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azai2008 發表於 2009-1-6 11:55:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

Nvidia apparently has a solution to the problems faced by many in their notebooks powered by GeForce 8M series, that is, to encourage the OEM/ODMs to buy their new problem free chips. Of course, this doesn't solve the issues faced by current users and there won't be any replacement for them.

Nvidia has come out with a new GPU called NB8E-SET which is essentially NB8E-SE with the new underfill. NB8E-SE is used on many notebooks most commonly advertised as GeForce 8700M GT, GeForce 8800M GS or GeForce 9650M GS. NB8E-SET (G84-751) uses the new Hitachi underfill and is clocked at 625MHz core and 128-bit 800MHz GDDR2/3 memories similar to the current NB8E-SE.

Here's a note from Nvidia to their partners :

NVIDIA is committed to providing our customers with quality products that push the edge of technology and also continuously improve product quality and reliability. To help improve the product quality and ensure smooth and uninterrupted product supply during the current “end stage” of life cycle, NVIDIA strongly recommends that customers transition to this latest revision of the NB8E-SET GPUs as soon as possible. These latest revision units utilize “Hitachi” underfill packaging material that improves product quality and enhances operating life by improved thermal cycling reliability.

稍微翻譯一下,Nvidia最近針對之前出現問題的晶片(Geforce 8M系列)提出了解決方案,就是~~鼓勵OEM/ODM的廠商買他們家的新晶片,當然,這樣的作法並沒有解決目前已經購買問題晶片的使用者所碰到的問題,這也代表不會有任何免費替消費者更換晶片的動作,簡單說....買到的只好自認倒楣!!


er125222 發表於 2009-1-7 12:40:15 | 只看該作者
這也就是希望 ATI 更需要加把勁來平衡市場的原因吧!.....
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