
記憶體檢測 Memtest86 4.3.2日期:2013-08-27

作者:MemTest86   大小:572 KB   語言:英文   平台:DOS   人氣:875

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/MemTest/Memtest86_header.png[/img]  Memtest86是極品記憶體檢測軟體,測試準確度比較高,記憶體的隱性問題也能檢查出來!它的安裝和使用與其它記憶體測試軟體有些不同,需要將解壓後的ISO檔燒錄到光碟上,用光碟機啟動後進行測試。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/MemTest/Memtest86 4.1.0.jpg[/img] Description: RAM chips consist of a large array of tightly packed memory cells, one for each bit of data. The vast majority of the intermittent failures are a result of interaction between these memory cells. Often writing a memory cell can cause one of the adjacent cells to be written with the same data. An effective memory test attempts to test for this condition. Therefore, an ideal strategy for testing memory would be the following: Write a cell with a zero. Write all of the adjacent cells with a one, one or more times. Check that the first cell still has a zero. Memtest86 Memory Diagnostic CD-ROM A Memtest86 diagnostic CD-ROM is available. The Memtest86 CD-ROM includes: The latest version (4.1.0) of Memtest86 pre-installed and ready to use

StressMyPC 壓力測試工具 2.41日期:2013-08-20

作者:Nenad Hrg   大小:19KB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:478

簡介: 測試工具StressMyPC 一個簡單的顯卡、CPU和硬碟的壓力測試工具,可將設備使用率提升到100%這是一個測試cpu,硬碟,顯卡等電腦硬體設置的使用效率的工具。測試顯卡時有幾秒鐘閃頻。可以提升硬體的使用效率。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/StressMyPC/StressMyPC.jpeg[/img] Description: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/StressMyPC/StressMyPC PIC.jpg[/img] Stress My PC\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" is stress testing software, to do a pc testing e.g. computer stress test. Let\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s see! How long can your laptop battery hold a charge? Or let your PC sweat like a .... ;) Warning! Unstable and overclocked systems can be crashed. # StressMyPC : Start / Stop the stress-test # Paint-Stress : Simple stress for the graphics (GPU) # Aggressiv CPU-Stress : Aggressiv stress for the CPU(s) # HD-Stress : Stress for the hard drive

記憶體檢測 Memtest86 4.3.1日期:2013-08-13

作者:MemTest86   大小:572 KB   語言:英文   平台:DOS   人氣:1052

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/MemTest/Memtest86_header.png[/img]  Memtest86是極品記憶體檢測軟體,測試準確度比較高,記憶體的隱性問題也能檢查出來!它的安裝和使用與其它記憶體測試軟體有些不同,需要將解壓後的ISO檔燒錄到光碟上,用光碟機啟動後進行測試。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/MemTest/Memtest86 4.1.0.jpg[/img] Description: RAM chips consist of a large array of tightly packed memory cells, one for each bit of data. The vast majority of the intermittent failures are a result of interaction between these memory cells. Often writing a memory cell can cause one of the adjacent cells to be written with the same data. An effective memory test attempts to test for this condition. Therefore, an ideal strategy for testing memory would be the following: Write a cell with a zero. Write all of the adjacent cells with a one, one or more times. Check that the first cell still has a zero. Memtest86 Memory Diagnostic CD-ROM A Memtest86 diagnostic CD-ROM is available. The Memtest86 CD-ROM includes: The latest version (4.1.0) of Memtest86 pre-installed and ready to use

免費硬體檢測工具 ASTRA32 3.10日期:2013-08-02

作者:Sysinfo Lab   大小:1.9MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:922

簡介: ASTRA32一款硬體資訊檢測工具。應用在MS Windows作業系統下的硬體檢測工具,ASTRA是Advanced Sysinfo Tool and Reporting Assistant的英文縮寫,這是應用在32位元作業系統的版本,他還有一個姊妹版本ASTRA專門應用在16位元MS系統下。ASTRA32可以檢測你的 所有已知和未知的硬體產品,包括CPU的頻率、特徵、Cache,主機板品牌生產商、主機板BIOS、顯示卡、硬碟、光碟機 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ASTRA32/astra32.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ASTRA32/astra32.png[/img] Description: ASTRA32 - Advanced System Information Tool ASTRA32 - Advanced System Information Tool is an ideal solution for providing comprehensive information about the configuration of your system. Not only does ASTRA32 provide a detailed analysis of your system it also offers diagnostics and comes with some powerful unique features such as a Drivers Troubleshooter and a quick HDD Health Status checker. You will appreciate the accuracy with which ASTRA32 acquires the information about the detected devices as it mostly refers directly to the hardware not to the Windows Registry. ASTRA32 uncovers even undocumented data. You can be sure that the obtained information about the computer hardware and device operational modes is precise irrespective of the installed drivers. ASTRA32 has a unique feature (Drivers Troubleshooter) that allows searching for all physical devices and creates a list of all devices whose drivers are not properly installed or completely missing.

顯卡測試工具 FurMark 1.11.0日期:2013-07-22

作者:Hypergraphics-3D   大小:4.8MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:2329

簡介: FurMark是oZone3D開發的一款OpenGL 基準測試工具,通過毛皮材質渲染算法來測試顯卡的性能,同時還能藉此考驗顯卡在高負載的穩定性。提供了多種測試選項,比如全螢幕/視窗顯示模式、九種預設解析度(也可以自行設定)、基於時間或FPS影格數的測試形式、多種多重採樣反鋸齒(MSAA)、競賽模式等等,並且支援包括中文以內的五種語言。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/FurMark/FurMark 1.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/FurMark/FurMark 2.jpg[/img] Description: What is FurMark? FurMark is an OpenGL-based GPU stress test utility (also called GPU burn-in test). It makes it possible to push the GPU to the max in order to test the stability of the graphics card (and the PSU too!) leading to maximal GPU and VRM temperatures. That’s why FurMark is often used by overclockers and graphics cards fanatics to validate an overclocking, to test a new VGA cooler or to check the max power consumption of a video card.

顯示卡壓力測試 GpuTest 0.5.0日期:2013-07-16

作者:Geeks3D   大小:1.5MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1369

簡介: 說到顯卡測試,我們一定會想到3D Mark,可是看著3D Mark那幾百兆的大小和小水管的網速,有沒有羽量級的測試軟體呢? GpuTest就是一款十分小巧的軟體,這是一款基於OpenGL的顯卡壓力測試軟體,GpuTest還是一款跨平臺工具,支援Windows、Mac OS X和Linux作業系統,不過遺憾的是該軟體目前僅支援64位元系統。 GpuTest的OpenGL測試包括FurMark(基於OpenGL 3.2)、TessMark(基於OpenGL 4.0)、GiMark(基於OpenGL 3.3)和PixMark (基於OpenGL 3.2)。 日前,GpuTest發佈了最新的0.4.0版,該版主要進行了如下更新: - 支援在OSX 10.8上運行TessMark OpenGL 4.0 - 增加新的TessMark等級:X8、X16、X32和X64,默認為X32 - 更新TessMark渲染代碼以解決Radeon顯卡在Linux下的BUG - 為所有的OpenGL 3+演示更新OpenGL的核心設定檔 - 添加新的命令列參數來禁用OpenGL檢查 - 更新OpenGL 4的細分曲面技術著色器測試支援TessMark演示 - 修復了一個在TessMark演示中背景圖元著色器BUG [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GpuTest/GpuTest 0.4.0.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GpuTest/gputest-040-1.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GpuTest/gputest-040-2.jpg[/img] GpuTest 0.5.0 Changelog added new OpenGL 2.1 / 3.0 demo: Plot3D (command line: /test=plot3d /plot3d_vertex_density=density). added new OpenGL 2.1 / 3.0 demo: Triangle (command line: /test=triangle). added additional per frame log info (frame number, elapsed time, opengl error code). Command line: /debug_log_frame_data Linux: removed dependance with GLIB 2.14 and replaced with dependance with GLIBC 2.2.5. Mesa/Gallium3D supported demos: Plot3D, Triangle, FurMark, Volplosion and Piano. fixed a bug in the OpenGL render window creation for Mesa/Gallium3D renderer. fixed a bug under Linux: when demo initialization fails, the window is now properly closed. updated with latest 3d framework. Description: GpuTest is a 64-bit cross-platform OpenGL benchmarking utility for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. GpuTest comes with several OpenGL tests including FurMark (OpenGL 3.2), TessMark (OpenGL 4.0) as well as new ones like GiMark (geometry instancing) or PixMark (heavy pixel shaders).

記憶體檢測 Memtest86 4.3.0日期:2013-07-16

作者:MemTest86   大小:572 KB   語言:英文   平台:DOS   人氣:940

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/MemTest/Memtest86_header.png[/img]  Memtest86是極品記憶體檢測軟體,測試準確度比較高,記憶體的隱性問題也能檢查出來!它的安裝和使用與其它記憶體測試軟體有些不同,需要將解壓後的ISO檔燒錄到光碟上,用光碟機啟動後進行測試。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/MemTest/Memtest86 4.1.0.jpg[/img] Description: RAM chips consist of a large array of tightly packed memory cells, one for each bit of data. The vast majority of the intermittent failures are a result of interaction between these memory cells. Often writing a memory cell can cause one of the adjacent cells to be written with the same data. An effective memory test attempts to test for this condition. Therefore, an ideal strategy for testing memory would be the following: Write a cell with a zero. Write all of the adjacent cells with a one, one or more times. Check that the first cell still has a zero. Memtest86 Memory Diagnostic CD-ROM A Memtest86 diagnostic CD-ROM is available. The Memtest86 CD-ROM includes: The latest version (4.1.0) of Memtest86 pre-installed and ready to use

StressMyPC 壓力測試工具 2.34日期:2013-07-10

作者:Nenad Hrg   大小:19KB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:494

簡介: 測試工具StressMyPC 一個簡單的顯卡、CPU和硬碟的壓力測試工具,可將設備使用率提升到100%這是一個測試cpu,硬碟,顯卡等電腦硬體設置的使用效率的工具。測試顯卡時有幾秒鐘閃頻。可以提升硬體的使用效率。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/StressMyPC/StressMyPC.jpeg[/img] Description: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/StressMyPC/StressMyPC PIC.jpg[/img] Stress My PC\\\\\\\" is stress testing software, to do a pc testing e.g. computer stress test. Let\\\\\\\'s see! How long can your laptop battery hold a charge? Or let your PC sweat like a .... ;) Warning! Unstable and overclocked systems can be crashed. # StressMyPC : Start / Stop the stress-test # Paint-Stress : Simple stress for the graphics (GPU) # Aggressiv CPU-Stress : Aggressiv stress for the CPU(s) # HD-Stress : Stress for the hard drive


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