
Hard Disk Sentinel v4.10日期:2012-12-28

作者:H.D.S. Hungary   大小:13.8MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:1354

簡介: 儲存裝置已經是人們不可或缺的東西,尤其硬碟是我們存放資料最多的地方,雖然有記憶卡、SSD等設備,但是硬碟還是最必要的,那硬碟的健康及運作情況是不容忽視的,所以有效的監控及處理,可以避免一些慘劇發生,Hard Disk Sentinel就可以幫你避免這些事情,完整仔細的監控,支援IDE / Serial ATA (S-ATA) / SCSI / SAS / USB merevlemezeket,連伺服器的Raid也支援喔。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HDS/Hard Disk Sentinel Pro.jpg[/img] Description: Hard Disk Sentinel (HDSentinel) is a multi-OS SSD and HDD monitoring and analysis software. Its goal is to find, test, diagnose and repair hard disk drive problems, report and display SSD and HDD health, performance degradations and failures. Hard Disk Sentinel gives complete textual description, tips and displays/reports the most comprehensive information about the hard disks and solid state disks inside the computer and in external enclosures (USB hard disks / e-SATA hard disks). Many different alerts and report options are available to ensure maximum safety of your valuable data.

Unigine Heaven DX11 Benchmark 3.0日期:2012-12-23

作者: Unigine   大小:236MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:14115

簡介: Heaven Benchmark是一款專門測試顯示卡效能的軟體,支援DirectX 11,可評分數,支援Windows和Linux Unigine Engine所製作的測試電腦性能及畫面的軟體“Heaven Benchmark”(天堂測試軟體)。這是繼2008年的“Tropics”(熱帶海島)測試軟體之後的最新測試軟體,該軟體支援DirectX 9/10/11及OpenGL 3.2,只要自行下載安裝,馬上可以在自己的電腦上體驗次世代遊戲的畫面,還可以自己操控視角 Unigine引擎日前發佈了基於其Unigine引擎的首款DirectX 11顯卡測試軟體——Heaven,該測試工具提供以下特性: * 原生支持OpenGL、DirectX 9、DirectX 10和DirectX 11 * Tessellation技術的綜合利用 * 高級螢幕空間環境光遮蔽 * 由精確的物理計算生成積雨雲 * 動態的天空與光散射 * 飛行/步行模式的互動式體驗 * 支援ATI Eyefinity技術 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Heaven DX11/heaven_gui.png[/img] Description: Heaven Benchmark is a DirectX 11 GPU benchmark based on advanced UNIGINE™ engine. It reveals the enchanting magic of floating islands with a tiny village hidden in the cloudy skies. Interactive mode provides emerging experience of exploring the intricate world of steampunk. It is the first DirectX 11 benchmark in the world, the original version was released at the moment of Microsoft Windows 7 launch in October, 2009.

Unreal 3 PLA Engine DirectX 11 Benchmark日期:2012-12-23

作者:Giant IronHorse   大小:566.6 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:9700

簡介: PLA 是一款免費的多人線上第一人稱射擊遊戲, 用 Epic Games 的 Unreal Engine 3 遊戲引擎製作目前繪圖最先進的中國製遊戲。 除了採用曲面細分和散景等 DirectX 11 特效外 PLA 亦大量使用 NVIDIA GPU 加速的 PhysX 技術來製作更真實、符合物理原則的特效。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Unigine PLA Benchmark/pla-dx11-benchmark.jpg[/img] Description: Passion Leads Army (PLA) is a highly anticipated, free-to-play, multiplayer online first-person shooter from Giant IronHorse. Known locally as 光荣使命, Giant IronHorse\'s shooter is one of the most graphically advanced Chinese titles to date, in part thanks to the use of Epic Games\' Unreal Engine 3. Featuring a range of DirectX 11 effects, such as tessellation and Bokeh depth of field, PLA also makes extensive use of NVIDIA’s GPU-accelerated PhysX technology to generate realistic, physics-led effects. To help promote PLA, and to get gamers ready for its launch later this year, Giant IronHorse has released the first-ever Chinese-developed DirectX 11 benchmark featuring the aforementioned range of effects.

Fraps 3.5.9日期:2012-12-22

作者:Beepa Pty Ltd   大小:2.2   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1888

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Fraps/fraps_win33.gif[/img] Fraps 是一個 Windows 下的一個錄影軟體,它可以錄製使用 DX(DirectX) 或 OGL(OpenGL) 的遊戲。 目前,Fraps 集成了以下功能: 電腦壓力測試(基準測試) – 顯示遊戲幀數 (FPS) 到任意一個角落,也可以保存資料到硬碟然後通過壓力測試來查看任意兩個時間點之間的速率。 遊戲截圖功能(螢幕截圖) – 按下熱鍵即可截圖! 不再需要 手動截屏(Print Scrn) 然後粘貼到畫圖保存,截圖會自動命名並加上時間戳記。 遊戲錄影功能(即時錄影) – 你又沒有試過在玩遊戲的時候把它們全部錄下來作為回憶呢?加入機器[fgfw]革命[/fgfw]吧,扔掉你的 攝像機(VCR),遊戲錄製不需要這麼麻煩! Fraps 可以錄製高達 7680×4800 的螢幕解析度以及 1-120 幀每秒(FPS) 的高品質視頻! Description: Fraps is a universal Windows application that can be used with games using DirectX or OpenGL graphic technology. In its current form Fraps performs many tasks and can best be described as: Benchmarking Software – Show how many Frames Per Second (FPS) you are getting in a corner of your screen. Perform custom benchmarks and measure the frame rate between any two points. Save the statistics out to disk and use them for your own reviews and applications. Screen Capture Software – Take a screenshot with the press of a key! There’s no need to paste into a paint program every time you want a new shot. Your screen captures are automatically named and timestamped.

TessMark 0.3.0日期:2012-12-19

作者:Geeks3D   大小:1,951 KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:594

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/TessMark/TessMark.jpg[/img] “TessMark”,專門用來在OpenGL 4的基礎上考驗顯卡的曲面細分功能。   因為基於OpenGL 4規範,所以運行TessMark的前提就是Radeon HD 5000、GeForce GTX 400系列顯卡,作業系統則支援Windows XP/Vista/7。   TessMark提供了性能測試和穩定性測試兩種運行模式,可以選擇解析度、後期效果和多重採樣抗鋸齒級別,特別是還有四種曲面細分級別,其中 適度(Moderate)、普通(Normal)相當於我們在正常遊戲中見到的水準,極端(Extreme)、瘋狂(Insane)則是純粹壓榨顯卡潛 力。 Description: TessMark, is small synthetic graphics benchmark focused on one of the killer features of Direct3D 11 and OpenGL 4 capable cards, I mean the GPU tessellation. Like Unigine Heaven, TessMark allows to select the level tessellation. The small difference is that TessMark proposes four differents levels (see the screenshots at the end of the post): moderate normal extreme insane

PC Wizard v 2012.2.1日期:2012-12-19

作者:cpuid.com   大小:3.59MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:803

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PC-wizard/PC-wizard-2012.jpg[/img] PC Wizard這軟體跟之前介紹過的EVEREST、Speccy、HWiNFO32、SWI與ASTRA32...等軟體的功能類似,不過PC Wizard除了偵測、查詢目前電腦中的硬體配備之外,還提供更多電腦管理與測試方面的功能。如果你不清楚目前電腦的等級與配備有哪些內容,或你想知道主機板、CPU、顯示卡、硬碟、光碟機…等等裝置的廠牌型號,或者不想拆機殼慢慢摸索,只要執行PC Wizard這類軟體即可馬上得知詳細的規格與廠牌型號。 除了提供完整詳盡的硬體規格清單之外,PC Wizard 2010還依照Hardware、Configuration、System Files、Resources、Benchmark...等分類提供各種系統設定、系統資源的查詢與電腦效能測試..等功能,是個相當完整的系統工具。 免費硬體資訊檢測軟體 - PC Wizard,透過它的「Hardware」功能可以檢測出完整的電腦硬體資訊,還有「Configuration」、「System Files」、「Resources」、「Benchmark」等功能,「Configuration」裡面是作業系統的設定資訊,「Benchmark」可以作一些基本的效能評測,CPU、記憶體、硬碟、光碟機...等。 Description: PC WIZARD is among the most advanced system information programs on the market. PC WIZARD is a powerful utility designed especially for detection of hardware, but also some more analysis. It\\\'s able to identify a large scale of system components and supports the latest technologies and standards. This tool is periodically updated (usually once per month) in order to provide most accurate results. PC WIZARD is also an utility designed to analyze and benchmark your computer system. It can analyze and benchmark many kinds of hardware, such as CPU performance, Cache performance, RAM performance, Hard Disk performance, CD/DVD-ROM performance, Removable/FLASH Media performance, Video performance, MP3 compression performance. PC WIZARD can be distributed freely (ftp, archives, CD-ROMs...).

NovaBench 3.0.4日期:2012-12-18

作者:Novawave Inc   大小:12MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1183

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/NovaBench/NovaBenchResults.jpg[/img] NovaBench是一套簡單易用而且免費的效能測試軟體,也提供了線上數據比較的功能,雖然測試的項目不像「Performance Test」那麼完整,但是要想測試一下自己的硬體夠不夠力,或是超頻的效果如何,那麼NovaBench其實是個還不錯的選擇。 NovaBench可以提供測試您的電腦,所測試出來的分數還可以上網到NovaBench官方網站比較,這樣就可以了解自己電腦的等級是哪一層級,依分數還可以了解自己的電腦是文書機、遊戲機還是頂級機。 Description: NovaBench has an extremely simple interface with a field displaying system info and one button, Start Benchmark Tests. We pressed it. A pop-up advised us to close Word, Chrome, and any other programs we might have running. We did, and the test proceeded with a series of pop-ups showing green progress bars. NovaBench started with our CPU, testing floating point operations, integer operations, and MD5 hash generation, and moving on to RAM, 3D graphics, hard drive read and write, and other tests. The graphics test opened a video window on our desktop. When the testing finished, NovaBench displayed the results in a tab.


作者:primatelabs   大小:3.4 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:8263

簡介: Geekbench讓你知道電腦或行動裝置的硬體效能跑多快 是一個相容多平臺的綜合性測試工具,可以支援蘋果、視窗、solaris和linux等系統,是蘋果平臺上最常用的測試程式,主要可以考察cpu和記憶體系統的運算能力 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/geekbench/geekbench.png[/img] Description: Geekbench provides a comprehensive set of benchmarks engineered to quickly and accurately measure processor and memory performance. Designed to make benchmarks easy to run and easy to understand, Geekbench takes the guesswork out of producing robust and reliable benchmark results.


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