
CPU-Z 1.63日期:2013-02-09

作者:www.cpuid.com   大小:774 KB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:1160

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CPUZ/softwares-cpuz.jpg[/img] CPU-Z 是一個免費且迷你且眾所皆知的 CPU 資訊偵測軟體,它主要提供了 CPU 類型、時脈、電壓、外頻、倍頻、製程、快取記憶體大小…等資訊。另外,它也提供了主機板型號、BIOS 版本、晶片組、顯示卡、作業系統版本、DirectX 版本等資訊。 Description: CPU-Z yields an impressive data sheet of a computer system\\\'s functions and operations. By cutting out a lot of technical and manual searching, this handy freeware generates a list of information that computer lovers will find very helpful. We had no trouble operating the program\\\'s interface since it had practically no command icons. The program is basically like reading a report, though one rich in information. Casual computer users probably won\\\'t get much from CPU-Z, since the information it presents is heavily data oriented. However, technophiles will love its attention to detail.

HWiNFO32/64 v4.12.1850日期:2013-02-09

作者:Martin Mal   大小:2.7MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:682

簡介: 市面上有許多可以檢視系統資訊的軟體,但大部份的軟體都只能檢視部份資訊,例如只能顯示主機內部的溫度,或是只能顯示硬體配備。而HWiNFO32是一套整合了電腦所有資訊的好軟體,所有系統的資訊完完全全呈現在你眼前,一點都沒有遺漏,可以說是一覽無遺了!   老牌電腦硬體檢測軟體。它主要可以顯示出處理器、主機板及晶片組、PCMCIA介面、BIOS版本、記憶體等資訊,另外HWiNFO還提供了對處理器、記憶體、硬碟(WIN9X裡不可用)以及CD-ROM的性能測試功能。 在64位漸成主流的今日,老牌電腦硬體檢測軟體HWiNFO32也不甘落後,發佈了64位版本:HWiNFO64。它主要可以顯示出處理器、主機板及晶片 組、PCMCIA介面、BIOS版本、記憶體等資訊,另外HWiNFO還提供了對處理器、記憶體、硬碟(WIN9X裡不可用)以及CD-ROM的性能測試功 能。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HWiNFO/HWiNFO.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HWiNFO/hwinfo32 EX.png[/img] Description: HWiNFO™ and HWiNFO32™ are professional hardware information and diagnostic tools supporting latest components, industry technologies and standards. Both tools are designed to collect and present the maximum amount of information possible about computer\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s hardware which makes them suitable for users searching for driver updates, computer manufacturers, system integrators and technical experts as well. Retrieved information is presented in a logical and easily understandable form and can be exported into various types of reports. Features: Comprehensive hardware information System health monitoring Basic benchmarks Text, CSV, XML, HTML, MHTML report formats Periodical updates Shows all hardware components hierarchically in a tree Displays status from hardware monitors Does benchmarks

AllBenchmark 1.0 貓吉拉 Beta 20日期:2013-02-09

作者:ALLCinema Ltd.   大小:500.84 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:750

簡介:  Catzilla(戰貓弟斯拉,戰龍哥斯拉之後的第二巨獸)的公司推出了自己的3D測試程式——Allbenchmark,風格很像3DMark,不同的是它支持WinXP到Win8內的所有平臺,支持DX9/10/11、OpenGL模式。   3D基準測試程式中3DMark系列一枝獨秀,雖然也有其他公司推出的各種測試程式,不過除了Unige的Heaven以及Furmark之外大都沒什麼名氣,furmark最知名的還是拷機測試,性能測試倒是其次。  之前一家名為Catzilla(戰貓弟斯拉,戰龍哥斯拉之後的第二巨獸)的公司推出了自己的3D測試程式——Allbenchmark,目前已在beta測試中,版本更新很快 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ALLBenchmark/ALLBenchmark_Catzilla_3.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ALLBenchmark/ALLBenchmark_Catzilla_4.jpg[/img] Description: Catzilla: ALLBenchmark is a GPU benchmark that allows you to test the capabilities of your system when running the latest games or watching HD movies in best quality. The benchmark can also suggest what hardware components you can replace to get the best performance out of your system.

PassMark BurnInTest v7.1日期:2013-02-09

作者:PassMark Software   大小:7.6MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:9277

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PassMark/PMBT-1.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PassMark/PMBT-2.JPG[/img] PassMark BurnInTest 是一款用來測試電腦系統的可靠性和穩定性的測試工具軟體, BurnInTest可以同時對系統所有的子系統進行穩定性的測試。通過它的幫助你可以在很短的時間內對硬體進行全面的檢測,並發現其中可能釀成大禍的隱患。 能夠像多執行緒應用程式那樣同時測試CPU、硬碟、記憶體、網路、光碟機、音效卡、顯示卡以及印表機。另外,對於那些瘋狂的超頻者們,它可以幫助你們檢驗超頻後系統的穩定性。最新版本提供了一個新的命令列參數:/r,它可以讓軟體在系統啟動時自動開始;對於並行和序列埠的測試進行了改進。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PassMark/PassMark BurnInTest Professional.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PassMark/PMBT BOX.jpg[/img] Description: PassMark BurnInTest™ is a software tool that allows all the major sub-systems of a computer to be simultaneously stress tested for endurance, reliability and stability. BurnInTest will bring intermittent or hidden problems to the surface so that after a successfully run the computer can be used with a much higher level of confidence. BurnInTest can also be used by overclockers to verify system stability at high clock speeds

Future 3DMark 1.0.1 (2013)日期:2013-02-05

作者:Futuremark   大小:969MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:10615

簡介: 3DMark 2013 全新一代的3DMark終於隆重登場了。這毫無疑問標誌著顯卡乃至整個硬體行業一個新的起點。為了顯示自己的首次跨平臺特性,Futuremark特意簡單明瞭地將其直接命名為3DMark,不再使用任何尾碼。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D-Mark-20131.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D2013.png[/img] Description: The new 3DMark (2013) includes everything you need to benchmark your hardware. With three all new tests you can bench everything from smartphones and tablets, to notebooks and home PCs, to the latest high-end, multi-GPU gaming desktops. And it\\\'s not just for Windows. With 3DMark you can compare your scores with Android and iOS devices too. It\\\'s the most powerful and flexible benchmark we\\\'ve ever created. The latest version of the world\\\'s most popular benchmark is simply called 3DMark to reflect its all-round versatility. Not only is this 3DMark the first in the series to offer cross-platform comparisons, it is also the first to test different Direct3D feature levels within one application.

SiSoftware Sandra Lite 2013.01.19.29日期:2013-02-05

作者:SiSoftware Zone   大小:54.7MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:814

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Sandra/Sis 2013.png[/img] SiSoftware Sandra 是一款功能強大的系統分析評比工具,Lite 是供個人或學術使用的免費版本。我們可以經由 SiSoftware Sandra Lite 得知電腦硬體的相關資訊,例如:CPU、晶片組、顯示卡、音效卡、記憶卡、網路…等。另外,它還提供了一些測試模組,例如:處理器、檔案系統、實體磁碟、網路…等。此外,它還支援多處理器、多核心處理器、MMX、SSE、SSE2、SSE3、SSSE3、AMD64…等技術。 這是一套功能強大的系統分析評比工具,擁有超過 30 種以上的分析與測試模組,還有 CPU、Drives、CD-ROM/DVD、Memory 的 Benchmark 工具,它還可將分析結果報告列表儲存。 五星級的系統測試軟體,可以給你的電腦評分 這個是專業版本的,沒有任何限制!! 系統測試軟體是 DIY使用者們必不可少的工具,SiSoft Sandra就是其中十分優秀的一款,除了可以提供詳細的硬體資訊外,還可以做產品的性能對比,提供性能改進建議,是一款功能強大的必備軟體。 SiSoft Sandra 軟體名稱的來源按作者的說法是從the System ANalyser, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant(系統分析、診斷和報告助理)得到的,它可以對系統所有軟硬體進行分析診斷並提供報告。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Sandra/SiSoftware.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Sandra/sisoftware-sandra.png[/img] Description: iSoftware Sandra Lite offers an impressive array of information concerning every single hardware component that is hidden under the hood of the machine. When using it for the first time, less experienced users might be taken aback by the complexity of the software, but the interface is so intuitive that anyone can learn to operate it within minutes. Nonetheless, one might need some computer knowledge to be able to analyze and interpret the data summarized by SiSoftware Sandra Lite, but information can also be searched online directly from the main window. The main screen of the application gives immediate access to a number of features, including to the tools one can use to maintain the computer running smoothly, start benchmarks or get hardware and software information.

OCCT 4.4.0 b03 穩定性檢查工具日期:2013-02-05

作者:OCBase   大小:16MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:788

簡介: OCCT是一款非常好用的電源供應器測試軟體,大家應該都知道電源是電腦中所有元件提供動力的來源,其性能的好壞扮演著關係系統的穩定度,通常劣質的電源供應器是容易導致系統發生問題的原因。 OCCT它可用來檢查系統電源穩定性以及在滿負荷下 CPU和電腦主機板晶片的溫度,以測試電腦是否能穩定運作及超頻。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/OCCT/occt440.3.jpg[/img] Description: This software is designed to help you monitor system hardware components and allow you to overclock them. It provides testing tools for the CPU (benchmark OCCT and LINPACK tests), the graphics card and the power supply. The interface is intuitive and comprises two panels, one that includes the \\\'Monitoring\\\' section and the other that displays the available tests. In its main window, OCCT displays detailed information regarding your hardware devices, such as the CPU and the motherboard. Also, there is a table where you can view the current and the overclocked CPU and bus frequencies.

硬碟效能測試工具Parkdale v2.87日期:2013-02-05

作者:run_to_sz   大小:661KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:730

簡介: Parkdale不僅能檢測硬碟,U盤,快閃記憶體盤,還支援光碟機和遠端硬碟的測試,比較全面。   介面簡單易上手,包括3種檢測模式:   QuickAccess:該檢測模式預設使用250MB大小的區塊檢測,大約只需1-2秒就可以給出測試結果。   FileAccess:使用檔案系統進行讀寫測試   BlockAccess:不使用檔案系統讀寫速度測試   每種測試方法都允許你自行修改測試區塊的大小。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Parkdale Storage/Parkdale.jpg[/img] Description: Parkdale let you get the read and write speed from your harddisks, cdrom devices and network servers. You can start a speed test on disks, cdroms and network shares. You get the transfer rate in KB or MB per second. Further you can adjust the blocksize used to access the disk. Several comnmandline options are available. All options are shown if the program is started with \\\\\\\'-?\\\\\\\'. The program has two different modes: BlockAccess - The test data is read from or written onto the disk directly without using the filesystem.FileAccess - The test data is read from or written into a normal file using the filesystem.


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