
硬碟健診工具 CrystalDiskInfo 5.4.1日期:2013-03-03

作者:Shizuku   大小:1.3MB    語言:多國語言   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:751

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalDiskInfo/Cover-afswa.blogspot.jpeg[/img] 硬碟健診工具–CrystalDiskInfo(簡稱:CDI),打開後便可以顯示硬碟健康狀態、溫度及一些進階資訊,支援一般的硬碟、固態硬碟(Intel、MTRON、SAMSUNG、Indilinx)及部份的外接式USB硬碟。 硬碟裡的資料至關重要,因此時常檢查硬碟健康狀況是有必要的,CrystalDiskInfo是一個小軟體,它通過讀取S.M.A.R.T瞭解硬碟健康狀況. 開啟它,您就可以迅速讀到本機硬碟的詳細資訊,包括介面、轉速、溫度、使用時間等.軟體還會根據S.M.A.R.T的評分做出評估,當硬碟快要損壞時還會發出警示。 S.M.A.R.T. 該技術可以幫我們監控以及分析磁碟機的健康狀況。但一般我們比較難了解到該部份的資訊。不過,透過 CrystalDiskInfo 這個磁碟工具,可以讓我們了解到該部份資訊,進而了解磁碟機的健康狀況。CrystalDiskInfo 支援硬碟以及 SSD,並顯示出這些裝置的健康狀況以及技術資訊,例如:使用時數、溫度、傳輸模式、硬體序號、緩衝區大小…等。有一點要注意的是,這類資訊僅供參考,並不完全代表磁碟的真正的健康。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalDiskInfo/CrystalDiskInfo.jpg[/img] Description: CrystalDiskInfo monitors HDD/SSD health status and temperature, and does all the usual monitoring/graphing of S.M.A.R.T. information. It also tells you how many times the hard disk has been turned on and how many hours it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s been on for. CrystalDiskInfo is a HDD/SSD utility which supports S.M.A.R.T. * Easy-to-understand user interface * Monitoring health status and temperature * Graph of S.M.A.R.T information

音效測試軟體 PassMark SoundCheck v3.0日期:2013-03-03

作者:PassMark Software   大小:1.18 MB   語言:英文   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:11563

簡介: PassMark SoundCheck是一款音效卡、揚聲器、麥克風的測試軟體,可以錄製聲音測試重播,直觀顯示輸入輸出的速率還可以用曲線圖顯示。還可以測試3D Sound和Audio FX。音質測試有正弦波、方波等可供選擇。 • 提供試用天數30天 • 支援測試電腦音效卡 • 支援測試電腦喇叭 • 支援測試電腦麥克風 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PassMark/soundcheck.gif[/img] Description: PassMark SoundCheck™ is a Windows based application that allows users to test their PC sound card, speakers and microphone. Verify that your sound card can record and playback sounds at various audio sample rates. Check the capability of your speakers to reproduce the highest and lowest frequencies (and your capability to hear these frequencies).

滑鼠測試軟體 Mouse Rate Checker 1.1b日期:2013-03-03

作者:oliver tscherwitschke   大小:7 KB   語言:英文   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:46840

簡介: Mouse Rate是檢測樣品滑鼠DPI與掃描率綜合性能的軟體! Mouse Rate的平均頻率是滑鼠在移動時所有頻率的平均值,它可以從單方面來反映滑鼠的速度快慢,而白色框中不斷變動的數位便可以看出滑鼠的穩定性。得分相差越大,表示滑鼠越不穩定,得分越大,表示滑鼠速度越快 性能越好。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Mouse Rate Checker/mouse rate checker.jpg[/img] Description: Mouse Rate Checker is a lightweight program that can tell you how often the position of your mouse is sent to the other applications. This parameter is quite important when you are using tools or games with high frame rates. While most computer users are not paying attention to the mouse response rate, any hardcore gamer can tell you that some fights can be lost just because of that. This tool can help you check the mouse sample rate and see if it needs improvement.

鍵盤測試工具 hKBTEST v2.0日期:2013-03-03

作者:Ivan Lin   大小:33.7KB   語言:英文   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:16760

簡介: 網路有許多檢測系統的工具,像是檢測CPU、主機板、硬碟等等,可以顯示這些硬體的狀態及健康狀況,不過鮮少有人會進行『鍵盤檢測』,其實鍵盤除了好不好按之外,當然也要看看正不正常,絕大部份人回去都不會詳細的測試全部的按鍵是否正常,等到出了問題就直接換新鍵盤,或許有些按鍵在購買時就透逗了也說不定,趕緊用《hKBTest》來測試鍵盤看看吧。 有時候電腦鍵盤疑似壞掉了卻沒有檢測軟體可以確定,電腦鍵盤壞的的方式也不一定都是無法敲出字元,這套軟體可以在最簡單的方法下檢驗出你鍵盤按鍵是否正常。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/hKBTest/hKBTest.jpg[/img] Description: hKBTEST is a simple application designed to be used to test whether the keys on a keyboard are functional.

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Benchmark日期:2013-03-01

作者: Square   大小:469.4 MB    語言:英文   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:2980

簡介: Square Enix公司發布了一個官方的基準測試 Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn,讓您在前推出測試您的電腦。 Square Enix強烈建議玩家在購買遊戲之前測試自己的電腦,一些低端的電腦將無法運行遊戲, 即使他們滿足的最低要求。這標準將使用從遊戲中的人物和地圖來執行測試。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Benchmarking/Final-Fantasy-XIV-A-Realm-Reborn.jpg[/img] 使用方法: 1.下載檔案(任選其一),並將此zip檔案解壓縮。 2.執行\\\"FFXIVBenchmark.exe\\\"。 3.按[使用許諾契約書]右下角的同意(Accept)鈕,接著即可進入此程式的設定畫面。 4.選擇你想要的人物及解析度項目,最後按下[START]鈕即可開始測試。 Description: Final Fantasy XIV is preparing to launch its beta tests, but can your rig handle it? The answer is probably \\\"of course it can\\\" for most PC enthusiasts, but just in case you have your doubts Square Enix has released a benchmark test. The test puts your PC through its paces and assigns it a score. You\\\'re aiming for 2,000 or higher, which means you can run the game on default settings. The scoring can go up beyond 7,000 though, giving you some bragging rights if your PC can run it at max settings without breaking a sweat. Square is also careful to note that this isn\\\'t a trial version of the game and doesn\\\'t grant access to the beta; for that, you\\\'ll have to sign up like everybody else.

Resident Evil 6 Benchmark日期:2013-03-01

作者:CAPCOM   大小:963.1 MB   語言:英文   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:1653

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Benchmarking/Resident Evil 6 Benchmark.jpg[/img] PC版《生化危機6》要到3月22日才正式發佈,這個日期比主機版要晚了接近半年(主機版在去年10月2日正式發佈),不過Capcom已經公佈了《生化危機6》的Benchmark測試程式,讓各位生化迷提前升級自己的愛機迎接新作。   與《鬼泣DmC》的做法相同,《生化危機6》去除了在《生化危機5》當中使用的DirectX 10模式,僅保留DirectX 9模式,這一點頗讓生化迷特別是PC平臺上的生化迷不滿,畢竟早前曾經有傳聞稱《生化危機6》將支援DirectX 11技術。對此Capcom表示,這是為了縮短主機版和PC版之間發佈時間差,目前主機版《生化危機6》僅支持DirectX 9,如果PC版要使用DirectX 10/11技術,那麼整個遊戲都需要重新製作,屆時PC版就不能在3月22日準時發佈了。   因此不管大家是否仍然不滿,《生化危機6》仍然只是一款DirectX 9遊戲。現在遊戲Benchmark程式已經公佈,大家正好趁遊戲發佈前的這段時間,看看自己的愛機是否可以流暢運行《生化危機6》。 Description: Download Resident Evil 6 Benchmark, the official benchmark from Capcom. You can download the app from this website. Capcom revealed the program last month in a press release that also detailed the PC version\\\'s exclusive mode called The Mercenaries: No Mercy, which includes extra enemies and more opportunities to earn higher scores than its console counterparts. It also comes with a multiplayer mode called Siege, which pits two teams against each other with an AI-controlled agent in between. Resident Evil 6 a terrific blend of action and horror, which promises to be the most powerful piece in the horror genre in 2013. For pets series Resident Evil Leon Kennedy, Chris Redfield and Ada Wong joined by new characters, including Jake Mueller. Minimum System Requirements OS: Windows Vista/XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 Processor: Intel CoreTM2 Duo 2.4 Ghz or better, AMD AthlonTM X2 2.8 Ghz or better Memory: 2 GB RAM Hard Disk Space: 16 GB free hard drive space Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTS or better DirectX: 9.0c or greater Sound: Standard audio device

3DMark 11 Build 1.0.4日期:2013-03-01

作者:Futuremark.com   大小:271.0 M   語言:多國語言   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:8270

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3DMark11 Title.png[/img] 3DMark 11 v1.04 完全支援Windows 8 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/Windows 8.jpg[/img] 3DMark是市面上最負盛名的顯示卡效能測試跑分軟體,先前已有3DMark06的介紹。目前最新的3DMark 11,專門用來測試顯卡對於DirectX 11的執行效能。或許你還不知道什麼叫做「DirectX」,簡單來說,DirectX是一種Windows作業系統專用的多媒體介面(API),它能作為軟體和硬體溝通的規範,讓同一種程式也能在不同的硬體上執行。DirectX的版本號碼數值愈高,需要的硬體設備也愈新,畫面或是聲音的呈現效果也會更好。此外,新版本的DirectX可以向下相容舊版本。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Futuremark/3DMark11_key_art_horizontal_logo.jpg[/img] Description: 3DMark 11 Basic Edition – the gamer’s benchmark for DirectX 11 3DMark 11 is the latest version of the world’s most popular benchmark for measuring the graphics performance of gaming PCs. Designed for testing DirectX 11 hardware running on Windows 7 and Windows Vista the benchmark includes six all new benchmark tests. The Basic Edition is free to use and allows an unlimited number of benchmark runs without registration or expiry. Visit https://www.3dmark.com to upgrade your Basic Edition to the Advanced Edition and unlock all presets, custom settings, benchmark looping, unlimited online results storage, offline results management and more. Compatibility SystemInfo updated to version 4.15 for full Windows 8 compatibility. Updated DirectX redistributable. Now using static Visual C++ 2010 runtime libraries to fix rare installation issues on some systems. Removed dependency on EvaDotNet.dll and EvaDotNet.DirectX.dll for GPU enumeration to fix compatibility issues with some systems.

NVIDIA Inspector日期:2013-03-01

作者:Orbmu2k   大小:227 KB   語言:英文   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:1624

簡介: NVIDIA Inspector,它是一款針對NVIDIA顯卡的資訊偵測軟體,有點類似GPU-Z。但它的賣點是支持顯卡超頻、電壓調整和風扇轉速控制,並能夠支持最新的顯卡的超頻。 NVIDIA Inspector 是一款專門提供給NVIDIA顯示卡超頻、監測的軟體,它的左側介面與GPU-Z幾乎是大同小異,不過右側的部份可以調整核心時脈、記憶體時脈、風扇轉速甚至電壓...等,而且介面相當簡單乾淨,如果你看膩了各家提供的華麗超頻工具,不妨可以試用看看。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/NVInspector/NVIDIA Inspector.png[/img] Description: The nVIDIA Inspector Tool is basically an nVIDIA only GPU-Z utility but with a decent OverClocking feature and you can set your clocks and fan speeds. Orbmu2k has released this program, which seems to NVIDIA graphics cards and offers information on tools for GPU and memory clock speed, GPU operating voltage and fan speed increase. This is a quite simple user interface with an application that will rely entirely NVIDIA drivers, so there is reason to be downloaded from NVIDIA\'s website WHQL-certified driver. The program offers roughly the same information as the GPU-Z program, but with a few extra spice box.


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