
IntelBurnTest v2.54日期:2012-12-07

作者:AgentGOD   大小:1.7 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:27132

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/IntelBurnTest/ibtv.png[/img] IntelBurnTest是一款極端CPU燒機軟體,據稱搭配Linpack使用的話能使CPU溫度比Prime95還高22度。 使用Linpack的好處: 擁有比Prime95更精確地FFTs/Blend 可以在更短的時間內測出CPU/記憶體的穩定性(一般來說測試8分鐘的Linpank相當於40小時的Prime95) 使用的烤機引擎與Intel工廠所使用的一致 使用IntelBurnTest的好處: 簡化了Linpack的使用 直接將結果輸出到螢幕 很容易的調節測試程度 更人性化的外觀 Description: IntelBurnTest packs the technology used by Intel in their lab tests before the CPUs are approved and released. This sounds assuring enough; however the list of its benefits does not stop here. The application is recommended to be run on x64 systems because of the higher accuracy these systems provide. It takes less of your time to inform you of the stability of your system than Prime95. Considering the fact that Prime95 is one of the highly praised tools in the field, that can only come as a huge plus.

Core Temp 1.0 RC4日期:2012-12-07

作者:ALCPU   大小:1.57MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:995

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Core Temp/coretemp.png[/img] Core Temp 是一個小並且不佔用空間資源的軟體,用來測試cpu的溫度。他的特色在於,可以顯示每一個core的處理器。同時也可以監控cpu的溫度,在你盡情使用電腦支援,也不用擔心cpu過熱導致當機的問題。越來越多講究核心處理器速度的科技一一展現,使用這樣的軟體,讓你不用外部偵測溫度,也可以保有運作效能 軟體特色 可偵測溫度,並非外部測量,而是使用內部特殊的計算方式 可盡情使用電腦,不用擔心過熱問題 可以顯示每個core的處理過程 提供記錄功能,讓使用者可以追溯使用時的溫度 當你下載完「Core Temp」這套免費的CPU溫度檢測軟體,解壓縮之後請執行其中的「Core Temp.exe」,接著就會秀出如下的畫面,從畫面上可以清楚看到你電腦是單核心或是雙核心,是單執行緒或是多個執行緒,當然也可以看到CPU的核心是哪個廠牌、哪個型號。 Description: Core Temp is a compact, no fuss, small footprint, yet powerful program to monitor processor temperature and other vital information. What makes Core Temp unique is the way it works. It is capable of displaying a temperature of each individual core of every processor in your system! You can see temperature fluctuations in real time with varying workloads. Core Temp is also motherboard agnostic.

HD Speed v1.7.5日期:2012-12-03

作者:Steel Bytes   大小:82.96K   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:1124

HD Speed 是一款功能強大卻又小巧精美 (不到 100 KB) 的硬碟效能測試軟體,它不僅僅支援硬碟的效能測試而以,還支援了 CD-ROM / DVD-ROM / Flash Cards / Sticks / Floppys 等裝置進行效能測試。 HD Speed HD_Speed 是一款非常小巧好用的實時磁碟讀取速度測試軟體。 它可以比較準確地測試到磁碟的持續傳輸率和突發傳輸率,一定程度上反映系統的磁碟效能,可以測試軟碟、硬碟、光碟 機。 並用曲線圖模式體現出來,用它可以很直觀的看出您的硬碟到底有多快,而且也可以很方便的看出光碟機的加速曲線。 並且作為一款免費軟體,測試也相當簡單,大家有興趣可以測試一下自己的磁碟效能。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HD Speed/hdspeed.png[/img] Description: HD Speed measures both sustained and burst data transfer rates of your hard disks, USB drives and CD/DVD drives. It features a real-time graphical display that indicates the read and write performance. Tip: To compare the speeds between multiple USB stick or hard drives, you can run short tests in sequence and see the performance differences on the speed graph display (see our screenshot).Standalone software, no installation. [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HD Speed/HD-SPEED.jpg[/img] HD Speed measures both sustained and burst data transfer rates of your hard disks, cd/dvd-roms, flash cards/sticks, and floppys. Realtime graphical display. Read more: HD Speed - CNET Download.com https://download.cnet.com/HD-Speed/3000-2094_4-75450552.html#ixzz2DyngoIqR

HD Tune Pro v5.00日期:2012-12-03

作者:EFD Software   大小:337 KB   語言:英文/繁體化   平台:Windows   人氣:1613

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HD Tune/HD.jpg[/img] HD Tune 是一套實用、容易操作的硬碟工具軟體,其主要功能有硬碟傳輸速率檢查 、健康狀態檢查、溫度檢查及磁碟表面掃瞄等。 另外,還能檢查出硬碟的硬體版本、序號、容量、快取大小以及目前的 Ultra DMA 模式等。雖然這些功能其它軟體也有,但難能可貴的是此軟體把所有這些功能集於一身,而且非常小巧,速度又快。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HD Tune/HD Tune Pro.jpg[/img] Description: HD Tune is a software that allows you to view information on your hard disk. Since this is a portable product, the program doesn\\\'t require any installation, so you can place Portable HD Tune on any external device and directly run in on any computer. It also means that it will not affect your Windows registry keys in any way. HD Tune is a hard disk utility with many functions. It can be used to measure the drive\\\'s performance, scan for errors, check the health status (S.M.A.R.T.), securely erase all data and much more.

RBE( Radeon BIOS editor) v1.28日期:2012-11-29

作者:techPowerUp   大小:656.4 KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1132

[img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ATiRBE/RBE_Info_small.png[/img] 簡介: TechPowerUp網站出品的A卡BIOS編輯工具RBE(Radeon BIOS Editior) Radeon BIOS Editior 1.28版更新日誌: - 修正寫入VendorID(製造廠商ID)資訊時可能出現的錯誤資訊報告Bug。 - 修正AMD Overdrive軟體相關Bug。 - 加入HD 6950開核為HD 6970功能(大多數情況下僅能在公版卡上實現)。 - 加入Radeon HD 6990 DeviceID。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ATiRBE/RBE_Clocks.png[/img] Description: RBE is a handy tool to modify several interesting parameters in ATI BIOS files. It focuses on fan and clock settings as these are the most important things to most users. BIOS modification is an alternative to using memory resident tweaking utilities such as RivaTuner, ATI Tray Tools or ATITool. But RBE can do more than that: It will balance the BIOS file\\\'s checksum, lets you modify the Overdrive settings, enables superior PowerPlay functionality for some video cards, contains a CCC profile editor for hidden features of the CCC and much more. Main Features Can display and change a lot of information strings inside the BIOS file, including Device ID and vendor ID. Accesses every PowerPlay state and can change GPU clocks, RAM clocks and voltage for each of them seperately. Displays the PowerPlay structure of the BIOS. Also displays the voltages the card can make use of. Can graphically display and modify four different fan controllers in a very comfortable way and automatically figures out which controller is used for a particular BIOS. RBE modifies the Overdrive signature of a BIOS to enable a higher overclocking limit. Signatures can also be extracted and saved to a file. Will make the annoying spin up bug some cards have vanish. Enables superior PowerPlay. Contains a profile editor for accessing hidden CCC panel features. Acquires and flashes BIOSes all from within RBE using the built-in WinFlash interface.

NiBiTor (NVIDIA BIOS Editor) V6.06日期:2012-11-29

作者:NVIDIA   大小:592KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:3885

簡介: NVFlash是一款用於NVIDIA顯卡BIOS刷新的官方工具,這次目前可在Windows環境下執行的最新版本,支援32位元和64位元Windows系統,需要的朋友請下載留存。 NVFlash具體命令列操作格式如下: 1、升級BIOS:nvflash --filename。 2、保存BIOS檔:nvflash --save filename。 3、對比顯卡BIOS版本:nvflash --compare filename。 4、升級TV數據:nvflash --tv filename。 5、顯示BIOS版本:nvflash --version filename。 6、顯示BIOS位元組數:nvflash --display。 7、開啟防寫EEPROM:nvflash --protecton。 8、關閉防寫功能:nvflash --protectoff。 9、設置IEEE 1394標識:nvflash --guid。 10、顯卡適配器列表:nvflash --list。 注意:NVFlash的Windows版本並不是完全的直接運行圖形介面,需要在命令提示符下操作,操作方法與DOS下的命令完全相同。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/NiBiTor/NIBITOR ex.jpg[/img] Description: NiBiTor can be used to gain extra performance from your NVIDIA video card, enable particular hidden features, access advanced information or tweak boot settings, fan speeds and memory timings. It doesn\'t lack support of latest graphic cards as its updates constantly keeps its database fresh. Be aware, though, that this powerful tweaker can seriously damage your VGA card if not properly, accordingly and responsibly used.

Fresh Diagnose v8.66日期:2012-11-27

作者:N/A   大小:2.3MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:1039

[img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Fresh Diagnose/fresh-diagnose.png[/img] 簡介: 雖然 Windows 作業系統有內建了裝置管理員功能,可以查看電腦主機的硬體資訊不過資訊非常陽春,而且也無法方便的將您想要查詢的硬體資訊輸出成報表,那麼有沒有簡單易用的工具能夠查詢到詳細的硬體資訊,並且當我需要時能將硬體資訊匯出成報表,若還能有簡單的裝置效能測試功能的話就更好了!! 沒問題!! 就讓 Fresh Diagnose 幫助您輕鬆將硬體資訊匯出成報表及進行裝置效能測試。 試用限制:這是免費軟體,試用 11 天後軟體會要求您註冊,註冊是免費的! [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Fresh Diagnose/Fresh Diagnos.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Fresh Diagnose/fresh-diagnoseEX.png[/img] Description: resh Diagnose is a utility designed to analyze and benchmark your computer system. It can analyze and benchmark many kinds of hardware, such as CPU performance, hard disk performance, video system information, mainboard / motherboard information, and a lot more besides. System Information: Scan your system and get a complete report about your computer\'s hardware and software, for example: motherboard information, video system information, PCI / AGP buses information, peripheral (keyboard, mouse, printer, etc.) information, network information.

Sandra Business v2012.06.18.52日期:2012-11-27

作者:SiSoftware Zone   大小:54.7MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:4189

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Sandra/sisoftware-sandra.png[/img] SiSoftware Sandra 是一款功能強大的系統分析評比工具,Lite 是供個人或學術使用的免費版本。我們可以經由 SiSoftware Sandra Lite 得知電腦硬體的相關資訊,例如:CPU、晶片組、顯示卡、音效卡、記憶卡、網路…等。另外,它還提供了一些測試模組,例如:處理器、檔案系統、實體磁碟、網路…等。此外,它還支援多處理器、多核心處理器、MMX、SSE、SSE2、SSE3、SSSE3、AMD64…等技術。 這是一套功能強大的系統分析評比工具,擁有超過 30 種以上的分析與測試模組,還有 CPU、Drives、CD-ROM/DVD、Memory 的 Benchmark 工具,它還可將分析結果報告列表儲存。 五星級的系統測試軟體,可以給你的電腦評分 這個是專業版本的,沒有任何限制!! 系統測試軟體是 DIY使用者們必不可少的工具,SiSoft Sandra就是其中十分優秀的一款,除了可以提供詳細的硬體資訊外,還可以做產品的性能對比,提供性能改進建議,是一款功能強大的必備軟體。 SiSoft Sandra 軟體名稱的來源按作者的說法是從the System ANalyser, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant(系統分析、診斷和報告助理)得到的,它可以對系統所有軟硬體進行分析診斷並提供報告。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Sandra/Sis.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Sandra/SiSoftware.jpg[/img] Description: SiSoftware Sandra is a powerful yet easy to use system analyzer, diagnostic and reporting assistant for PCs, servers, and networks. This incredible program provides most of the information you need to know about your hardware, software and other devices. Moreover, the program works along the lines of other Windows utilities and gives the user the ability to draw comparisons at both a high and low-level. What is more, the application features a very simple and intuitive user interface which does not require any technical knowledge to be operated and makes this task a breeze. With this program you can get information about the CPU, chipset, video adapter, ports, printers, sound card, memory, network, Windows internals, AGP, PCI, PCIe, ODBC Connections, USB2, 1394/Firewire. This version offers multi-platform series [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Sandra/RMyiq.png[/img]


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