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Apple MacBook Pro 有兩個型號裝載四核心處理器!

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yyyfly 發表於 2009-10-26 21:49:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式


Apple inc muestra evidencias de que podría tener tener previsto
lanzar al mercado próximamente nuevos MacBook Pro.

En archivos de configuración oculta de Mac OS X 10.6.2 build
10C531 la compañía apunta nuevos modelos de MacBook Pro.

Los nuevos modelos encontrados son MacBook Pro 6.1 y MacBook
Pro 6.1b. Apple recientemente ha equipado los iMac con procesadores
Quad Core i5 y i7.

Los procesadores Core 2 Duo típicos de los MacBook los ha movido
a series bajas en Mac Mini Server.

Todo indica pensar en dos nuevos MacBook Pro con procesadores
Quad Core Mobile y gráficas de la serie ATI 4500 para equilibrar
la producción.

Some interesting and exciting news to report now, as it has been
reported that Apple are planning to introduce not one, but two new
versions/models of their popular MacBook Pro range.

As reported from Apple Insider, the MacBook Pro was not part of the
recent upgrades which saw the company introduce revisions to the
iMac, Mac Mini and their Mighty Mouse.

As for the MacBook Pro though, the two new versions (MacBook Pro 6.1
and MacBook Pro 6.1b) were revealed after an examination into the
configuration files within the latest 10.6.2 OS version.

Both versions are rumored to include the new Quad Core Mobile processors
and ATI series 4500 GPUs. More details and a screenshot over at Apple Insider.

Apple 的電腦就是質感好相貌佳!除了...有時候會過熱,有時候會冒煙起火,有時候會爆機殼

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