
USB 設備檢測工具 ChipGenius 4.00日期:2013-07-10

作者:数码之家   大小:418 KB   語言:簡體中文   平台:Windows   人氣:25960

簡介:  ChipGenius是一款USB設備檢測工具,可以自動查詢U盤、MP3/MP4、讀卡器、移動硬碟等一切USB設備的主控晶片型號、USB電 流檢測、製造商、品牌、並提供相關資料下載位址。當然也可以查詢USB設備的VID/PID資訊、設備名稱、介面速度、序號、設備版本等。   軟體綠色小巧,隨插即用,是數碼消費者、電子愛好者、DIY人士和數碼維修人員身邊的好幫手。   1、快速修復U盤:不用拆機即可查詢U盤的晶片型號,快速找到對應的量產工具   2、幫你識別假冒U盤:還怕買到假冒U盤嗎?隨時帶上我吧(配合MyDiskTest更佳)   3、專業選購MP3:MP3主控方案一般廠家都不說,而晶片又是選購MP3的重要指標   4、識別假IPOD:我一直懷疑自已的IPOD是假的,又無法拆開,這個任務交給我搞定   5、維修好幫手:數碼維修人員整天和數碼產品打交道,我的出現就是你的得力助手   6、其它USB存儲:買讀卡器、移動硬碟、USB-Hub....,從專業角度幫你挑選對比   7、其它USB外設:攝像頭、USB滑鼠、印表機、USB音效卡....,免拆殼哦   8、主機板晶片組:看晶片型號、找驅動、查主機板性能,有我更輕鬆   9、後續還有更多神秘功能,等你來發掘....。.   版本更新:   V4.00   1、全面支援Win7、Win8、WinXP、Win2003系統(含32Bit/64Bit)   2、全面支持USB3.0、USB2.0、USB1.1介面檢測   3、深度檢測主要方案商的晶片型號,增加U盤FLASH檢測功能   4、可以檢測偽造資訊的假冒群聯主控和假冒索尼/金士頓U盤   5、增加USB設備電流、設備版本號檢測、提供免費資料下載連結   6、增加一鍵截圖功能,方便提交檢測資訊 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ChipGenius/ChipGenius-01.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ChipGenius/ChipGenius-02.jpg[/img] Description: ChipGenius is a section of USB equipment chip model examination tool, may inquire the U plate, MP3/MP4 automatically, reads the card, the motion hard disk and so on master control chip model, the manufacturer, the brand, and provides the correlation data downloading address. Certainly may also inquire USB equipment\\\'s VID/PID information, the equipment name, the series number, the equipment edition and so on.

HD Tune Pro 5.50 CHT ~ 免安裝日期:2013-05-05

作者:le2712   大小:2.21 MB   語言:繁體中文   平台:Windows   人氣:51950

[img]https://i647.photobucket.com/albums/uu192/le2704/HDTunePro.png[/img] [size=2]【軟體名稱】:HD Tune Pro 5.50 CHT ~ 零售免安裝[img]https://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss156/le2760/61.gif[/img] 【軟體語言】:繁體中文 【軟體分類】:硬體工具 【軟體格式】:自解壓縮檔 【檔案大小】:2.21 MB 【放置空間】:depositfiles / solidfiles / Rghost 【解壓密碼】: [img]https://i947.photobucket.com/albums/ad313/le2791/s1.png[/img] HD Tune 是一套實用、容易操作的硬碟工具軟體,其主要功能有硬碟傳輸速率檢查 、健康狀態檢查、溫度檢查及磁碟表面掃瞄等。 另外,還能檢查出硬碟的硬體版本、序號、容量、快取大小以及目前的 Ultra DMA 模式等。雖然這些功能其它軟體也有,但難能可貴的是此軟體把所有這些功能集於一身,而且非常小巧,速度又快。 [img]https://i784.photobucket.com/albums/yy127/le2792/s2.png[/img] [img]https://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j472/le3911/HDTunePro.png[/img] [url=https://www.hdtune.com/][img]https://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af297/le2793/s3.png[/img][/url] What\'s new 20 April 2013: HD Tune Pro 5.50 released. Changes: Added new module with following functions: Check health status of all connected drives at once Detailed S.M.A.R.T information Run S.M.A.R.T self-test Device statistics Temperature statistics Added support for more SSD drives Improved support for +4TB disks Added option to restore window position and size Added new warning level [img]https://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss156/le2760/Hp.png[/img]Homepage - [url=https://www.hdtune.com/]www.hdtune.com[/url] [img]https://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af297/le2793/s4.png[/img] [quote][img]https://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss156/le2760/Download.gif[/img] [url=https://depositfiles.com/files/fs5lfdb3g]HD Tune Pro 5.50 CHT ~ 免安裝[/url] [img]https://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss156/le2760/Download.gif[/img] [url=https://rghost.net/45783726]HD Tune Pro 5.50 CHT ~ 免安裝[/url] [img]https://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss156/le2760/Download.gif[/img] [url=https://www.solidfiles.com/d/f6f36e1fed/]HD Tune Pro 5.50 CHT ~ 免安裝[/url][/quote][/size]

隨身碟測試工具 MyDiskTest v2.93日期:2014-01-23

作者:MyDigi 數碼之家   大小:95KB   語言:中文   平台:Windows   人氣:19683

簡介: 第一款真正的隨身碟、記憶卡擴容檢測工具 集幾個大功能於一身:擴容檢測、壞塊掃瞄、速度測試、壞塊遮罩 MyDiskTest 是一款隨身碟/SD卡/CF卡等卸除式儲存裝置擴容識別工具。 可以方便的檢測出儲存裝置是否經過偽造擴充容量,以低容量偽造成高容量裝置。 還可以檢測出快閃記憶體是否有壞塊、是否採用黑心片。 並可以測試隨身碟/SD卡/CF卡等卸除式儲存裝置的讀取和寫入速度,對儲存裝置進行老化試驗。 是你挑選隨身碟/SD卡/CF卡等卸除式儲存裝置必備的工具。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/MyDiskTest/MyDiskTestv293-1.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/MyDiskTest/MyDiskTestv293-2.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/MyDiskTest/MyDiskTestv293-3.png[/img] 聲明: 在檢測前請務必自行備份隨身碟/SD卡/CF卡等卸除式儲存裝置內的檔案資料,以防資料遺失。

ATTO Disk Benchmark v2.46日期:2012-11-08

作者:ATTO Technology Inc.   大小: 0.236 Mb   語言:英文/繁體中文化   平台:Window XP/Vista/7/8   人氣:7530

[img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ATTO/ATTO Technology Inc.jpg[/img] 簡介: ATTO Disk Benchmark是由ATTO公司出品的一款磁碟/網路性能測試工具,該軟體使用了4MB的測試包,資料包按0.5K、1.0K、2.0K直到到1024KB進行分別讀寫測試,測試完成後資料用柱狀圖的形式表達出來。很好的說明了文件大小比例不同對磁碟速度的影響。 不過ATTO做夢也沒有想到居然這個小軟件有測試SD卡真假的功能。軟體很小,又不需安裝。除了檢測SD等卡的讀寫速度,也可測試USB碟的讀寫速度 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ATTO/ATTO Disk Benchmark C.jpg[/img] ATTO Disk Benchmark 是一款簡單易用的磁碟傳輸速率效能測試工具,可以用來檢測硬碟、USB 隨身碟、記憶卡與外接式硬碟的讀取及寫入速率。 本軟體使用了不同大小的資料測試包,封包按照 0.5K、1.0K、2.0K 直到 8192.0KB 分別進行讀取/寫入測試,測試完成後的測試結果利用條狀圖的形式表達出來。用來說明檔案大小比例不同對於磁碟速度的影響。 Description: Measure your storage systems performance The ATTO Disk Benchmark application was designed to be a performance measurement tool. Measure your storage systems performance with various transfer sizes and test lengths for reads and writes. ATTO Disk Benchmark application was designed to be a performance measurement tool. ATTO Disk Benchmark application was designed to be a performance measurement tool. Measure your storage systems performance with various transfer sizes and test lengths for reads and writes. Several options are available to customize your performance measurement including queue depth, overlapped I/O and even a comparison mode with the option to run continuously. Use ATTO Disk Benchmark to test any manufacturers RAID controllers, storage controllers, host adapters, hard drives and SSD drives and notice that ATTO products will consistently provide the highest level of performance to your storage. [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ATTO/ATTO Technology Inc.jpg[/img]

SSD 速度測試 TxBENCH 0.95日期:2015-07-16

作者:Texim Corporation   大小:1.10MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:9223

簡介: TxBENCH是一款來自國外的遊戲測試軟體,雖然很多朋友們沒有聽說過 但是在大多硬體測試網站上都用到了這款SSD的測試軟體。TxBENCH是最近才流行的SSD測試軟體 除了有基礎測試項目外,還支持自訂測試項目,可以自由設定測試的區塊大小、佇列深度等等,還有全盤寫入測試(FILE和RAW都支援)。 功能特點 SSD特性檢測功能比CrystalDiskInfo更全面深入,是否支持Device Sleep功能也能檢測出來。甚至還有Secure Erase安全擦除,分4種模式:標準Secure Erase(擦除FTL層)、增強Secure Erase(擦除FTL並清空NAND快閃記憶體)、Trim所有SSD空間、覆蓋寫入全盤所有磁區,以及手動Trim功能。 。 [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/TxBENCH/TxBENCH.jpg[/img] Latest Version 0.95 beta - download ( 1,163 KB ) [ Changes ] Aug 22, 2013 - 0.95 beta - Added [SSD Optimization] feature which invalidates unused area of SSD using TRIM. - Made it possible to perform TRIM to SSD connected via a USB on Windows8. June 14, 2013 - 0.94 beta - Made a folder the basic benchmark target. (ex. network drive or NAS) - Fixed a problem that error handling of the Self-test was not correct. June 6, 2013 - 0.93 beta - Added language selection English - Japanese under [View]-[Language]. - Added the Self-test feature in the Drive Information. - Added the Overwriting feature in Data Erasing. - Made a partition without an assigned drive letter the benchmark target. Fixed some issues, and added some new improvements. Description: This benchmark software measures storage performances for SSD, HDD and other drives. It not only measures the performance of storage easily but also performs detailed speed measurements based on specified access patterns and long-period speed measurements. It also allows you to see each drive\'s supported features, enabled features, and S.M.A.R.T. information.

隨身碟/記憶卡測試工具 Flash Drive Tester v1.14日期:2014-01-22

作者:vconsole.com   大小:1.04MB   語言:英文/中文   平台:Windows   人氣:5957

簡介: USB Flash Drive Tester 可以測試任何卸除式媒體 包括 SD、MMC、CF、USB 隨身碟)是否有損壞或不穩定的磁區 其適用於測試經常在低品質 USB 隨身碟、記憶卡中出現的假冒大小特別有用。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/USB Flash Drive Tester/flash_tester_1.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/USB Flash Drive Tester/flash_tester_2.jpg[/img] Description: Flash card/drive tester allows testing of any removable media including SD, MMC, CF, USB flash pen drives for bad or unstable sectors. Especially useful for testing for fake sizes often seen on low quality USB pen drives.

ATTO Disk Benchmark 3.05日期:2016-03-04

作者:ATTO Technology Inc.   大小:366KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:3236

[img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ATTO/ATTO Technology Inc.jpg[/img] 簡介: ATTO Disk Benchmark是由ATTO公司出品的一款磁碟/網路性能測試工具,該軟體使用了4MB的測試包,資料包按0.5K、1.0K、2.0K直到到1024KB進行分別讀寫測試,測試完成後資料用柱狀圖的形式表達出來。很好的說明了文件大小比例不同對磁碟速度的影響。 不過ATTO做夢也沒有想到居然這個小軟件有測試SD卡真假的功能。軟體很小,又不需安裝。除了檢測SD等卡的讀寫速度,也可測試USB碟的讀寫速度 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ATTO/ATTO Disk Benchmark C.jpg[/img] ATTO Disk Benchmark 是一款簡單易用的磁碟傳輸速率效能測試工具,可以用來檢測硬碟、USB 隨身碟、記憶卡與外接式硬碟的讀取及寫入速率。 本軟體使用了不同大小的資料測試包,封包按照 0.5K、1.0K、2.0K 直到 8192.0KB 分別進行讀取/寫入測試,測試完成後的測試結果利用條狀圖的形式表達出來。用來說明檔案大小比例不同對於磁碟速度的影響。 Description: Measure your storage systems performance The ATTO Disk Benchmark application was designed to be a performance measurement tool. Measure your storage systems performance with various transfer sizes and test lengths for reads and writes. ATTO Disk Benchmark application was designed to be a performance measurement tool. ATTO Disk Benchmark application was designed to be a performance measurement tool. Measure your storage systems performance with various transfer sizes and test lengths for reads and writes. Several options are available to customize your performance measurement including queue depth, overlapped I/O and even a comparison mode with the option to run continuously. Use ATTO Disk Benchmark to test any manufacturers RAID controllers, storage controllers, host adapters, hard drives and SSD drives and notice that ATTO products will consistently provide the highest level of performance to your storage. [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ATTO/ATTO Technology Inc.jpg[/img]

記憶卡/隨身碟效能測試 Flash Memory Toolkit 2.01日期:2014-01-22

作者:EFD Software   大小:948kb   語言:英文   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:2093

簡介: 主要功能 支援快閃記憶卡及 USB 隨身碟 快速、精確的復原檔案 安全抹除功能、抹除所有內容 詳盡的錯誤檢查 備份功能,一點一點地建立完全相同的副本 測量原始和檔案效能 詳細的裝置和 USB 資訊 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Flash Memory Toolkit/Flash Memory Toolkit 2.01.png[/img] Description: Flash Memory Toolkit is a collection of tools designed not only to provide valuable information regarding your USB flash drives, but also to offer a bunch of handy utilities such as file backup and recovery. The application is quite user friendly and although by definition it\'s not addressed to beginners, it can serve virtually all types of users. Flash Memory Toolkit thus relies on a straightforward interface, with features listed on the left side.


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