作者: sxs112.tw
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NTEL D955XBK / D955XCS 2049 Bios

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sxs112.tw 發表於 2007-2-20 22:29:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
1) Fixed issue where Hyper-Threading CPU logo will always be displayed regardless ofHyper-Threading setup option.
2) Modified BIOS password character length to 2 through 19.
3) Added feature to display BIOS Setup string "Intel(R) Integrator Toolkit has modifiedthis BIOS." when appropriate.
4) Added support for multiple EHCI controllers with USB Legacy.
5) Fixed issue where certain SCSI card would not function properly.
6) Made BIOS TPM 1.2 compliant.
7) Added VT Enabled/Disable setup option.
8) Added SLP area at F000:E130 for 16 bytes.
9) Fixed issue where certain Video card combinations would cause system hang when Primary Video Adaptor option set to Ext PCI Graphics.
10) Fixed CPU microcode did not get updated for dual core CPU.
11) Fixed issue where certain drives hang during certain DOS IDE reads or writes.
12) Added USB Ports Enable/Disable Setup Option

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