
硬體報表訊息 Belarc Advisor日期:2013-06-10

作者:Belarc, Inc.   大小:3.2MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:642

簡介:  Belarc Advisor可以提供包括電腦安裝的作業系統、配置的CPU型號和驅動器的類型及品牌等17個專案的詳細資料。這個新版本會提供一個最佳化的報表供你參考。英文版,免費使用。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Belarc Advisor/Belarc Advisor.png[/img] Description: The Belarc Advisor builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware, network inventory, missing Microsoft hotfixes, anti-virus status, security benchmarks, and displays the results in your Web browser. All of your PC profile information is kept private on your PC and is not sent to any web server.

Intel 桌面工具 Desktop Utilities 3日期:2013-06-10

作者:Intel Corp   大小:12.0MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:797

簡介: Intel為其最新晶片組量身定做了一款名為Intel Desktop Utilities的綜合應用套裝程式,它為使用者提供了從硬體監控,硬碟維護到檔案備份,系統查錯,網路安全等全方位的支援。它主要是由以下幾部分組 成: 1.Hardware Monitor(硬體監控程序),它類似於Intel英特爾以前推出的Active Monitor主機板健康監控程序,它可以為用戶提供CPU和主機板的溫度狀況,CPU風扇、系統風扇、電源風扇的轉速,以及電源電壓的情況,更重要的是它還 可以把處理器、主機板、記憶體等方面的詳細資訊告知使用者。 2.Diskeeper Lite Defragmentation(磁片整理程式)它的作用是整理磁片碎片,改善系統性能。 3.NTI Backup Now(備份程式)它可以將檔案備份到CD或DVD中。 4.Stress Test(測試程式)它最大的作用在於可以及時的檢測硬體是否有問題。 5.Symantec Security Check(安全檢測程式)它的功能就重要多了,查殺病毒,網路安全都歸它管。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Intel/iascfull.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Intel/Intel DTU.png[/img] Description: Intel® Desktop Utilities is a system monitoring application that is essential for the system user who does not have the support of a large IT department. Intel Desktop Utilities provides you with the means to monitor system temperatures, voltages, fan speeds, and hard drive health; view detailed system information, and test your system hardware for common errors. Intel Desktop Utilities will display and log alerts if system parameters deviate from optimal setting to let users take preventative action.

顯示卡監測工具 GPU-Z 0.7.1日期:2013-05-25

作者:techPowerUp.com   大小:1.2MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:864

簡介: GPU-Z 可以讓您快速了解顯示卡型號、晶片、製程、BIOS版本、Driver版本等等有關於顯示卡的資訊,而他目前同時支援了ATI和Nvidia顯示卡,另外提供更新檢查的功能。 GPU-Z 是一款專業的顯示卡檢測工具軟體,同時支援 ATI和NVIDAI晶片的顯示卡,經由 GPU-Z 可讓我們充份地了解顯示卡晶片訊息,包括:晶片類型、製程、晶片大小、匯流排介面、DirectX版本、記憶體類型、記憶體大小、驅動程式版本…等,而且我們還能透過時脈的部份,來判斷我們的顯示卡是否有超頻 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU-Z/GPU-Z.gif/[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU-Z/GPU 1.jpeg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU-Z/GPU 2.jpeg[/img] Revision History 0.7.1 Added support for NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770, GTX 780, GTX 650 Ti OEM, GT 640 (GK208), GT 630 (GK208), GT 730M, GT 750M, GTX 780M, GRID K1, GRID K2 Added support for AMD Radeon HD 7730, HD 8310G, HD 6480G, HD 8410G, HD 8450G, HD 8510G, HD 8550G, HD 8610G, HD 8650G Fixed BIOS reading on GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost Added experimental sensor readout to show reason for power capping on recent NVIDIA cards Fixed clock readings on some older NVIDIA cards Improved detection for future NVIDIA cards

免費硬體檢測工具 ASTRA32 3.04日期:2013-05-25

作者:Sysinfo Lab   大小:1.9MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:706

簡介: ASTRA32一款硬體資訊檢測工具。應用在MS Windows作業系統下的硬體檢測工具,ASTRA是Advanced Sysinfo Tool and Reporting Assistant的英文縮寫,這是應用在32位元作業系統的版本,他還有一個姊妹版本ASTRA專門應用在16位元MS系統下。ASTRA32可以檢測你的 所有已知和未知的硬體產品,包括CPU的頻率、特徵、Cache,主機板品牌生產商、主機板BIOS、顯示卡、硬碟、光碟機 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ASTRA32/astra32.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ASTRA32/astra32.png[/img] Description: ASTRA32 - Advanced System Information Tool ASTRA32 - Advanced System Information Tool is an ideal solution for providing comprehensive information about the configuration of your system. Not only does ASTRA32 provide a detailed analysis of your system it also offers diagnostics and comes with some powerful unique features such as a Drivers Troubleshooter and a quick HDD Health Status checker. You will appreciate the accuracy with which ASTRA32 acquires the information about the detected devices as it mostly refers directly to the hardware not to the Windows Registry. ASTRA32 uncovers even undocumented data. You can be sure that the obtained information about the computer hardware and device operational modes is precise irrespective of the installed drivers. ASTRA32 has a unique feature (Drivers Troubleshooter) that allows searching for all physical devices and creates a list of all devices whose drivers are not properly installed or completely missing.

硬體溫度偵測 HMonitor v4.5.3.5日期:2013-05-25

作者:AB Software   大小:1.8MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:682

簡介: HMonitor 是一套微量型的系統工具,它能夠常駐在Windows 作業系統裡,並偵測重要硬體的溫度和轉速,像是主機板、CPU、硬碟的溫度,都能夠顯示出來,甚至連風扇的轉速,也都能提供給我們知道。 如果是長時間使用電腦的人或是想了解電腦這些訊息的話,HMonitor是很好的選擇。 軟體特色: 包括CPU溫度,電壓,及電風扇使用情形,內建CPU溫度與電壓標准數值,可設定當CPU溫度太高或電壓不穩,及超過標准數值時提出警告,另可自定WAV聲音文件來警告使用者。 提供電壓、轉速、溫度等偵測。 當偵測數據超過標準值時,可自動送出e-Mail訊息,讓我們知道。 可顯示BIOS和CPU的版本等資訊。 可將偵測數據做為純文字記錄檔。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HMonitor/HMonitor.png[/img] Description: Hardware sensors monitor utilizes sensor chips on smart motherboards to track system and CPU core temperatures, voltages and cooling fans. By quickly catching an overheated computer, you can prevent disasters such as system instability or damage. The program is resource friendly, resides quietly in the system tray, and continually monitors the various parameters. By clicking its icon, you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll view real time values for each component. Hmonitor supports all modern Windows versions: Windows 7, Vista, 2008, XP, 2003, 2000 ,NT4, including X64 editions

CPU-Z 1.64日期:2013-05-17

作者:www.cpuid.com   大小:774 KB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:846

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CPUZ/softwares-cpuz.jpg[/img] CPU-Z 是一個免費且迷你且眾所皆知的 CPU 資訊偵測軟體,它主要提供了 CPU 類型、時脈、電壓、外頻、倍頻、製程、快取記憶體大小…等資訊。另外,它也提供了主機板型號、BIOS 版本、晶片組、顯示卡、作業系統版本、DirectX 版本等資訊。 CPU-Z 1.64 has been released. That version adds the following : - Intel Atom Cloverview. - Intel Ivy Bridge-E/EP/EX. - AMD Richland APUs. Description: CPU-Z yields an impressive data sheet of a computer system\\\\\\\'s functions and operations. By cutting out a lot of technical and manual searching, this handy freeware generates a list of information that computer lovers will find very helpful. We had no trouble operating the program\\\\\\\'s interface since it had practically no command icons. The program is basically like reading a report, though one rich in information. Casual computer users probably won\'t get much from CPU-Z, since the information it presents is heavily data oriented. However, technophiles will love its attention to detail.

免費硬體檢測工具 HWiNFO32/64 v4.18-1930日期:2013-05-17

作者:Martin Mal   大小:2.7MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:644

簡介: 市面上有許多可以檢視系統資訊的軟體,但大部份的軟體都只能檢視部份資訊,例如只能顯示主機內部的溫度,或是只能顯示硬體配備。而HWiNFO32是一套整合了電腦所有資訊的好軟體,所有系統的資訊完完全全呈現在你眼前,一點都沒有遺漏,可以說是一覽無遺了!   老牌電腦硬體檢測軟體。它主要可以顯示出處理器、主機板及晶片組、PCMCIA介面、BIOS版本、記憶體等資訊,另外HWiNFO還提供了對處理器、記憶體、硬碟(WIN9X裡不可用)以及CD-ROM的性能測試功能。 在64位漸成主流的今日,老牌電腦硬體檢測軟體HWiNFO32也不甘落後,發佈了64位版本:HWiNFO64。它主要可以顯示出處理器、主機板及晶片 組、PCMCIA介面、BIOS版本、記憶體等資訊,另外HWiNFO還提供了對處理器、記憶體、硬碟(WIN9X裡不可用)以及CD-ROM的性能測試功 能。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HWiNFO/HWiNFO.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HWiNFO/hwinfo32 EX.png[/img] Description: HWiNFO™ and HWiNFO32™ are professional hardware information and diagnostic tools supporting latest components, industry technologies and standards. Both tools are designed to collect and present the maximum amount of information possible about computer\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s hardware which makes them suitable for users searching for driver updates, computer manufacturers, system integrators and technical experts as well. Retrieved information is presented in a logical and easily understandable form and can be exported into various types of reports. Features: Comprehensive hardware information System health monitoring Basic benchmarks Text, CSV, XML, HTML, MHTML report formats Periodical updates Shows all hardware components hierarchically in a tree Displays status from hardware monitors Does benchmarks

My HDD Speed 2.11日期:2013-05-17

作者:My Portable Software   大小:100KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:632

簡介: My HDD Speed 是個相當簡易型的小工具,主要功能就是即時顯示當前電腦中全部硬碟機的讀取與寫入速度,如果你常常使用 P2P 之類的工具來下載檔案,用來架站、或你的電腦有跟區域網路內的其他電腦連線,希望能知道什麼時候有被大量讀取或寫入檔案,都可以直接在 My HDD Speed 監控視窗中即時看到目前的最新硬碟讀寫狀況。 My HDD Speed 的功能與介面都弄得相當簡單,打開之後視窗中只會有向左跟向右兩個箭頭,「紅色向右的箭頭」表示正在寫入資料到硬碟,「綠色向左的箭頭」表示正在從硬碟中讀取資料,只要看到顏色跟數字便可知道目前電腦中的硬碟是否正在大量存取中。 My HDD Speed 跟其他類似的軟體比起來,最大的特色就是簡單,所以也沒有其他什麼曲線圖、圓餅圖…等等統計資訊或額外的顯示方式或管理工具,就是簡單的一個視窗顯示最基本的數據這樣。適合給不喜歡太複雜難搞的等工具的人。 Description: My HDD Speed is a small tool which displays the current read/ write speed of all your hard drives in a tiny window on your desktop. The program is portable, too, so there\'s nothing to install; just run the executable for a simple way to keep an eye on your hard drive activity. One problem we did notice here is that sometimes, just occasionally, the My HDD Speed window was displayed below that of other applications. We\'ve no idea why, and after minimising our other applications and clicking the program window, it correctly displayed on top of everything else. My HDD Speed monitor in real time all the hard disk drives and shows the speed (read / write) in a tiny window. Also you can test the speed of your hard drive and save the statistics to file.


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