PT 物理測試與一個 CT 合併測試,繪圖測試測量 GPU 效能,物理測試測量 CPU 效能,合併測試則同時對 GPU 和 CPU 加壓,而演示不會影響測試分數。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D2013.png[/img] Version History 2.0.2067 This minor update fixes a few issues that came to light after the release of our big update on April 6. Benchmark scores are unaffected. Fixed SystemInfo module updated to 4.45 to fix a compatibility issue with Russian and Chinese language Windows. Fixed the Unicode compatibility issue with Russian and Chinese language Windows. Fixed the white screen issue when installing 3DMark under a NTFS Junction or Mount Point. Fixed the missing button text issue affecting a small number of users. Description: 3DMark - The Gamer\'s Benchmark for all your hardware Whether you\'re gaming on a smartphone, tablet, notebook, laptop, desktop, or a high performance gaming PC, 3DMark includes a benchmark designed specifically for your type of device. And it\'s not just for Windows. You can compare your scores with Android and iOS devices too. 3DMark is the only benchmark to include a range of tests for different classes of hardware: Fire Strike, for high performance gaming PCs Sky Diver, for gaming laptops and mid-range PCs Cloud Gate, for notebooks and typical home PCs Ice Storm, for smartphones, tablets and entry level PCs

硬體綜合測試 PCMark 8 v2.7.613日期:2016-04-29

作者:Futuremark.com   大小:3.0 GB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:687

[img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/pcmark8-logo-bg-wide.jpg[/img] 簡介: 眾所周知,PCMark的任務則是整體性地考察電腦系統的綜合性能。 最新發佈的PCMark 8主要是面向安裝了Windows 8作業系統的 桌上型電腦、筆記本、平板機,尤其是最新發佈的Intel Haswell、AMD Richland APU平臺,當然也相容Windows 7。 PCMark 8包括五個性能測試子項、一個電池續航測試子項 其中後者是首次加入,以後就不用再找單獨的工具了。 -家庭(Home)、娛樂(Creative)、辦公(Work)測試 這三個專案用來考察最常見的電腦應用模式,分別指羽量級家庭應用 高負載的媒體和娛樂活動、典型的辦公任務。 每一項又包括一系列的負載測試,包含諸如上網、文字錄入、照片編輯、視頻聊天、遊戲等等。 應用(Applications)測試 官方宣稱是最激動人心的新功能之一。 它使用來自微軟Office 2010+、Adobe CS6+系列的最流行應用程式來考察系統性能 而且允許使用者根據自己系統安裝的應用來選擇進行哪些測試。 儲存(Storage)測試 測試物件是機械硬碟、固態硬碟、混合硬碟。 通過微軟Office、Adobe CS和其它一些特定流行應用 能夠充分反映不同存放裝置之間的實際性能差異。 電池續航(Battery Life)測試 PCMark系列史上第一次加入電池相關測試。 選擇電池續航模式(Battery Life Mode) 就會反復迴圈進行家庭、娛樂、辦公測試 直至電池容量幾乎耗盡,從而最精確地衡量真實的電池續航能力。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/PCMark 8.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/pcmark8-logo-bg-.jpg[/img] Version History 2.7.613 This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are not affected. Improved SystemInfo module updated to 4.45 for improved hardware compatibility. Fixed Fixed an issue where Photo Editing tests failed to run when the system path name included non-Latin characters. Professional Edition only Improved reporting of system information in the PDF report adds detailed OS version, detailed storage information, write cache policy information, power profile information, and the number of memory channels. The application version number is shown in the header. The drive used in storage test is shown next to the scores. Description: PCMark 8 is an essential benchmark for testing the latest Windows 8 notebooks, tablets and desktop PCs. Improving on previous releases, PCMark 8 includes battery life measurement tools and new tests using popular applications from the Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Office. PCMark 8, the latest in the series of popular PC benchmarking tools, includes battery life measurement tools and new tests using popular applications from Adobe and Microsoft. Each of the five benchmarks included in PCMark 8 produces a score you can use to compare systems. Or use the detailed results from each workload to gain a deeper understanding of system performance. The industry standard PC benchmark test for Windows 8 and Windows 7 Combines performance testing with new battery life measurement tools. Includes new tests using popular applications from Microsoft and Adobe. Ideal for testing the performance of SSDs and hybrid storage devices.

Futuremark SystemInfo 4.45日期:2016-04-22

作者:Futuremark.com   大小:2.77MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:366

簡介: SystemInfo(系統資訊)是用於識別系統硬體的一個元件,廣泛用在我們的多個基準測試中 它不收集任何個人身份識別資訊。系統資訊更新不會影響基準測試分數,但可能需要最新版本才能獲取有效分數。 SystemInfo Version 4.45 Updated April 13, 2016 Fixed compatibility issues with foreign language Windows versions that could cause benchmarks to crash while processing the result. [img]https://www.futuremark.com/static/images/futuremark-logo.png[/img] Description: SystemInfo FAQ SystemInfo is a component used in many of our benchmarks to identify the hardware in your system. It does not collect any personally identifiable information. SystemInfo updates do not affect benchmark scores but you may need the latest version in order to obtain a valid score.

硬碟健診工具 CrystalDiskInfo 6.8.1日期:2016-04-22

作者:Shizuku   大小:1.3MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:297

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalDiskInfo/Cover-afswa.blogspot.jpeg[/img] 硬碟健診工具–CrystalDiskInfo(簡稱:CDI),打開後便可以顯示硬碟健康狀態、溫度及一些進階資訊 支援一般的硬碟、固態硬碟(Intel、MTRON、SAMSUNG、Indilinx)及部份的外接式USB硬碟。 硬碟裡的資料至關重要,因此時常檢查硬碟健康狀況是有必要的,CrystalDiskInfo是一個小軟體,它通過讀取S.M.A.R.T瞭解硬碟健康狀況. 開啟它,您就可以迅速讀到本機硬碟的詳細資訊,包括介面、轉速、溫度、使用時間等.軟體還會根據S.M.A.R.T的評分做出評估,當硬碟快要損壞時還會發出警示。 S.M.A.R.T. 該技術可以幫我們監控以及分析磁碟機的健康狀況。但一般我們比較難了解到該部份的資訊。 不過,透過 CrystalDiskInfo 這個磁碟工具,可以讓我們了解到該部份資訊,進而了解磁碟機的健康狀況。 CrystalDiskInfo 支援硬碟以及 SSD,並顯示出這些裝置的健康狀況以及技術資訊 例如:使用時數、溫度、傳輸模式、硬體序號、緩衝區大小…等。有一點要注意的是,這類資訊僅供參考,並不完全代表磁碟的真正的健康。 6.8.0 [2016/04/10] Improved NVMe support on Windows 10. If you use Windows 8.1 or earlier, please install Intel/Samsung NVMe driver. [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalDiskInfo/CrystalDiskInfo.jpg[/img] 6.8.1 [2016/04/12] Fixed bugs (6.8.0~) Description: CrystalDiskInfo shows the temperature and health information about your hard disks. It can read and display the S.M.A.R.T. values of various hard disks present in your computer. These numbers decide tell you the number of bad sectors and reallocated sectors, both of which indicate a possibility of failure of your disk.r. CrystalDiskInfo is a HDD/SSD utility which supports S.M.A.R.T. * Easy-to-understand user interface * Monitoring health status and temperature * Graph of S.M.A.R.T information


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