
顯示卡監測工具 GPU Shark 0.8.0日期:2014-03-15

作者:Hypergraphics-3D   大小:589KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:457

簡介: GPU-Shark基於ZoomGPU引擎開發,同樣小巧靈便,只有一個綠色的可執行檔,支持AMD Radeon、NVIDIA GeForce顯卡,相對於GPU-Z或GPU Caps Viewer不過更側重於顯卡狀態的監視,包括核心與PCB溫度(包括當前/最低/最高)、性能狀態、風扇轉速、顯存佔用等等,而且如果系統內有多塊顯卡的話會在同一視窗內分別顯示出來,當然它也能提供相當豐富的顯卡規格資訊。 GPU-Shark現在還提供了簡單、詳細兩種顯示模式,可通過視圖功能表進行切換。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU Shark/GPU Shark 0.6.8.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU Shark/gpushark.jpg[/img] Description: GPU Shark 0.73 Changelog A new release of GPU Shark is available. GPU Shark 0.7.3 adds the support of GeForce GTX 760 and the GPU monitoring lib has been updated to its latest version (v1.8.18). What is GPU Shark? GPU Shark is a simple, lightweight (around 200KB) and free GPU monitoring tool, based on ZoomGPU, for GeForce and Radeon based graphics cards and is available for Windows only. GPU Shark offers a global view of all your graphics cards in a single window. More information HERE.

免費硬體檢測工具 HWiNFO v4.34.2130日期:2014-02-27

作者:Martin Mal   大小:10.1MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:733

[img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HWiNFO/HW.png[/img] 簡介: 市面上有許多可以檢視系統資訊的軟體,但大部份的軟體都只能檢視部份資訊,例如只能顯示主機內部的溫度,或是只能顯示硬體配備。而HWiNFO32是一套整合了電腦所有資訊的好軟體,所有系統的資訊完完全全呈現在你眼前,一點都沒有遺漏,可以說是一覽無遺了!   老牌電腦硬體檢測軟體。它主要可以顯示出處理器、主機板及晶片組、PCMCIA介面、BIOS版本、記憶體等資訊,另外HWiNFO還提供了對處理器、記憶體、硬碟(WIN9X裡不可用)以及CD-ROM的性能測試功能。 在64位漸成主流的今日,老牌電腦硬體檢測軟體HWiNFO32也不甘落後,發佈了64位版本:HWiNFO64。它主要可以顯示出處理器、主機板及晶片 組、PCMCIA介面、BIOS版本、記憶體等資訊,另外HWiNFO還提供了對處理器、記憶體、硬碟(WIN9X裡不可用)以及CD-ROM的性能測試功 能。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HWiNFO/HWiNFO.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HWiNFO/hwinfo32 EX.png[/img] Description: HWiNFO™ and HWiNFO32™ are professional hardware information and diagnostic tools supporting latest components, industry technologies and standards. Both tools are designed to collect and present the maximum amount of information possible about compute\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s hardware which makes them suitable for users searching for driver updates, computer manufacturers, system integrators and technical experts as well. Retrieved information is presented in a logical and easily understandable form and can be exported into various types of reports. Features: Comprehensive hardware information System health monitoring Basic benchmarks Text, CSV, XML, HTML, MHTML report formats Periodical updates Shows all hardware components hierarchically in a tree Displays status from hardware monitors Does benchmarks

顯示卡監測工具 GPU-Z 0.7.7日期:2014-02-17

作者:techPowerUp.com   大小:1.2MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:791

簡介: GPU-Z 可以讓您快速了解顯示卡型號、晶片、製程、BIOS版本、Driver版本等等有關於顯示卡的資訊,而他目前同時支援了ATI和Nvidia顯示卡,另外提供更新檢查的功能。 GPU-Z 是一款專業的顯示卡檢測工具軟體,同時支援 ATI和NVIDAI晶片的顯示卡,經由 GPU-Z 可讓我們充份地了解顯示卡晶片訊息,包括:晶片類型、製程、晶片大小、匯流排介面、DirectX版本、記憶體類型、記憶體大小、驅動程式版本…等,而且我們還能透過時脈的部份,來判斷我們的顯示卡是否有超頻 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU-Z/GPU-Z.gif/[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU-Z/GPU 1.jpeg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU-Z/GPU 2.jpeg[/img] Revision History 0.7.7 The change-log follows. Sensor refresh rate is adjustable now Fixed GM107 TMU & shader count Improved NVIDIA Maxwell support Added CHiL8214 voltage monitoring for Pitcairn/Curacao cards Added support for NVIDIA Tesla K20Xm, GTX 860M Added support for AMD Radeon HD 8210

系統監測 Speccy 1.25.674日期:2014-02-17

作者:CCleaner   大小:3.7MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:648

簡介: Speccy是由 CCleaner所屬開發團隊所開發出的另一套軟體,他主要是來監控電腦硬體的相關資訊,如記憶體的插槽數、CPU、硬碟的溫度及相關的資料等。而這個軟體目前只有英文的版本,而且目前是beta的狀況,如果你對於你電腦的資訊有興趣的話,可以下載此一軟體來試試喔! 系統檢測工具–Speccy,由發行CCleaner的Piriform Ltd.製作,可以偵測你的作業系統、處理器(含溫度)、記憶體、主機板、顯示卡、硬碟(含溫度)、光碟機、音效卡...等資訊,是電腦維修、升級、交易時的重要資訊。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Speccy/Speccy.png[/img] What\\\\\\\'s new in this version: - Added USB storage device detection. - Improved CPU and motherboard temperature reading accuracy. - Added option to skip User Account Control warning. - Added ability to refresh Speccy data. - Added option to start Speccy with Windows. - Enhanced hard drive information to include sector and track data. - Added scriptable parameters for XML and TXT data export (professional edition only). - Improved network adaptor detection. - Improved debug mode notification. - Minor bug fixes and GUI improvements. Description: Speccy will give you detailed statistics on every piece of hardware in your computer. Including CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Graphics Cards, Hard Disks, Optical Drives, Audio support. Additionally Speccy adds the temperatures of your different components, so you can easily see if there\\\\\\\'s a problem!

顯示器測試工具 Monitor Plus日期:2014-02-17

作者:MicroTools4U   大小:36kB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:850

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Monitor Plus/Monitor.gif[/img] Description: This program is for management of brightness, contrast and colour (temperature) of the primary monitor … Small and skilful … Has built-in modes - as named sets of adjusted values, and \'everywhere keys\' (hotkeys: Ctrl-Alt - …) to select one from them, and to change simple values, and to call the screen saver or to turn off the monitor … The information on names of keys and colours is issued by a separate file and is not included in the general distributed file. For new versions use the MicroTools4U\'s Updater.

液晶檢測工具 IsMyLcdOK 2.44日期:2014-02-17

作者:Nenad Hrg   大小:50KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1086

簡介: IsMyLcdOK是一個檢測液晶顯示器是否存在壞點的小程式。軟體只有12KB大小,可以不需要安裝直接運行,也不需要其它運行環境。按0-9執行檢測,或者按任意鍵依次進行檢測,F1回到功能表。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/IsMyLcdOK/IsMyLcdOK.jpg[/img] Description: IsMyLcdOK is a small program but effective solution to easily check for dead/paralysed/stuck pixels on LCD monitors. Many manufacturer\\\\\\\'s provide the highest industry standard dead pixel policy. IsMyLcdOK does not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop, and can be carried on a small usb-stick or other memory device. Testing for dead pixels is very simple ;)

匯流排檢測軟體 PCI-Z 1.2日期:2014-02-17

作者:Bruno Banelli   大小:540KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:441

簡介: PCI-Z是一款輕量級的系統工具,可以檢測PCI的資訊,此工具也可用於檢測未知設備的資訊,支援PCI-E,PCI-X等設備,由於軟件剛剛推出,目前還沒有中文版,但不影響使用。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PCI-Z/PCI-Z-ScreenShot.png[/img] Change log 1.2 (Jan 27, 2014) Command line options Screenshot ability E-mail report Better PCI ID database manipulation and redundancy Automatic search for driver (requires browser and Internet connection) Bug fixes and code improvements Description: PCI-Z is a freeware lightweight system utility designed to provide information about (unknown) PCI (PCI-E, PCI-X...) devices. PCI-Z screenshot PCI-Z is designed for detecting unknown hardware on your Windows based PC. It will help you determine vendor, device and certain details about device even if you don\'t have drivers installed. Software uses The PCI ID Repository, a public repository of all known ID\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s used in PCI devices: ID\'s of vendors, devices, subsystems and device classes. It is used in various programs (e.g. The PCI Utilities) to display full human-readable names instead of cryptic numeric codes.

顯示卡監測工具 GPU-Z 0.7.6日期:2014-02-17

作者:techPowerUp.com   大小:1.2MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:606

簡介: GPU-Z 可以讓您快速了解顯示卡型號、晶片、製程、BIOS版本、Driver版本等等有關於顯示卡的資訊,而他目前同時支援了ATI和Nvidia顯示卡,另外提供更新檢查的功能。 GPU-Z 是一款專業的顯示卡檢測工具軟體,同時支援 ATI和NVIDAI晶片的顯示卡,經由 GPU-Z 可讓我們充份地了解顯示卡晶片訊息,包括:晶片類型、製程、晶片大小、匯流排介面、DirectX版本、記憶體類型、記憶體大小、驅動程式版本…等,而且我們還能透過時脈的部份,來判斷我們的顯示卡是否有超頻 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU-Z/GPU-Z.gif/[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU-Z/GPU 1.jpeg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU-Z/GPU 2.jpeg[/img] Revision History 0.7.6 Added graphics memory vendor detection Updated integrated NVFlash for BIOS readings Improved voltage monitoring support for GTX 780 Ti Added support for new Intel Iris 5200 variant Added support for AMD Radeon R7 M265, R5 M230, Kaveri A10-7850K, A10-7700K, AMD Stream 9350, Radeon HD 8530M, HD 8650D Added support for NVIDIA GTX Titan Black, GTX 750 (GM107), GTX 750 Ti (GM107), GeForce 840M (GM108), GTX 760 (192-bit), GT 750M (Apple), GT 735M, GT 720M


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