
PCMark Vantage 1.2.0日期:2013-03-06

作者:FutureMark   大小:667MB   語言:英文   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:952

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/Windows 8 Packges.jpg[/img] PCMark Vantage 1.2.0 完整支援Windows 8 PCMark Vantage可以衡量各種類型PC的綜合性能。從多媒體家庭娛樂系統到筆記本,從專業工作站到高端遊戲平臺,無論是在專業人士手中,還是屬於普通用戶,都能在PCMark Vantage裡瞭解透徹,從而發揮最大性能。 PCMark Vantage是一套PCMark基準測試軟體。它是專為Windows Vista 32/64-bit打造的,不支援Windows 2000/XP。它可以衡量各類型電腦的綜合性能。讓您可以對您的電腦瞭解透徹,從而發揮電腦的最大性能。 軟體特色 可測試您的處理器 可測試您的顯卡、進行遊戲測試或影片播放測式 可測試您的硬碟以保持高效能運行 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/PCMark Vantage.jpeg[/img] Description: PCMark Vantage v1.2.0 is compatible with Windows 8 PCMark is a computer benchmark tool developed by Futuremark to test the performance of a PC at the system and component level. In most cases the tests in PCMark are designed to represent typical home user workloads. Running PCMark produces a score with higher numbers indicating better performance. Several versions of PCMark have been released though scores cannot be compared across the different releases since each includes different tests.

3DMark 11 Build 1.0.4日期:2013-03-01

作者:Futuremark.com   大小:271.0 M   語言:多國語言   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:8270

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3DMark11 Title.png[/img] 3DMark 11 v1.04 完全支援Windows 8 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/Windows 8.jpg[/img] 3DMark是市面上最負盛名的顯示卡效能測試跑分軟體,先前已有3DMark06的介紹。目前最新的3DMark 11,專門用來測試顯卡對於DirectX 11的執行效能。或許你還不知道什麼叫做「DirectX」,簡單來說,DirectX是一種Windows作業系統專用的多媒體介面(API),它能作為軟體和硬體溝通的規範,讓同一種程式也能在不同的硬體上執行。DirectX的版本號碼數值愈高,需要的硬體設備也愈新,畫面或是聲音的呈現效果也會更好。此外,新版本的DirectX可以向下相容舊版本。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3DMark11_key_art_horizontal_logo.jpg[/img] Description: 3DMark 11 Basic Edition – the gamer’s benchmark for DirectX 11 3DMark 11 is the latest version of the world’s most popular benchmark for measuring the graphics performance of gaming PCs. Designed for testing DirectX 11 hardware running on Windows 7 and Windows Vista the benchmark includes six all new benchmark tests. The Basic Edition is free to use and allows an unlimited number of benchmark runs without registration or expiry. Visit https://www.3dmark.com to upgrade your Basic Edition to the Advanced Edition and unlock all presets, custom settings, benchmark looping, unlimited online results storage, offline results management and more. Compatibility SystemInfo updated to version 4.15 for full Windows 8 compatibility. Updated DirectX redistributable. Now using static Visual C++ 2010 runtime libraries to fix rare installation issues on some systems. Removed dependency on EvaDotNet.dll and EvaDotNet.DirectX.dll for GPU enumeration to fix compatibility issues with some systems.

3DMark06 v1.2.1日期:2013-02-19

作者:Futuremark   大小:584.57 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1209

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3DMark06 ADV.jpg[/img]  3DMark06 1.21 2013年最新版下載 【完全相容Windows 8】 全新一代3DMark吸引了所有人的眼光,不過Futuremark並不是一個忘舊的人,今天又對古老的3DMark進行了更新,主要是加入了對Windows 8的全面支持。 3DMark06是針對DX9顯卡的測試工具,官方宣稱下載次數是3DMark歷史上最多的,Futuremark ORB資料庫中已有850多萬份3DMark06的測試成績。 3DMark06的最新版本為1.2.1,主要更新有: - 全面相容Windows 8 - OpenAL安裝程式升級為最新版 - SystemInfo系統資訊模組升級為4.15 話說,3DMark05、3DMark03也仍然在Futuremark的支援產品範圍內,但畢竟太老了,對應的顯卡也不足於很好地運行Windows 8,所以不要指望它們也更新了。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/[/img] Description: 3DMark06 is a fundamental tool for every PC user interested in 3D graphics and performance. 3DMark06 will measure your PC\'s 3D performance in next generation games, reliably compare the latest high end gaming hardware, and show you amazing real-time 3D graphics..

Future 3DMark 1.0.1 (2013)日期:2013-02-05

作者:Futuremark   大小:969MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:10615

簡介: 3DMark 2013 全新一代的3DMark終於隆重登場了。這毫無疑問標誌著顯卡乃至整個硬體行業一個新的起點。為了顯示自己的首次跨平臺特性,Futuremark特意簡單明瞭地將其直接命名為3DMark,不再使用任何尾碼。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D-Mark-20131.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D2013.png[/img] Description: The new 3DMark (2013) includes everything you need to benchmark your hardware. With three all new tests you can bench everything from smartphones and tablets, to notebooks and home PCs, to the latest high-end, multi-GPU gaming desktops. And it\\\'s not just for Windows. With 3DMark you can compare your scores with Android and iOS devices too. It\\\'s the most powerful and flexible benchmark we\\\'ve ever created. The latest version of the world\\\'s most popular benchmark is simply called 3DMark to reflect its all-round versatility. Not only is this 3DMark the first in the series to offer cross-platform comparisons, it is also the first to test different Direct3D feature levels within one application.

PCMark 7 V1.04日期:2012-11-07

作者:Futuremark.com   大小:306MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows 7/8   人氣:959

簡介: PCMark 7是Futuremark專為Windows 7打造的基準測試軟體 PCMark 7之所以取名為7,而不是PCMark 11,主要是只支援Windows 7! 相比上一代產品,PCMark 7大幅瘦身,從上一代600多M一下子降到了300多M,而在測試流程上也更為簡化,測試時間從一個多小時也一下子縮減到20分鐘以內。 PCMark 7的測試門檻在作業系統部分必須是最新的Windows 7 PCMark 7 主要分為「系統綜合測試」、「普通應用測試」和「硬體效能測試」三大項 總共分為三個版本,分為免費版、進階版和專業版三種,其中免費版雖然為免費,但還是能讓玩家們「完整地」跑完各項測試,唯一的缺點就是沒辦法做單一選項來測試,而且還會有廣告視窗,但如果只是想嘗鮮、又不想花錢的玩家,倒是可以體驗一下和之前 PCMark Vantage 之間的不同之處。至於進階版則是要價 39.95 塊美金,折合台幣大約 1,100 多元,價格並不算太貴,而且沒有廣告,且能單項選擇要跑的效能測試,對於常常在測試的玩家們來說,這一版是較適合的。專業版的話是針對一些特定的商業客戶所制定的,因此價格貴到爆表,美金就要價 995 塊,不過因為它能直接對 PCMark 7 下特殊指令,並且能記錄詳細的 log 檔案,所以對於一些專門測試的商業使用測試族群是有必要的。 Desecration: The newest version, PCMark 7, was designed taking modern hardware into account, including solid-state drives, CPUs with integrated graphics and computing capabilities and devices such as netbooks and tablets. PCMark 7 includes 7 PC tests for Windows 7, combining more than 25 individual workloads covering storage, computation, image and video manipulation, web browsing and gaming. Specifically designed to cover the full range of PC hardware from netbooks and tablets to notebooks and desktops, PCMark 7 offers complete PC performance testing for Windows 7 for home and business use. PCMark 7 is available in three versions, including a free download that allows unlimited test runs of the main PCMark test. Those who want access to the all various workloads designed to show particular areas of system performance can opt for the Advanced Edition, which retails for $40, and the Professional Edition licensed for commercial use is $1,000.

PCMark Vantage 1.0.2日期:2012-11-07

作者:Futuremark.com   大小:668 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows Vista/7/8   人氣:695

簡介: PCMark Vantage”,而且這個新版本是專為Windows Vista 32/64-bit打造的,不再支持Windows 2000/XP。 PCMark Vantage可以衡量各種類型PC的綜合性能。從多媒體家庭娛樂系統到筆記本,從專業工作站到高端遊戲平臺,無論是在專業人士手中,還是屬於普通用戶,都能在PCMark Vantage裡瞭解透徹,從而發揮最大性能。 測試內容可以分為以下三個部分: 1、處理器測試:基於資料加密、解密、壓縮、解壓縮、圖形處理、音訊和視頻轉碼、文本編輯、網頁渲染、郵件功能、處理器人工智慧遊戲測試、連絡人創建與搜索。 2、圖形測試:基於高清視頻播放、顯卡圖形處理、遊戲測試。 3、硬碟測試:使用Windows Defender、《Alan Wake》遊戲、圖像導入、Windows Vista啟動、視頻編輯、媒體中心使用、Windows Media Player搜索和歸類,以及以下程式的啟動:Office Word 2007、Adobe Photoshop CS2、Internet Explorer、Outlook 2007。  PCMark Vantage分為四個版本:   1、基礎試用版:只能使用一次,不收費。   2、基礎版:提供PCMark得分和線上分數流覽器(ORB),不限制運行次數,測試結果不得用於商業目的,售價6.95美元。   3、高級版:可運行所有套裝,並有高級線上服務,測試結果不得用於商業目的,售價19.95美元,光碟版29.95美元。   4、專業版:僅限商業使用者,提供全部功能設置、技術支援,查看測試結果無需聯網,可在命令列模式下測試,結果可導入微軟Excel,給予全面商業授權,售價499.95美元。 Description: PCMark Vantage is a PC benchmark suite designed for Windows Vista offering one-click simplicity for casual users and detailed, professional grade testing for industry, press and enthusiasts. PCMark Vantage is the first objective hardware performance benchmark for PCs running 32 and 64 bit versions of Microsoft Windows Vista. PCMark Vantage is suited for benchmarking Microsoft Windows Vista PCs from multimedia home entertainment systems and laptops to dedicated workstations and hi-end gaming rigs. The PCMark Suite is a collection of various single- and multi-threaded CPU, Graphics and HDD test sets with the focus on Windows Vista application tests. Consumer Scenario Suites are pre-defined selections of test sets that measure the system’s performance in respective Windows Vista Consumer Scenarios.

PCMark05 V1.20日期:2012-11-06

作者:Futuremark.com   大小:90.1 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows XP/Vista/7/8   人氣:621

簡介: 以3Dmark系列出名的Futuremark,推出了測試的另一品牌PCmark系列 PCMark是以電腦或者筆電的整機綜合性能為考量的測試軟體 PCMark 能對電腦各項性能做出一個綜合評價,這也是免費基本版唯一可以測試的項目 所得出的成績可視為整個測試的總分。 PCMark05有三個版本 一是基本版,是自有免費軟體但只有有限的功能。 二是高級版,為家庭用戶設計增加了一些功能。 三是專業版,為商業用戶設計具備全功能以及所有特性。 PCMark是多功能的系統測試軟體,從膝上電腦到工作站電腦皆可使用,即使是新手都可以輕易操作。 Description: Everything you need to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your Windows PC. PCMark05 is Futuremark\\\\\\\'s third instalment of the popular PCMark series, and it’s a premium tool for measuring overall PC performance. With the launch of PCMark05, Futuremark furthers its leading position as the benchmark software provider of choice for the PC industry, IT managers, IT media and consumers. By using PCMark05 and the Online ResultsBrowser, you can get: * A PCMark score * recognised and comparable measurement of the home environment performance of your PC. * Detailed results of all tests. * A comparison of your machine against thousands of others, from every corner of the globe! * An educated estimate as to how much better your system will perform with certain upgrades.

3DMark 11 Build 1.0.3日期:2012-09-20

作者:Futuremark   大小:280MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:7598

3DMark 11 是全球最受歡迎的最新版基準測試軟體。 3DMark 11 是專門為測量 PC 遊戲效能所設計的測試軟體,可以廣泛使用 DirectX 11 中 的所有新功能,包括曲面細分 (Tessellation)、計算著色器 (Compute Shader) 及多執行緒渲染 (Multi-threading)。 由於深受全球遊戲玩家信任 並能給予精確且公正的測試結果,3DMark 11 是在近似遊戲負載的情況下,以具有一致性與可靠性測試 DirectX 11 的最佳方法。 3DMark 11 需要 DirectX 11 (相容於 DirectX 11 的顯示卡),以及 Windows Vista 或 Windows 7。 建議您使用 3DMark Vantage 進行 DirectX 10 的基準測試,並使用 3DMark06 進行 DirectX 9 的基準測試。 作業系統: Microsoft Windows Vista 或 Windows 7


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