
AllBenchmark 1.0 貓吉拉 RC5日期:2013-06-28

作者:ALLCinema Ltd.   大小:500.84 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:577

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ALLBenchmark/MiniRotator.jpg[/img]  Catzilla(戰貓弟斯拉,戰龍哥斯拉之後的第二巨獸)的公司推出了自己的3D測試程式——Allbenchmark,風格很像3DMark,不同的是它支持WinXP到Win8內的所有平臺,支持DX9/10/11、OpenGL模式。   3D基準測試程式中3DMark系列一枝獨秀,雖然也有其他公司推出的各種測試程式,不過除了Unige的Heaven以及Furmark之外大都沒什麼名氣,furmark最知名的還是拷機測試,性能測試倒是其次。  之前一家名為Catzilla(戰貓弟斯拉,戰龍哥斯拉之後的第二巨獸)的公司推出了自己的3D測試程式——Allbenchmark,目前已在beta測試中,版本更新很快 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ALLBenchmark/ALLBenchmark_Catzilla_3.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ALLBenchmark/ALLBenchmark_Catzilla_4.jpg[/img] Description: Catzilla: ALLBenchmark is a GPU benchmark that allows you to test the capabilities of your system when running the latest games or watching HD movies in best quality. The benchmark can also suggest what hardware components you can replace to get the best performance out of your system.

顯示卡診斷工具 GPU Caps Viewer v1.17.2日期:2013-06-25

作者:Hypergraphics-3D   大小:3.5MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:527

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU Caps Viewer/gpu_caps_viewer_logo.jpg[/img] GPU Caps Viewer是和GPU-Z類似的一款顯卡診斷識別工具,二者在顯卡的檢測識別方面可以說各有千秋。GPU-Z對顯卡的功能規格顯示的非常詳細,而GPU Caps Viewer除了對顯卡的基本規格能夠完全正確識別外,還專門提供一個有關顯卡OPENGL能力檢測測試的介面 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU Caps Viewer/GPU_Caps_Viewer.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GPU Caps Viewer/GPU_Caps_Viewer_ex.jpg[/img] Description: GPU Caps Viewer is a free and highly-featured tool that quickly describes the essential capabilities of your graphics card/GPU including GPU type, amount of VRAM , OpenGL API support level, OpenGL API extensions database and general system configuration, as well as a GPU-Stress-Test functionality (GPU-Burner). Furthermore, this software will allow you to view extensive reports in text or XML format.

顯示卡壓力測試 GpuTest 0.4.0日期:2013-05-12

作者:Geeks3D   大小:1.5MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1214

簡介: 說到顯卡測試,我們一定會想到3D Mark,可是看著3D Mark那幾百兆的大小和小水管的網速,有沒有羽量級的測試軟體呢? GpuTest就是一款十分小巧的軟體,這是一款基於OpenGL的顯卡壓力測試軟體,GpuTest還是一款跨平臺工具,支援Windows、Mac OS X和Linux作業系統,不過遺憾的是該軟體目前僅支援64位元系統。 GpuTest的OpenGL測試包括FurMark(基於OpenGL 3.2)、TessMark(基於OpenGL 4.0)、GiMark(基於OpenGL 3.3)和PixMark (基於OpenGL 3.2)。 日前,GpuTest發佈了最新的0.4.0版,該版主要進行了如下更新: - 支援在OSX 10.8上運行TessMark OpenGL 4.0 - 增加新的TessMark等級:X8、X16、X32和X64,默認為X32 - 更新TessMark渲染代碼以解決Radeon顯卡在Linux下的BUG - 為所有的OpenGL 3+演示更新OpenGL的核心設定檔 - 添加新的命令列參數來禁用OpenGL檢查 - 更新OpenGL 4的細分曲面技術著色器測試支援TessMark演示 - 修復了一個在TessMark演示中背景圖元著色器BUG [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GpuTest/GpuTest 0.4.0.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GpuTest/gputest-040-1.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/GpuTest/gputest-040-2.jpg[/img] GpuTest 0.4.0 Changelog TessMark OpenGL 4.0 demo now runs on OSX 10.8! added new tessellation levels for TessMark: X8, X16, X32 and X64. Default is X32. updated TessMark rendering code to fix a bug with Radeon cards under Linux. update: OpenGL core profile is used for all OpenGL 3+ demos. added new command line param to disable the check of correct OpenGL support: /disable_opengl_support_check . This check is done in GiMark and TessMark demos. Updated test of OpenGL 4 tessellation shader support for TessMark demo. Updated the texture used by the Pixmark Piano demo to get the old and rusty look (thanks to iq!). Fixed a bug in background pixel shader of TessMark demo (texture2D() function was used in place of texture() in a GLSL 1.50 / OpenGL 3.2 shader). Description: GpuTest is a 64-bit cross-platform OpenGL benchmarking utility for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. GpuTest comes with several OpenGL tests including FurMark (OpenGL 3.2), TessMark (OpenGL 4.0) as well as new ones like GiMark (geometry instancing) or PixMark (heavy pixel shaders).

LinX v0.64 - 系統穩定性效能測試工具日期:2013-04-30

作者:Alexander Gusev   大小:1MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1849

簡介: LinX 設計成 Intel Linpack 效能測試的簡單介面。它檢查系統的穩定性,並可以偵測到硬體錯誤。Linpack 主要特點是用來解決線性方程式的系統。其旨在測試系統性能(GFlops-十億次浮點運算/秒)。 但它也是到目前為止 CPU 負荷量最大的測試程式,也是判定 CPU 穩定度相當好的工具。 底下為 LinX 的主要功能: · 簡單而直觀的介面 · 正體中文和俄文版本 · 自動錯誤控制-偵測到錯誤時停止測試 · 支援 Intel 和 AMD · 支援英特爾超執行緒(Pentium IV, Atom, Core i7),可選擇供測試用的資料流數 · 定義可用的記憶體,並能夠在 32 和 64 位元模式下測試 · 記住上次的設定,執行事件的可聽式指示 · 快速判定可能當機的視覺化顯示 · 計算直到測試完成的時間 · 從 Everest / Speedfan 監控匯入數值和建立溫度 / 電壓 / 風扇轉速的能力 · 以 PNG 格式保存螢幕擷取畫面和圖表 · 系統匣中的圖示 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/LinX/LinX-benchmark_1.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/LinX/LinX-benchmark_2.png[/img] Description: LinX is a benchmarking tool that supports Intel and AMD CPUs and aims to test system stability and detect potential hardware errors. In contrast to other similar solutions in the same category, LinX relies on a more user friendly approach, with a very clean interface and intuitive menus that help both beginners and experienced users to take advantage of its features. Designed to solve systems of linear equations, LinX seriously stresses up the computer while it performs a new test, so we recommend you to avoid using the workstation during this period.

Overclockulator v1.34 電腦耗電量測試日期:2013-04-30

作者:Fu3lman   大小:1.1MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:5049

簡介: 想不想知道你的電腦到底有耗電量是多少呢? 來試試Overclockulator吧,根據你的選擇它可以估算出一台電腦的耗電量。 該軟體使用很簡單。進入軟體後,點擊Power Supply(電源)標籤,然後根據你的電腦配置勾選填入相應的內容:在Onboad/PCI下列出所有的板載或PCI周邊設備,Sound Card(音效卡)、SCSI Controller(SCSI控制器)、Dialup Modem(撥號數據機)、Network Card(網卡)、TV Tuner Card(電視卡)、USB Controller(USB控制器)、Firewire Card(防火牆);在CPU Type(CPU類型)下設置好CPU;在Video Card(顯卡)下選擇好顯卡;接著開始在視窗上面開始設置FAN(風扇)、HDD(硬碟)、CDR(光碟機)、FDD(軟盤機)、USB(USB介面)、 1394(1394介面)、PS2(PS2介面)等。全部設置完成後,點擊Calculate(計算)按鈕,就可以從Waths Used(所用瓦數)下看到耗電量了。 另外,軟體還有提供了檢測CPU頻率等功能 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Overclockulator/Overclockulator_1.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Overclockulator/Overclockulator_2.png[/img] Description: Designed for people that want to get the maximum out of their PC components, Overclockulator is a tool that will help passionate overclockers calculate the maximum frequency their CPU units can run at. When trying to overclock a CPU or RAM sticks, it\\\\\\\'s always good to know what you\\\\\\\'re doing so you don\\\\\\\'t end damaging your components in the end. The Processor and Memory tab lets you enter your system clock speed and multiplier so that you can calculate the processor\\\\\\\'s frequency. Your current frequency is then compared to other CPUs, and the total number of IPS is displayed. The Memory Ratios can also be calculated from this window.

StressMyPC 壓力測試工具 2.23日期:2013-04-25

作者:Nenad Hrg   大小:19KB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:729

簡介: 測試工具StressMyPC 一個簡單的顯卡、CPU和硬碟的壓力測試工具,可將設備使用率提升到100%這是一個測試cpu,硬碟,顯卡等電腦硬體設置的使用效率的工具。測試顯卡時有幾秒鐘閃頻。可以提升硬體的使用效率。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/StressMyPC/StressMyPC.jpeg[/img] Description: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/StressMyPC/StressMyPC PIC.jpg[/img] Stress My PC\\\" is stress testing software, to do a pc testing e.g. computer stress test. Let\\\'s see! How long can your laptop battery hold a charge? Or let your PC sweat like a .... ;) Warning! Unstable and overclocked systems can be crashed. # StressMyPC : Start / Stop the stress-test # Paint-Stress : Simple stress for the graphics (GPU) # Aggressiv CPU-Stress : Aggressiv stress for the CPU(s) # HD-Stress : Stress for the hard drive

穩定性檢查工具 OCCT 4.4.0日期:2013-03-20

作者:OCBase   大小:6.6MB   語言:多國語言   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:1373

簡介: OCCT是一款非常好用的電源供應器測試軟體,大家應該都知道電源是電腦中所有元件提供動力的來源,其性能的好壞扮演著關係系統的穩定度,通常劣質的電源供應器是容易導致系統發生問題的原因。 OCCT它可用來檢查系統電源穩定性以及在滿負荷下 CPU和電腦主機板晶片的溫度,以測試電腦是否能穩定運作及超頻。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/OCCT/occt440.3.jpg[/img] Description: This software is designed to help you monitor system hardware components and allow you to overclock them. It provides testing tools for the CPU (benchmark OCCT and LINPACK tests), the graphics card and the power supply. The interface is intuitive and comprises two panels, one that includes the \\\'Monitoring\\\' section and the other that displays the available tests. In its main window, OCCT displays detailed information regarding your hardware devices, such as the CPU and the motherboard. Also, there is a table where you can view the current and the overclocked CPU and bus frequencies.

顯卡測試工具 FurMark 1.10.5日期:2013-03-11

作者:Hypergraphics-3D   大小:4.8MB   語言:多國語言   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:1036

簡介: FurMark是oZone3D開發的一款OpenGL 基準測試工具,通過毛皮材質渲染算法來測試顯卡的性能,同時還能藉此考驗顯卡在高負載的穩定性。提供了多種測試選項,比如全螢幕/視窗顯示模式、九種預設解析度(也可以自行設定)、基於時間或FPS影格數的測試形式、多種多重採樣反鋸齒(MSAA)、競賽模式等等,並且支援包括中文以內的五種語言。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/FurMark/FurMark 1.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/FurMark/FurMark 2.jpg[/img] Description: What is FurMark? FurMark is an OpenGL-based GPU stress test utility (also called GPU burn-in test). It makes it possible to push the GPU to the max in order to test the stability of the graphics card (and the PSU too!) leading to maximal GPU and VRM temperatures. That’s why FurMark is often used by overclockers and graphics cards fanatics to validate an overclocking, to test a new VGA cooler or to check the max power consumption of a video card.


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