
CrystalDiskMark 3.0.2d日期:2013-01-14

作者:Hiyohiyo   大小:3.7MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:490

簡介: CrystalDiskMark就是可以檢測一下您的硬碟的效能,是一套相當專業又好用的一套硬碟測速軟體,若是你的硬碟傳輸效能低於標準太多,那就要考慮一下是否要檢測一下硬碟或是重組一下囉。 簡易的硬碟評測工具–CrystalDiskMark(簡稱:CDM),能夠測試硬碟連續讀寫、隨機讀寫的速度,藉此來比較硬碟效能的優劣;開始測試之前,可以先於〔All〕按鈕之後選取測試次數、測試資料大小、測試的磁區,選好之後,再按〔All〕按鈕開始所有項目的測試。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalDiskMark/CrystalDiskMarkT.png[/img] Description: DiskMarkStream is an automatic macro tool specially designed for CrystalDiskMark (CDM) by hiyohiyo. It will start CDM with predefined settings and at completion of each test, will save screenshot and log then move on to next test. This consecutive unattended operation will help user to test various conditions and multiple drives at ease. CrystalDiskMark is a disk benchmark software. * Sequential reads/writes * Random 4KB/512KB reads/writes * Text copy * Change dialog design * internationalization (i18n)

AS SSD Benchmark 1.7.4739日期:2013-01-10

作者:Alex Schepeljanski   大小:258KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1238

簡介: AS SSD Benchmark為一款固態硬碟效能的測試軟體。此軟體可以測出固態硬碟持續讀寫等的性能,讓您只要使用此軟體來測試就可以評估這顆固態硬碟的效能好。 SSD (Solid State Drive) 固態硬碟是未來電腦儲存的趨勢,它使用非揮發性記憶體(NVRAM)進行儲存的動作,原理方式與電腦裡的記憶體類似,唯一不同的是關機後資料不會消失,所以成為電腦儲存的新寵兒,而要把SSD的效能發揮到極限仍要進行一些系統調整與設定,當然我們也必須透過工具來測試您的SSD是否有發揮到硬碟廠商官方所提供的數據效能,今天要介紹的 AS SSD Benchmark 就是這樣的一套軟體。 讓你輕鬆測試固態硬碟效能。 也可支援測試普通的硬碟。 操作簡單,打開軟體介面,點擊Start鍵,即可測試。 讓您用不到1MB的容量就可以來測試SSD硬碟的效能。 測試出來的結果也可顯示曲線圖。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/AS SSD Benchmark/AS SSD Benchmark.png[/img] Description: AS SSD Benchmark is a small but very handy SSD benchmark tool that was designed in order to to provide you with a simple means of evaluating the performance of your SSDs. With AS SSD Benchmark you can determine your SSD drive\\\\\\\'s performance by conducting several specific tests. Test the sequential or random read/write performance without using the cache. AS SSD Benchmark reads/writes a 1 GByte file as well as randomly chosen 4K blocks. Additionally, it performs the tests using 1 or 64 threads and it determines the SSD\\\\\\\'s access time. Two extra benchmark tests examine the drive\\\\\\\'s behaviour when (1) copying a few big files, a lot of small files and a mixture of file sizes by using cached copy functions of your OS as well as (2) reading/writing data depending on the data\\\\\\\'s compressibility.

CrystalDiskInfo 5.2.2日期:2013-01-10

作者:Shizuku   大小:1.3MB    語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:9398

簡介: 硬碟健診工具–CrystalDiskInfo(簡稱:CDI),打開後便可以顯示硬碟健康狀態、溫度及一些進階資訊,支援一般的硬碟、固態硬碟(Intel、MTRON、SAMSUNG、Indilinx)及部份的外接式USB硬碟。 硬碟裡的資料至關重要,因此時常檢查硬碟健康狀況是有必要的,CrystalDiskInfo是一個小軟體,它通過讀取S.M.A.R.T瞭解硬碟健康狀況. 開啟它,您就可以迅速讀到本機硬碟的詳細資訊,包括介面、轉速、溫度、使用時間等.軟體還會根據S.M.A.R.T的評分做出評估,當硬碟快要損壞時還會發出警示。 S.M.A.R.T. 該技術可以幫我們監控以及分析磁碟機的健康狀況。但一般我們比較難了解到該部份的資訊。不過,透過 CrystalDiskInfo 這個磁碟工具,可以讓我們了解到該部份資訊,進而了解磁碟機的健康狀況。CrystalDiskInfo 支援硬碟以及 SSD,並顯示出這些裝置的健康狀況以及技術資訊,例如:使用時數、溫度、傳輸模式、硬體序號、緩衝區大小…等。有一點要注意的是,這類資訊僅供參考,並不完全代表磁碟的真正的健康。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalDiskInfo/Main.png[/img] Description: CrystalDiskInfo monitors HDD/SSD health status and temperature, and does all the usual monitoring/graphing of S.M.A.R.T. information. It also tells you how many times the hard disk has been turned on and how many hours it\\\'s been on for. CrystalDiskInfo is a HDD/SSD utility which supports S.M.A.R.T. * Easy-to-understand user interface * Monitoring health status and temperature * Graph of S.M.A.R.T information

Hard Disk Sentinel v4.10日期:2012-12-28

作者:H.D.S. Hungary   大小:13.8MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:1354

簡介: 儲存裝置已經是人們不可或缺的東西,尤其硬碟是我們存放資料最多的地方,雖然有記憶卡、SSD等設備,但是硬碟還是最必要的,那硬碟的健康及運作情況是不容忽視的,所以有效的監控及處理,可以避免一些慘劇發生,Hard Disk Sentinel就可以幫你避免這些事情,完整仔細的監控,支援IDE / Serial ATA (S-ATA) / SCSI / SAS / USB merevlemezeket,連伺服器的Raid也支援喔。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HDS/Hard Disk Sentinel Pro.jpg[/img] Description: Hard Disk Sentinel (HDSentinel) is a multi-OS SSD and HDD monitoring and analysis software. Its goal is to find, test, diagnose and repair hard disk drive problems, report and display SSD and HDD health, performance degradations and failures. Hard Disk Sentinel gives complete textual description, tips and displays/reports the most comprehensive information about the hard disks and solid state disks inside the computer and in external enclosures (USB hard disks / e-SATA hard disks). Many different alerts and report options are available to ensure maximum safety of your valuable data.

HD Speed v1.7.5日期:2012-12-03

作者:Steel Bytes   大小:82.96K   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:1123

HD Speed 是一款功能強大卻又小巧精美 (不到 100 KB) 的硬碟效能測試軟體,它不僅僅支援硬碟的效能測試而以,還支援了 CD-ROM / DVD-ROM / Flash Cards / Sticks / Floppys 等裝置進行效能測試。 HD Speed HD_Speed 是一款非常小巧好用的實時磁碟讀取速度測試軟體。 它可以比較準確地測試到磁碟的持續傳輸率和突發傳輸率,一定程度上反映系統的磁碟效能,可以測試軟碟、硬碟、光碟 機。 並用曲線圖模式體現出來,用它可以很直觀的看出您的硬碟到底有多快,而且也可以很方便的看出光碟機的加速曲線。 並且作為一款免費軟體,測試也相當簡單,大家有興趣可以測試一下自己的磁碟效能。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HD Speed/hdspeed.png[/img] Description: HD Speed measures both sustained and burst data transfer rates of your hard disks, USB drives and CD/DVD drives. It features a real-time graphical display that indicates the read and write performance. Tip: To compare the speeds between multiple USB stick or hard drives, you can run short tests in sequence and see the performance differences on the speed graph display (see our screenshot).Standalone software, no installation. [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HD Speed/HD-SPEED.jpg[/img] HD Speed measures both sustained and burst data transfer rates of your hard disks, cd/dvd-roms, flash cards/sticks, and floppys. Realtime graphical display. Read more: HD Speed - CNET Download.com https://download.cnet.com/HD-Speed/3000-2094_4-75450552.html#ixzz2DyngoIqR

HD Tune Pro v5.00日期:2012-12-03

作者:EFD Software   大小:337 KB   語言:英文/繁體化   平台:Windows   人氣:1612

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HD Tune/HD.jpg[/img] HD Tune 是一套實用、容易操作的硬碟工具軟體,其主要功能有硬碟傳輸速率檢查 、健康狀態檢查、溫度檢查及磁碟表面掃瞄等。 另外,還能檢查出硬碟的硬體版本、序號、容量、快取大小以及目前的 Ultra DMA 模式等。雖然這些功能其它軟體也有,但難能可貴的是此軟體把所有這些功能集於一身,而且非常小巧,速度又快。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/HD Tune/HD Tune Pro.jpg[/img] Description: HD Tune is a software that allows you to view information on your hard disk. Since this is a portable product, the program doesn\\\'t require any installation, so you can place Portable HD Tune on any external device and directly run in on any computer. It also means that it will not affect your Windows registry keys in any way. HD Tune is a hard disk utility with many functions. It can be used to measure the drive\\\'s performance, scan for errors, check the health status (S.M.A.R.T.), securely erase all data and much more.

CrystalDiskMark 3.0.2c日期:2012-11-17

作者:Shizuku   大小:3.49MB   語言:英文/繁體化   平台:Windows   人氣:581

簡介: CrystalDiskMark就是可以檢測一下您的硬碟的效能,是一套相當專業又好用的一套硬碟測速軟體,若是你的硬碟傳輸效能低於標準太多,那就要考慮一下是否要檢測一下硬碟或是重組一下囉。 簡易的硬碟評測工具–CrystalDiskMark(簡稱:CDM),能夠測試硬碟連續讀寫、隨機讀寫的速度,藉此來比較硬碟效能的優劣;開始測試之前,可以先於〔All〕按鈕之後選取測試次數、測試資料大小、測試的磁區,選好之後,再按〔All〕按鈕開始所有項目的測試。 Description: DiskMarkStream is an automatic macro tool specially designed for CrystalDiskMark (CDM) by hiyohiyo. It will start CDM with predefined settings and at completion of each test, will save screenshot and log then move on to next test. This consecutive unattended operation will help user to test various conditions and multiple drives at ease. CrystalDiskMark is a disk benchmark software. * Sequential reads/writes * Random 4KB/512KB reads/writes * Text copy * Change dialog design * internationalization (i18n)

CrystalDiskInfo 5.05日期:2012-11-17

作者:Shizuku   大小:2MB    語言:英文/繁體化   平台:Windows   人氣:862

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalDiskInfo/CrystalDiskInfo L.jpg[/img] 硬碟健診工具–CrystalDiskInfo(簡稱:CDI),打開後便可以顯示硬碟健康狀態、溫度及一些進階資訊,支援一般的硬碟、固態硬碟(Intel、MTRON、SAMSUNG、Indilinx)及部份的外接式USB硬碟。 硬碟裡的資料至關重要,因此時常檢查硬碟健康狀況是有必要的,CrystalDiskInfo是一個小軟體,它通過讀取S.M.A.R.T瞭解硬碟健康狀況. 開啟它,您就可以迅速讀到本機硬碟的詳細資訊,包括介面、轉速、溫度、使用時間等.軟體還會根據S.M.A.R.T的評分做出評估,當硬碟快要損壞時還會發出警示。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalDiskInfo/CrystalDiskInfo.png[/img] Description: CrystalDiskInfo monitors HDD/SSD health status and temperature, and does all the usual monitoring/graphing of S.M.A.R.T. information. It also tells you how many times the hard disk has been turned on and how many hours it\'s been on for. CrystalDiskInfo is a HDD/SSD utility which supports S.M.A.R.T. * Easy-to-understand user interface * Monitoring health status and temperature * Graph of S.M.A.R.T information


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