
硬碟效能檢測工具 CrystalDiskMark 5.0.3日期:2015-11-25

作者:Shizuku   大小:7.0MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:407

簡介: CrystalDiskMark 是一款小巧簡單的硬體效能測試工具,透過測試所得的資料讀取與寫入的分數可以作為硬體效率的參考! 簡單操作界面讓你輕易測試你的硬碟 隨身碟 速度,測試存儲設備大小和測試檔案大小數字都可以選擇,可測試讀寫的速度。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalDiskMark/CrystalDiskMark 3.0.2e.png[/img] Description: CrystalDiskMark is designed to quickly test the performance of your hard drives. Currently, the program allows to measure sequential and random read/write speeds. Features: Measure sequential reads/writes speed Measure random 512KB, 4KB, 4KB (Queue Depth=32) reads/writes speed Select test data (Random, 0Fill, 1Fill) Theme support Multi-Language support

硬碟效能檢測工具 CrystalDiskMark 5.0.2日期:2015-08-21

作者:Shizuku   大小:7.0MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:700

簡介: CrystalDiskMark 是一款小巧簡單的硬體效能測試工具,透過測試所得的資料讀取與寫入的分數可以作為硬體效率的參考! 簡單操作界面讓你輕易測試你的硬碟 隨身碟 速度,測試存儲設備大小和測試檔案大小數字都可以選擇,可測試讀寫的速度。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalDiskMark/CrystalDiskMark 3.0.2e.png[/img] Description: CrystalDiskMark is designed to quickly test the performance of your hard drives. Currently, the program allows to measure sequential and random read/write speeds. Features: Measure sequential reads/writes speed Measure random 512KB, 4KB, 4KB (Queue Depth=32) reads/writes speed Select test data (Random, 0Fill, 1Fill) Theme support Multi-Language support

AJA System Test 硬碟測速工具 v9.01日期:2015-07-17

作者:AJA Video Systems, Inc.   大小:406KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1603

簡介: AJA System Test 執行任何磁碟的速度測試,包括連線網路磁碟,讓您洞悉磁碟的讀取/寫入效能和系統的整體輸送量。這套軟體不僅可以測試內建硬碟,外接硬碟甚至網路硬碟都可以測試。 便於使用 下拉式選單允許您快速選擇要執行哪種測試類型,以評估該磁碟、視訊大小和幀率,以及整體的檔案大小和任何連接的視訊裝置。 詳細的結果 圖形顯示功能有助於您輕鬆地發現效能趨勢,同時文字顯示可以複製到試算表或其他軟體進行更詳細的分析和存檔。 [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/AJA System Test/563-System_Test_interface.png[/img] Description: AJA System Test performs a speed test of any drive, including network mapped drives, giving you insight into the read/write performance of the drive and overall throughput of the system. The information provided by AJA System Test allows you to refine and tune drive speeds and system performance to provide the bandwidth necessary for the demands of production and post-production.

SSD-Z 固態硬碟資訊 15.07.11日期:2015-07-17

作者:aezay.dk   大小:278KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:609

簡介: SSD-Z是可靠的SSD固態硬碟資訊檢測工具,當然也支援傳統的HDD機械硬碟。它的介面與著名的CPU-Z極為相似,簡單直觀。SSDZ通過讀取硬碟固件中的資訊,為你提供即時的硬碟健康狀態彙報,此外它也提供了性能評分模組,可對自己的存放裝置進行打分。 [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/SSD-Z/SSD-Z -01.png[/img] [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/SSD-Z/SSD-Z -02.png[/img] Description: SSD Life analyzes how actively you use your solid-state drive and uses a special algorithm to calculate its estimated lifetime. Of course, the date of the lifetime expiration is corrected depending on how intensively you keep using your drive.

SSD 速度測試 TxBENCH 0.95日期:2015-07-16

作者:Texim Corporation   大小:1.10MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:9223

簡介: TxBENCH是一款來自國外的遊戲測試軟體,雖然很多朋友們沒有聽說過 但是在大多硬體測試網站上都用到了這款SSD的測試軟體。TxBENCH是最近才流行的SSD測試軟體 除了有基礎測試項目外,還支持自訂測試項目,可以自由設定測試的區塊大小、佇列深度等等,還有全盤寫入測試(FILE和RAW都支援)。 功能特點 SSD特性檢測功能比CrystalDiskInfo更全面深入,是否支持Device Sleep功能也能檢測出來。甚至還有Secure Erase安全擦除,分4種模式:標準Secure Erase(擦除FTL層)、增強Secure Erase(擦除FTL並清空NAND快閃記憶體)、Trim所有SSD空間、覆蓋寫入全盤所有磁區,以及手動Trim功能。 。 [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/TxBENCH/TxBENCH.jpg[/img] Latest Version 0.95 beta - download ( 1,163 KB ) [ Changes ] Aug 22, 2013 - 0.95 beta - Added [SSD Optimization] feature which invalidates unused area of SSD using TRIM. - Made it possible to perform TRIM to SSD connected via a USB on Windows8. June 14, 2013 - 0.94 beta - Made a folder the basic benchmark target. (ex. network drive or NAS) - Fixed a problem that error handling of the Self-test was not correct. June 6, 2013 - 0.93 beta - Added language selection English - Japanese under [View]-[Language]. - Added the Self-test feature in the Drive Information. - Added the Overwriting feature in Data Erasing. - Made a partition without an assigned drive letter the benchmark target. Fixed some issues, and added some new improvements. Description: This benchmark software measures storage performances for SSD, HDD and other drives. It not only measures the performance of storage easily but also performs detailed speed measurements based on specified access patterns and long-period speed measurements. It also allows you to see each drive\'s supported features, enabled features, and S.M.A.R.T. information.

硬碟效能檢測工具 CrystalDiskMark 4.1.0日期:2015-07-16

作者:Shizuku   大小:7.0MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:513

簡介: CrystalDiskMark 是一款小巧簡單的硬體效能測試工具,透過測試所得的資料讀取與寫入的分數可以作為硬體效率的參考! 簡單操作界面讓你輕易測試你的硬碟 隨身碟 速度,測試存儲設備大小和測試檔案大小數字都可以選擇,可測試讀寫的速度。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalDiskMark/CrystalDiskMark 3.0.2e.png[/img] Description: CrystalDiskMark is designed to quickly test the performance of your hard drives. Currently, the program allows to measure sequential and random read/write speeds. Features: Measure sequential reads/writes speed Measure random 512KB, 4KB, 4KB (Queue Depth=32) reads/writes speed Select test data (Random, 0Fill, 1Fill) Theme support Multi-Language support Read more at https://majorgeeks.com/CrystalDiskMark_d5574.html#M7BekOU6XdxJwYPz.99

硬碟健診工具 CrystalDiskInfo 6.5.2日期:2015-06-29

作者:Shizuku   大小:1.3MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:633

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalDiskInfo/Cover-afswa.blogspot.jpeg[/img] 硬碟健診工具–CrystalDiskInfo(簡稱:CDI),打開後便可以顯示硬碟健康狀態、溫度及一些進階資訊,支援一般的硬碟、固態硬碟(Intel、MTRON、SAMSUNG、Indilinx)及部份的外接式USB硬碟。 硬碟裡的資料至關重要,因此時常檢查硬碟健康狀況是有必要的,CrystalDiskInfo是一個小軟體,它通過讀取S.M.A.R.T瞭解硬碟健康狀況. 開啟它,您就可以迅速讀到本機硬碟的詳細資訊,包括介面、轉速、溫度、使用時間等.軟體還會根據S.M.A.R.T的評分做出評估,當硬碟快要損壞時還會發出警示。 S.M.A.R.T. 該技術可以幫我們監控以及分析磁碟機的健康狀況。但一般我們比較難了解到該部份的資訊。不過,透過 CrystalDiskInfo 這個磁碟工具,可以讓我們了解到該部份資訊,進而了解磁碟機的健康狀況。CrystalDiskInfo 支援硬碟以及 SSD,並顯示出這些裝置的健康狀況以及技術資訊,例如:使用時數、溫度、傳輸模式、硬體序號、緩衝區大小…等。有一點要注意的是,這類資訊僅供參考,並不完全代表磁碟的真正的健康。 6.5.2 [2015/06/14] Fixed voice file for japanese [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalDiskInfo/CrystalDiskInfo.jpg[/img] Description: CrystalDiskInfo monitors HDD/SSD health status and temperature, and does all the usual monitoring/graphing of S.M.A.R.T. information. It also tells you how many times the hard disk has been turned on and how many hours i\'s been on for. CrystalDiskInfo is a HDD/SSD utility which supports S.M.A.R.T. * Easy-to-understand user interface * Monitoring health status and temperature * Graph of S.M.A.R.T information

SSD Read Speed Tester 2.04日期:2015-06-22

作者:Techie007   大小:356KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:617

簡介: 固態硬碟讀取速度測試器,據稱可以解決部分三星840 EVO SSD遭遇讀取掉速問題。 https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/SSD Read Speed Tester/SSD Read Speed Tester 2.0.jpg Description: SSD Read Speed Tester saves a PNG picture for upload on this thread (if you\'re so inclined to share your results with us), and two TSV (tab separated values) files for further analysis for those who want to have the raw data for importing into spreadsheet/graphing software. Please be advised that one of the TSV files contains the pathname of every file tested. I am only interested in the picture.


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