
滑鼠測試軟體 Mouse Rate Checker 1.1b日期:2013-03-03

作者:oliver tscherwitschke   大小:7 KB   語言:英文   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:46854

簡介: Mouse Rate是檢測樣品滑鼠DPI與掃描率綜合性能的軟體! Mouse Rate的平均頻率是滑鼠在移動時所有頻率的平均值,它可以從單方面來反映滑鼠的速度快慢,而白色框中不斷變動的數位便可以看出滑鼠的穩定性。得分相差越大,表示滑鼠越不穩定,得分越大,表示滑鼠速度越快 性能越好。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Mouse Rate Checker/mouse rate checker.jpg[/img] Description: Mouse Rate Checker is a lightweight program that can tell you how often the position of your mouse is sent to the other applications. This parameter is quite important when you are using tools or games with high frame rates. While most computer users are not paying attention to the mouse response rate, any hardcore gamer can tell you that some fights can be lost just because of that. This tool can help you check the mouse sample rate and see if it needs improvement.

華碩顯示卡超頻工具 ASUS GPU Tweak日期:2013-08-13

作者:ASUSTeK Computer Inc.   大小:23MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:19057

簡介: 說到顯卡的超頻工具大家都可能會先想到微星的AfterBurner吧,其實華碩也有一款同樣優秀的顯卡超頻軟件GPU Tweak,它擁有的同樣優秀的兼容性,可以同時支持AMD與NVIDIA眾多不同型號的顯卡,而且也沒有限制只有自己品牌的顯卡能用,各個品牌的顯卡都可以用華碩GPU Tweak進行調節。 最多可調整四個顯卡的核心頻率、內存頻率、核心電壓以及風扇速度,而且還支持顯存時序調節,最大打限度的挖掘顯卡性能。通過監控窗口,可以實時準確的監視顯卡信息。 ASUS GPU Tweak的強大之處還不僅限於此,它還支持在線更新驅動及BIOS文件,對顯卡的優化設置可以很方便的燒錄進BIOS中,做到了對顯卡的全面優化。 對於功能強大ASUS GPU Tweak來說,開放性也是其能很受發燒友喜愛的原因之一,GPU Tweak不僅僅適用自家的顯卡,其他品牌顯卡同樣可以使用,有需要的用戶可以下載使用。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ASUS GPU Tweak/ASUS GPU Tweak.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ASUS GPU Tweak/ASUS GPU Tweak.jpg[/img] Description: ASUS makes serious hardware for die-hard overclockers who want to squeeze every ounce of performance out of their gear and never back down from a challenge. This experience is enhanced further with the all new and intuitive ASUS exclusive GPU Tweak utility - allowing you to monitor and optimize settings for ultimate performance on any graphics cards. Get ASUS GPU Tweak ands try it for yourself to see just how useful it can actually be for you!

鍵盤測試工具 hKBTEST v2.0日期:2013-03-03

作者:Ivan Lin   大小:33.7KB   語言:英文   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:16760

簡介: 網路有許多檢測系統的工具,像是檢測CPU、主機板、硬碟等等,可以顯示這些硬體的狀態及健康狀況,不過鮮少有人會進行『鍵盤檢測』,其實鍵盤除了好不好按之外,當然也要看看正不正常,絕大部份人回去都不會詳細的測試全部的按鍵是否正常,等到出了問題就直接換新鍵盤,或許有些按鍵在購買時就透逗了也說不定,趕緊用《hKBTest》來測試鍵盤看看吧。 有時候電腦鍵盤疑似壞掉了卻沒有檢測軟體可以確定,電腦鍵盤壞的的方式也不一定都是無法敲出字元,這套軟體可以在最簡單的方法下檢驗出你鍵盤按鍵是否正常。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/hKBTest/hKBTest.jpg[/img] Description: hKBTEST is a simple application designed to be used to test whether the keys on a keyboard are functional.

華碩顯示卡超頻工具 ASUS GPU Tweak 2.6.4日期:2014-06-20

作者:ASUSTeK Computer Inc.   大小:23MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:7070

簡介: 說到顯卡的超頻工具大家都可能會先想到微星的AfterBurner吧,其實華碩也有一款同樣優秀的顯卡超頻軟件GPU Tweak,它擁有的同樣優秀的兼容性,可以同時支持AMD與NVIDIA眾多不同型號的顯卡,而且也沒有限制只有自己品牌的顯卡能用,各個品牌的顯卡都可以用華碩GPU Tweak進行調節。 最多可調整四個顯卡的核心頻率、內存頻率、核心電壓以及風扇速度,而且還支持顯存時序調節,最大打限度的挖掘顯卡性能。通過監控窗口,可以實時準確的監視顯卡信息。 ASUS GPU Tweak的強大之處還不僅限於此,它還支持在線更新驅動及BIOS文件,對顯卡的優化設置可以很方便的燒錄進BIOS中,做到了對顯卡的全面優化。 對於功能強大ASUS GPU Tweak來說,開放性也是其能很受發燒友喜愛的原因之一,GPU Tweak不僅僅適用自家的顯卡,其他品牌顯卡同樣可以使用,有需要的用戶可以下載使用。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ASUS GPU Tweak/ASUS GPU Tweak.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ASUS GPU Tweak/ASUS GPU Tweak.jpg[/img] Description: ASUS makes serious hardware for die-hard overclockers who want to squeeze every ounce of performance out of their gear and never back down from a challenge. This experience is enhanced further with the all new and intuitive ASUS exclusive GPU Tweak utility - allowing you to monitor and optimize settings for ultimate performance on any graphics cards. Get ASUS GPU Tweak ands try it for yourself to see just how useful it can actually be for you!

極限超頻設定工具 SetFSB日期:2013-03-01

作者:abo   大小:238 KB   語言:英文   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:6435

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/SetFSB/AutoToolIconVersion3.png[/img] SetFSB能在Windows下直接設置FSB,支援數十款時鐘發生器,數百款主機板,是極限超頻玩家的必備軟體。 Description: SetFSB is a program that gives you control and diagnosis of your CPU. Note: If you are a beginner, do not use this software. This software is for power users only. Use \"SetFSB.exe\" at your own risk.

NVIDIA Inspector日期:2013-04-02

作者:Orbmu2k   大小:227KB   語言:英文   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:4508

簡介: NVIDIA Inspector,它是一款針對NVIDIA顯卡的資訊偵測軟體,有點類似GPU-Z。但它的賣點是支持顯卡超頻、電壓調整和風扇轉速控制,並能夠支持最新的顯卡的超頻。 NVIDIA Inspector 是一款專門提供給NVIDIA顯示卡超頻、監測的軟體,它的左側介面與GPU-Z幾乎是大同小異,不過右側的部份可以調整核心時脈、記憶體時脈、風扇轉速甚至電壓...等,而且介面相當簡單乾淨,如果你看膩了各家提供的華麗超頻工具,不妨可以試用看看。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/NVInspector/NVIDIA Inspector.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/NVInspector/The-Best-Nvidia-Wallpaper-Widescreen.jpg[/img] Description: The nVIDIA Inspector Tool is basically an nVIDIA only GPU-Z utility but with a decent OverClocking feature and you can set your clocks and fan speeds. Orbmu2k has released this program, which seems to NVIDIA graphics cards and offers information on tools for GPU and memory clock speed, GPU operating voltage and fan speed increase. This is a quite simple user interface with an application that will rely entirely NVIDIA drivers, so there is reason to be downloaded from NVIDIA\\\\\\\'s website WHQL-certified driver. The program offers roughly the same information as the GPU-Z program, but with a few extra spice box.

NiBiTor (NVIDIA BIOS Editor) V6.06日期:2012-11-29

作者:NVIDIA   大小:592KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:3885

簡介: NVFlash是一款用於NVIDIA顯卡BIOS刷新的官方工具,這次目前可在Windows環境下執行的最新版本,支援32位元和64位元Windows系統,需要的朋友請下載留存。 NVFlash具體命令列操作格式如下: 1、升級BIOS:nvflash --filename。 2、保存BIOS檔:nvflash --save filename。 3、對比顯卡BIOS版本:nvflash --compare filename。 4、升級TV數據:nvflash --tv filename。 5、顯示BIOS版本:nvflash --version filename。 6、顯示BIOS位元組數:nvflash --display。 7、開啟防寫EEPROM:nvflash --protecton。 8、關閉防寫功能:nvflash --protectoff。 9、設置IEEE 1394標識:nvflash --guid。 10、顯卡適配器列表:nvflash --list。 注意:NVFlash的Windows版本並不是完全的直接運行圖形介面,需要在命令提示符下操作,操作方法與DOS下的命令完全相同。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/NiBiTor/NIBITOR ex.jpg[/img] Description: NiBiTor can be used to gain extra performance from your NVIDIA video card, enable particular hidden features, access advanced information or tweak boot settings, fan speeds and memory timings. It doesn\'t lack support of latest graphic cards as its updates constantly keeps its database fresh. Be aware, though, that this powerful tweaker can seriously damage your VGA card if not properly, accordingly and responsibly used.

CPU 頻率固定工具 ThrottleStop 6.00日期:2016-02-05

作者:Kevin Glynn   大小:619KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:3049

簡介: [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/ThrottleStop/ThrottleStop.png[/img] Throttlestop這套軟體,不僅可以讓它穩定工作在加速倍頻 更可以讓所有核心都同時使用最高倍頻~CPU會降頻,大大影響遊戲性能。而有時CPU因為某些原因達不到最大性能,ThrottleStop就是解決這些問題的一種軟體 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalDiskInfo/CrystalDiskInfo.jpg[/img] Description: ThrottleStop is a small application designed to monitor for and correct the three main types of CPU throttling that are being used on many laptop computers. The left side of ThrottleStop contains a variety of options which can be used to bypass CPU throttling and on the right side is a Monitoring panel that shows you the current state of each thread on your CPU. Some laptops are using clock modulation and multiplier reductions to lower the performance and power consumption of your computer. This is done deliberately to either allow your computer to run cooler or to allow your laptop to operate with a power adapter that is not sufficient to fully power your laptop and recharge its battery at the same time. When using ThrottleStop, it is strongly recommended to monitor power consumption at the wall with a Kill-a-Watt meter or similar device and make sure that you don\'t exceed the power capabilities of your power adapter. Use of ThrottleStop to bypass these throttling schemes is at your own risk and can result in permanent damage to your power adapter or computer or both which may not be covered by your warranty.



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