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[業界新聞] Intel Xe-HPG 可能對 AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 技術有興趣

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AMD 於 COMPUTEX 演講中,首次發表 AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 加速技術,無須 AI、深度學習運算,來達到將低解析度渲染的影像提升解析度的同時,更可帶來可觀的遊戲效能 FPS 提升。
目前,FidelityFX Super Resolution 需等到 6/22 號才能知曉,實際的畫質、效能與遊戲支援性;而最近 Raja Koduri 除了自己展示 Xe-HPG 512EU GPU 的晶片外,也討論到有關 AMD FSR 技術。

Xe-HPG (DG2) real candy - very productive time at the Folsom lab couple of weeks ago. “From jittery journeys to buttery smooth” said @rogerdchandler -
lots of game and driver optimization work ahead for @gfxlisa’s software team. They are all very excited..and a little scared:) pic.twitter.com/tQcfEWf8p4
— Raja Koduri (@Rajaontheedge) June 2, 2021

Raja Koduri 在 Twitter 回應 Kyle Bennett 的詢問,Raja Koduri 提到 Intel 確實正在考慮 FSR 技術,用於未來推出的 Xe-HPG 的 GPU 產品,也就是 DG2 獨立顯示卡,而 Intel 也將試著支持 Open 開放技術,換句話說 Intel 未來的 GPU,有很大的機會支援著 AMD FSR 技術。

各位就期待 6/22 AMD FSR 揭曉的那一天吧!

Definitely looking at it - the DL capabilities of Xe HPG architecture do lend to approaches that achieve better quality and performance. We will definitely try to align with open approaches to make ISVs job easier..
— Raja Koduri (@Rajaontheedge) June 2, 2021

source: videocardz.com

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