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Das Keyboard: The Keyboard for Professionals

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boaultra 發表於 2009-1-29 19:58:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
The market of computer keyboards and other computer peripherals is flooded with various devices primarily aimed at gamers or multimedia enthusiasts. As a result, many keyboards feature incredible amount of additional keys and functionality, but sometimes sacrifice the main qualities of the keyboard in order to install those supplement things. But do all the users need them? Hardly.

There are several reasons for installation of extra keys on modern keyboards: computers now perform much more tasks than decades ago, when the keyboard was first introduced and it is natural that many would like to control audio or something else from their keyboards instead of using additional devices; PC video games are getting more and more complex and extra programmable keys are much appreciated by gamers; numerous applications can take advantage of programmable keys

But the truth to be said, far not all need to control audio volume, launch email application, start complex macros or quickly reconfigure an in-game character. What the vast majority of journalists, typists, writers and many other users need from their keyboard is maximum comfort when typing and the best possible ergonomics. Unfortunately, many multimedia-oriented keyboards available these days sacrifice comfort of typing so to install additional functionality, whereas cheap office-oriented keyboards without multimedia buttons do not provide a lot of comfort either.

All-in-all, there are very few high-quality keyboards aimed at typists available on the market right now. One of them is definitely Das Keyboard from Metadot Corp. that not only has mechanical switch keys, but also promises incredible typing experience as well as increase of speed of typing.

Today we are going to have a look at the Das Keyboard III Professional and find out whether it is actually a very special device that can make life of a typist easier.
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