
HyperSnap 7.25.01 最新優秀的螢幕截圖軟體 - 免安裝日期:2013-07-27

作者:le2712   大小:9.65 MB   語言:正體中文   平台:Windows   人氣:38340

[img]https://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc187/le2722/HyperSnap.png[/img] [size=2]【軟體名稱】:HyperSnap 7.25.01 - 免安裝 [img]https://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss156/le2760/61.gif[/img] 【軟體語言】:正體中文 【軟體分類】:影像擷取 【軟體格式】:自解壓縮檔 【檔案大小】:9.65 MB 【放置空間】:depositfiles / solidfiles / Rghost / filefactory 【解壓密碼】: [img]https://i826.photobucket.com/albums/zz185/le2795/Introduction.png[/img] 常常想抓圖的朋友,一定常常遇到一些很惱人的情況,例如說無法擷取 DVD 的畫面,或者是一些遊戲的過場動畫、內容等等。不然,就是無法擷取 DOS 模式下的圖。這些情況,在 HyperSnap 之下,都可以輕輕鬆鬆的解決。 HyperSnap 是一個畫面捕捉的工具,可以讓你捕捉標準畫面以外的螢幕圖像,包括DirectX、3Dfx Glide遊戲,以及DVD的畫面。這個程式可以儲存並讀取超過20種影像格式,包括BMP、GIF、JPEG、TIFF、PCX和其他。熱鍵或是自動定時捕圖可以用來捉取畫面上的圖像,其他特色包括顯示捕捉畫面中的游標、切割工具、色盤和解析度的設定,以及另一個從TWAIN設備(掃瞄器和數位相機)取得資料的功能。 其提供專業級影像效果,也可讓您輕鬆地抓取螢幕畫面。支援抓取使用 DirectX 技術之遊戲畫面及 DVD,並且採用新的去背景功能讓您將抓取後的圖形去除不必要的背景;預覽功能也可以正確地顯示您的圖像列印出來時會是什模樣。 在 HyperSnap 中,使用了更新的技術,不但可以擷取包括了遊戲、Vedio 影像 DVD 等使用 DirectX 的畫面,甚至連 Direct3D 或 3Dfx Glide 模式的圖像都照抓不誤喔。 HyperSnap 7 是多用途的且極易使用。您可以快速地自訂選單和工具列以滿足您的需要。指派您自己的鍵盤快速鍵,建立便捷工具列,甚至用語音命令控制 HyperSnap! [img]https://i784.photobucket.com/albums/yy127/le2792/Screenshots.png[/img] [img]https://i1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa330/le3943/HyperSnap.png[/img] [url=https://www.hypersnap-dx.com/hsdx/changelog.asp][img]https://i1189.photobucket.com/albums/z437/le27941/Update.png[/img][/url] 2013.07.24 HyperSnap 7.25.01 released Permits more ribbon customization, e.g. add custom tabs and panels with the functions you select [img]https://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb380/le3900/Hp.png[/img]Homepage - [url=https://www.hyperionics.com]www.hyperionics.com[/url] [img]https://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af297/le2793/Download.png[/img] [quote][img]https://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb380/le3900/Download.gif[/img] [url=https://dfiles.ru/files/omb7shrsw]HyperSnap 7.25.01 - 免安裝[/url] [img]https://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb380/le3900/Download.gif[/img] [url=https://rghost.net/47701869]HyperSnap 7.25.01 - 免安裝[/url] [img]https://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb380/le3900/Download.gif[/img] [url=https://www.solidfiles.com/d/b27e8d344a/]HyperSnap 7.25.01 - 免安裝[/url] [img]https://i1202.photobucket.com/albums/bb380/le3900/Download.gif[/img] [url=https://www.filefactory.com/file/3o1cxulnw6or/n/H_S_7.25.01.exe]HyperSnap 7.25.01 - 免安裝[/url][/quote]

硬體綜合測試 PCMark 8 v1.2.157日期:2013-10-28

作者:FutureMark   大小:2.0GB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:5928

[img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/pcmark8-logo-bg-wide.jpg[/img] 簡介: 眾所周知,PCMark的任務則是整體性地考察電腦系統的綜合性能。 最新發佈的PCMark 8主要是面向安裝了Windows 8作業系統的 桌上型電腦、筆記本、平板機,尤其是最新發佈的Intel Haswell、AMD Richland APU平臺,當然也相容Windows 7。 PCMark 8包括五個性能測試子項、一個電池續航測試子項 其中後者是首次加入,以後就不用再找單獨的工具了。 -家庭(Home)、娛樂(Creative)、辦公(Work)測試 這三個專案用來考察最常見的電腦應用模式,分別指羽量級家庭應用 高負載的媒體和娛樂活動、典型的辦公任務。 每一項又包括一系列的負載測試,包含諸如上網、文字錄入、照片編輯、視頻聊天、遊戲等等。 應用(Applications)測試 官方宣稱是最激動人心的新功能之一。 它使用來自微軟Office 2010+、Adobe CS6+系列的最流行應用程式來考察系統性能 而且允許使用者根據自己系統安裝的應用來選擇進行哪些測試。 儲存(Storage)測試 測試物件是機械硬碟、固態硬碟、混合硬碟。 通過微軟Office、Adobe CS和其它一些特定流行應用 能夠充分反映不同存放裝置之間的實際性能差異。 電池續航(Battery Life)測試 PCMark系列史上第一次加入電池相關測試。 選擇電池續航模式(Battery Life Mode) 就會反復迴圈進行家庭、娛樂、辦公測試 直至電池容量幾乎耗盡,從而最精確地衡量真實的電池續航能力。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/PCMark 8.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/pcmark8-logo-bg-.jpg[/img] Description: PCMark 8 is an essential benchmark for testing the latest Windows 8 notebooks, tablets and desktop PCs. Improving on previous releases, PCMark 8 includes battery life measurement tools and new tests using popular applications from the Adobe Creative Suite and Microsoft Office. PCMark 8, the latest in the series of popular PC benchmarking tools, includes battery life measurement tools and new tests using popular applications from Adobe and Microsoft. Each of the five benchmarks included in PCMark 8 produces a score you can use to compare systems. Or use the detailed results from each workload to gain a deeper understanding of system performance. The industry standard PC benchmark test for Windows 8 and Windows 7 Combines performance testing with new battery life measurement tools. Includes new tests using popular applications from Microsoft and Adobe. Ideal for testing the performance of SSDs and hybrid storage devices.

3DMark 11 Build 1.0.3日期:2012-09-20

作者:Futuremark   大小:280MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:7599

3DMark 11 是全球最受歡迎的最新版基準測試軟體。 3DMark 11 是專門為測量 PC 遊戲效能所設計的測試軟體,可以廣泛使用 DirectX 11 中 的所有新功能,包括曲面細分 (Tessellation)、計算著色器 (Compute Shader) 及多執行緒渲染 (Multi-threading)。 由於深受全球遊戲玩家信任 並能給予精確且公正的測試結果,3DMark 11 是在近似遊戲負載的情況下,以具有一致性與可靠性測試 DirectX 11 的最佳方法。 3DMark 11 需要 DirectX 11 (相容於 DirectX 11 的顯示卡),以及 Windows Vista 或 Windows 7。 建議您使用 3DMark Vantage 進行 DirectX 10 的基準測試,並使用 3DMark06 進行 DirectX 9 的基準測試。 作業系統: Microsoft Windows Vista 或 Windows 7

Future 3DMark 1.0.1 (2013)日期:2013-02-05

作者:Futuremark   大小:969MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:10615

簡介: 3DMark 2013 全新一代的3DMark終於隆重登場了。這毫無疑問標誌著顯卡乃至整個硬體行業一個新的起點。為了顯示自己的首次跨平臺特性,Futuremark特意簡單明瞭地將其直接命名為3DMark,不再使用任何尾碼。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D-Mark-20131.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D2013.png[/img] Description: The new 3DMark (2013) includes everything you need to benchmark your hardware. With three all new tests you can bench everything from smartphones and tablets, to notebooks and home PCs, to the latest high-end, multi-GPU gaming desktops. And it\\\'s not just for Windows. With 3DMark you can compare your scores with Android and iOS devices too. It\\\'s the most powerful and flexible benchmark we\\\'ve ever created. The latest version of the world\\\'s most popular benchmark is simply called 3DMark to reflect its all-round versatility. Not only is this 3DMark the first in the series to offer cross-platform comparisons, it is also the first to test different Direct3D feature levels within one application.

3DMark Vantage Build 1.1.0日期:2012-09-20

作者:Futuremark   大小:348MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:17171

3DMark Vantage有很多版本,其中唯一不需要付費的試用版,只能運用基本的兩種顯示卡測試和兩種CPU測試,另外也只能「測試一次」, 並且你要先在官網輸入Email來獲得這個「一次測試」的「註冊碼」才行,每個信箱只能申請一次註冊碼。 在3DMark Vantage中有兩個完全重新設計的測試場景,首先是一個女中豪傑深入敵軍基地亂闖一陣後逃逸的場景,在這個場景中可以測試 DirectX 10在水面特效、動態模糊、天空雲層描繪上的各種技術,當然還有非常誇張的環境動態光影來考驗你的硬體。

3DMark 2.3.3682日期:2017-04-21

作者:Futuremark.com   大小:3.7 GB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:2250

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D-Mark-20131.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/Sky Diver.jpg[/img] Futuremark 11 日宣佈推出 3DMark Sky Diver 基準測試,這是新一代 3DMark 的更新版本,在現有的 Ice Storm 、 Cloud Gate 及 FireStrike 中加入第四個測試場景, Sky Diver 測試項目將會採用 DirectX 11 功能層級,主要針對中階 PC 系列及 Gaming Notebook 產品。 據了解, 3DMark Sky Diver 基準測試性能要求將介乎 Fire Strike 和 Cloud Gate 之間,有別於 Cloud Gate 採用 DirectX 10 功能層級 720p 解析度, Sky Diver 將會採用 DirectX 11 功能層級 1080p 解析度, Futuremark 建議如果 Fire Strike 成績得分在 2800 以下,應採用 Sky Diver 測試作為基準,如 Sky Diver 測試成績在 12800 以上則應使用 Fire Strike 作基準。 3DMark Sky Diver 包括 Demo 、兩個 GT 繪圖測試、一個 PT 物理測試與一個 CT 合併測試,繪圖測試測量 GPU 效能,物理測試測量 CPU 效能,合併測試則同時對 GPU 和 CPU 加壓,而演示不會影響測試分數。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D2013.png[/img] Version History v2.3.3663 (March 23rd, 2017) This is a major update that adds Vulkan support to the API Overhead feature test. Benchmark scores are unaffected with the exception of API Overhead feature test, which now produces scores for Vulkan instead of Mantle. New Added Vulkan support to the API Overhead feature test. Use the API Overhead feature test to compare Vulkan, DirectX 12, and DirectX 11 API performance on your PC. The Vulkan test requires compatible video drivers with Vulkan support. Check with your GPU vendor for Vulkan driver support if your hardware is unable to run the test. Note that the Vulkan test replaces the Mantle test found in previous versions of 3DMark. Improved SystemInfo scan time greatly improved on X99 systems. Fixed Fixed an issue that could cause the API Overhead feature test to fail to show a score at the end of an otherwise normal run on some systems. Fixed Time Spy test to properly recover from a corrupted shader cache - if runtime compiled shaders are found to be corrupted, they are deleted and recompiled. Uninstallation also now completely removes the shader cache folder. Fixed a scaling issue that could cause parts of the UI to end up outside the display area on 1080p monitors with 150% DPI scaling. UI will now scale appropriately even on high DPI scaling settings. v2.2.3509 (December 16th, 2016) This update fixes a GUI issue that resulted in marginally lower than expected scores when starting a test from the Benchmark Details screen in 3DMark versions 2.1.2852 and later. Benchmark runs started from the Home screen or the Command Line were not affected. It is normal for 3DMark scores to vary by up to 3% between runs since there are factors in a modern, multitasking operating system that cannot be completely controlled. With this update, overall scores are expected to increase by up to 0.3%. Scores from the Physics and CPU parts of benchmark tests may improve by up to 2.5%. Scores from this version of 3DMark are consistent with results from previous versions that did not have the GUI issue. Description: 3DMark - The Gamer\\\\\\\'s Benchmark for all your hardware Whether you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re gaming on a smartphone, tablet, notebook, laptop, desktop, or a high performance gaming PC, 3DMark includes a benchmark designed specifically for your type of device. And it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s not just for Windows. You can compare your scores with Android and iOS devices too. 3DMark is the only benchmark to include a range of tests for different classes of hardware: Fire Strike, for high performance gaming PCs Sky Diver, for gaming laptops and mid-range PCs Cloud Gate, for notebooks and typical home PCs Ice Storm, for smartphones, tablets and entry level PCs

顯卡綜合測試 3DMark 1.5.915日期:2015-06-11

作者:Futuremark.com   大小:1.56GB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:1643

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D-Mark-20131.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/Sky Diver.jpg[/img] Futuremark 11 日宣佈推出 3DMark Sky Diver 基準測試,這是新一代 3DMark 的更新版本,在現有的 Ice Storm 、 Cloud Gate 及 FireStrike 中加入第四個測試場景, Sky Diver 測試項目將會採用 DirectX 11 功能層級,主要針對中階 PC 系列及 Gaming Notebook 產品。 據了解, 3DMark Sky Diver 基準測試性能要求將介乎 Fire Strike 和 Cloud Gate 之間,有別於 Cloud Gate 採用 DirectX 10 功能層級 720p 解析度, Sky Diver 將會採用 DirectX 11 功能層級 1080p 解析度, Futuremark 建議如果 Fire Strike 成績得分在 2800 以下,應採用 Sky Diver 測試作為基準,如 Sky Diver 測試成績在 12800 以上則應使用 Fire Strike 作基準。 3DMark Sky Diver 包括 Demo 、兩個 GT 繪圖測試、一個 PT 物理測試與一個 CT 合併測試,繪圖測試測量 GPU 效能,物理測試測量 CPU 效能,合併測試則同時對 GPU 和 CPU 加壓,而演示不會影響測試分數。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D2013.png[/img] Version History 1.5.893 This is a minor update. Benchmark scores are unaffected. Compatibility Fixed a bug that could cause the API Overhead feature test to hang on Windows 10 Technical Preview build 10061. Steam version only Fixed an issue that prevented Steam Achievements from being unlocked. Description: Improved You can now run benchmarks individually in 3DMark Basic Edition. SystemInfo module updated to 4.29 for improved hardware detection. Compatibility On Windows 7, Service Pack 1 is required for 3DMark version 1.3.XXX onwards. Professional Edition only The filenames of the .3dmdef definition files used for running 3DMark from the command line have changed with this release. You may need to update your existing scripts if using automation. Sky Driver Test Sky Diver is a new DirectX 11 benchmark test for gaming laptops and mid-range PCs. It\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s ideal for testing mainstream graphics cards, mobile GPUs, integrated graphics and other systems that cannot achieve double-digit frame rates in the more demanding Fire Strike test. Together, Sky Diver and Fire Strike let you test the full range of DirectX 11 graphics hardware. Fire Strike is equivalent to testing a system with a modern DirectX 11 game on ultra-high settings. Sky Diver is more like running a game on normal settings. As a general guide: If a system scores less than 2800 in Fire Strike you should run Sky Diver. If a system scores more than 12000 in Sky Diver, you should run Fire Strike. Please note that Sky Diver and Fire Strike scores are not directly comparable.

顯卡綜合測試 3DMark Sky Diver 1.3.708日期:2014-06-30

作者:Futuremark.com   大小:1.49GB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:2161

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D-Mark-20131.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/Sky Diver.jpg[/img] Futuremark 11 日宣佈推出 3DMark Sky Diver 基準測試,這是新一代 3DMark 的更新版本,在現有的 Ice Storm 、 Cloud Gate 及 FireStrike 中加入第四個測試場景, Sky Diver 測試項目將會採用 DirectX 11 功能層級,主要針對中階 PC 系列及 Gaming Notebook 產品。 據了解, 3DMark Sky Diver 基準測試性能要求將介乎 Fire Strike 和 Cloud Gate 之間,有別於 Cloud Gate 採用 DirectX 10 功能層級 720p 解析度, Sky Diver 將會採用 DirectX 11 功能層級 1080p 解析度, Futuremark 建議如果 Fire Strike 成績得分在 2800 以下,應採用 Sky Diver 測試作為基準,如 Sky Diver 測試成績在 12800 以上則應使用 Fire Strike 作基準。 3DMark Sky Diver 包括 Demo 、兩個 GT 繪圖測試、一個 PT 物理測試與一個 CT 合併測試,繪圖測試測量 GPU 效能,物理測試測量 CPU 效能,合併測試則同時對 GPU 和 CPU 加壓,而演示不會影響測試分數。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3D2013.png[/img] Description: Improved You can now run benchmarks individually in 3DMark Basic Edition. SystemInfo module updated to 4.29 for improved hardware detection. Compatibility On Windows 7, Service Pack 1 is required for 3DMark version 1.3.XXX onwards. Professional Edition only The filenames of the .3dmdef definition files used for running 3DMark from the command line have changed with this release. You may need to update your existing scripts if using automation. Sky Driver Test Sky Diver is a new DirectX 11 benchmark test for gaming laptops and mid-range PCs. It\'s ideal for testing mainstream graphics cards, mobile GPUs, integrated graphics and other systems that cannot achieve double-digit frame rates in the more demanding Fire Strike test. Together, Sky Diver and Fire Strike let you test the full range of DirectX 11 graphics hardware. Fire Strike is equivalent to testing a system with a modern DirectX 11 game on ultra-high settings. Sky Diver is more like running a game on normal settings. As a general guide: If a system scores less than 2800 in Fire Strike you should run Sky Diver. If a system scores more than 12000 in Sky Diver, you should run Fire Strike. Please note that Sky Diver and Fire Strike scores are not directly comparable.


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