
Open CL 效能測試 LuxMark v2.0日期:2015-02-05

作者:Luxmark   大小:57 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1174

簡介: 《LuxMark 2.0》軟件,其特點是完全採用《OpenCL》運算加速標準 利用顯示核心的DirectCompute Shader運算單元進行實時3D畫面渲染 並利用硬體 Tessellation技術進行 Contrrol Cage光影效果處哩,藉此比較新舊版本驅動程式之效能差異。 [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/LuxMark/LuxMark_about.jpg[/img] [img]https://picx.xfastest.com/XFDL/LuxMark/LuxMark_20.jpg[/img] Description: LuxMark v2.0 includes SLG2 as rendering engine with Metropolis Light Transport, Multiple Importance Sampling, Image reconstruction done on the GPU, support for multiple OpenCL platforms (i.e. Nvidia users can use Intel or AMD CPU device) and many more new features. The new features rise the complexity of the benchmark of nearly one order of magnitude and it should be able to put some serious stress on the new generation of GPUs. The capability to submit results to a centralise WEB database looks like the most interesting new feature of LuxMark v2.0.

音頻測試 RightMark Audio Analyzer 6.4.1日期:2015-01-27

作者:RightMark Gathering   大小:2.0MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1381

簡介: RightMark Audio Analyzer軟體簡介 RMAA是一個可對音效卡或任何連接到電腦的音訊介面進行評測的軟體。它可測試出的性能指標有:頻率響應(Frequency response)、本底雜訊(Noise level + interference)、動態範圍(Dynamic range)、總諧波失真+雜訊(THD + noise)、身歷聲分離度(Stereo crosstalk)、互調失真(Intermodulation Distortion)等參數。這是最新發佈的5.0版,新版本支援了更高的頻率分解聲譜圖,可以更加方便的測試外部設備,新的校準選項,一些新的測試選項,增加了不同的快速測試嚮導。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/RightMark Audio Analyzer/RightMark Audio Analyzer.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/RightMark Audio Analyzer/RightMark Audio Analyzer.png[/img] Description: RightMark Audio Analyzer is a handy piece of software that can perform quality analysis for any audio equipment connected to your computer., whether it is the sound card, the headphones, your CD/DVD player or the speaker system. In order to test the audio devices, the program uses frequency analysis algorithms. It can perform both playback and recording tests for the PC sound card or other audio equipment, thus detecting possible output distortions. All the playback or recording devices are automatically detected by RightMark Audio Analyzer and displayed in a drop-down menu, allowing you to choose the item you want to test, as well as the sampling modes (rate and capacity).

開機時間測試軟體 BootRacer v4.7日期:2014-12-30

作者:greatis   大小:4.5MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1873

簡介: 很多人仍然在追求開機的速度,不過究竟怎麼計算才準確,按碼錶?還是自我感覺良好就可以,如果想要獲得更精準的開機時間,可以使用《BootRacer》這個小工具來計時,可以紀錄開機到登入畫面及開機到桌面完全開機二種時間,更精準的計算出開機所需時間,不過在調校優化時,也要記得別為了加快幾秒而瘋狂亂調整,小心成了反效果。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/bootracer/01.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/bootracer/02.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/bootracer/03.png[/img] Description: BootRacer is a free utility that measures how long it takes your PC to boot up and saves it in an archive. You can use it to compare boot times when you make changes, such as removing programs from your start-up file. It doesn\'t display your boot record, though it does measure Time to Logon, Logon to Desktop, and other increments. It writes events to the standard event log, which you can view with Windows Event Viewer

SiSoftware Sandra Lite SiSoftware Sandra Lite 21.10.2015.1日期:2014-12-30

作者:SiSoftware Zone   大小:68MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:479

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Sandra/Sis 2013.png[/img] SiSoftware Sandra 是一款功能強大的系統分析評比工具,Lite 是供個人或學術使用的免費版本。我們可以經由 SiSoftware Sandra Lite 得知電腦硬體的相關資訊,例如:CPU、晶片組、顯示卡、音效卡、記憶卡、網路…等。另外,它還提供了一些測試模組,例如:處理器、檔案系統、實體磁碟、網路…等。此外,它還支援多處理器、多核心處理器、MMX、SSE、SSE2、SSE3、SSSE3、AMD64…等技術。 這是一套功能強大的系統分析評比工具,擁有超過 30 種以上的分析與測試模組,還有 CPU、Drives、CD-ROM/DVD、Memory 的 Benchmark 工具,它還可將分析結果報告列表儲存。 五星級的系統測試軟體,可以給你的電腦評分 這個是專業版本的,沒有任何限制!! 系統測試軟體是 DIY使用者們必不可少的工具,SiSoft Sandra就是其中十分優秀的一款,除了可以提供詳細的硬體資訊外,還可以做產品的性能對比,提供性能改進建議,是一款功能強大的必備軟體。 SiSoft Sandra 軟體名稱的來源按作者的說法是從the System ANalyser, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant(系統分析、診斷和報告助理)得到的,它可以對系統所有軟硬體進行分析診斷並提供報告。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Sandra/SiSoftware.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Sandra/sisoftware-sandra.png[/img] Description: SiSoftware Sandra 2013 Released: London, UK, November 5th 2012 - We are pleased to announce the launch of SiSoftware Sandra 2013, the latest version of our award-winning utility, which includes remote analysis, benchmarking and diagnostic features for PCs, servers, mobile devices and networks. While Sandra has been updated for the brand-new Windows 8 / Server 2012 operating systems, we have not forgotten Windows 7, Vista or XP users - all new features and enhancements are supported on all operating systems. As SiSoftware operates a just-in-time release cycle, some features were introduced in Sandra 2012 service packs: in Sandra 2013 they have been updated and enhanced based on all the feedback received. Here is an in-depth new feature list of Sandra 2013: Software Sandra Lite offers an impressive array of information concerning every single hardware component that is hidden under the hood of the machine. When using it for the first time, less experienced users might be taken aback by the complexity of the software, but the interface is so intuitive that anyone can learn to operate it within minutes. Nonetheless, one might need some computer knowledge to be able to analyze and interpret the data summarized by SiSoftware Sandra Lite, but information can also be searched online directly from the main window. The main screen of the application gives immediate access to a number of features, including to the tools one can use to maintain the computer running smoothly, start benchmarks or get hardware and software information.

電池性能測試軟體 PCi Battery Benchmark Suite 0.1.4071.25963日期:2014-12-11

作者:PCi BBS   大小:45KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:531

簡介: PCI電池基準套件是由多個開源工具,並允許你來衡量你的電池壽命在不同的場景:瀏覽網頁,播放視頻,文字處理... 任務被無限重複,並記錄到一個文本文件中經過的時間。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PCi Battery Benchmark Suite/PCi Battery Benchmark Suite 0.1.4071.25963.png[/img] Description: PCi Battery Benchmark Suite is composed of multiple open-source tools, and allow you to measure your battery life in different scenarios : web browsing, playing a video, word processing... Tasks are repeated infinitely and elapsed time is logged in a text file.

通用計算測試工具 ComputeMark v2.1日期:2014-12-10

作者:Robert Varga   大小:1.28M   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:780

簡介: ComputeMark由捷克硬件和遊戲網站CzechGamer.com的Robert Varga開發完成,技術上基於Jan Vlietinck的Fluid3D Demo,號稱是「第一個百分之百的DX11 Compute Shader基準測試工具」,一般情況下能夠調動99%的GPU資源,CPU佔用率只有0-1%,因此在考察GPU通用計算性能的同時,也能考驗顯卡的穩定性,對超頻亦有所幫助,另外測試的時候還可以自行選擇運行時間(單位秒)。 ComputeMark要求純粹的DX11環境才能運行,包括Windows 7 32/64位操作系統、DX11 API和DX11顯卡(Radeon HD 5000/GeForce GTX 400)。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/ComputeMark/CM.jpg[/img] Description: ComputeMark is first 100% DirectX 11 Compute Shader benchmark and ultimate GPU burner. It can measure the compute power of your graphic card and publish your results on the internet where you can match your score with others and maybe become a member of Hall of Fame.

CPU 效能測試 Fritz Chess Benchmark v4.2日期:2014-11-18

作者:chessoholicalien   大小:436KB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:2276

簡介: Fritz Chess Benchmark v4.2 是一套簡單的 CPU 效能測試工具,其效能比較基準為 Intel 舊款 CPU P3 1G,利用與 P3 1G 的效能作比較得知您目前所使用的 CPU 其運算效能是 P3 1G 的多少倍,這也可供作升級參考資料。 Fritz Chess Benchmark 特點為將 CPU 的效能發揮的淋漓盡致。測試結果與 P3 1G 的測試效能進行比較後得出 CPU 與 P3 1G 處理器之間的相對關係。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Fritz Chess Benchmark/Fritz Chess Benchmark.jpeg[/img] Description: Use this little util to test your hardware\'s number-crunching speed. Useful to know when upgrading hardware or comparing engines.

電腦效能測試 CrystalMark 2004R3日期:2014-11-17

作者:Shizuku   大小:2.4MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:1216

簡介: CrystalMark 2004R3 可測試CPU的ALU和FPU,記億體及硬碟的每秒寫入讀取速度,顯示卡的GDI、D2D、OpenGL的成績。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalMark2004/CrystalMark2004R2_Mark.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalMark2004/CrystalMark2004R2_Ranking.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/CrystalMark2004/CrystalMark2004R2_System.png[/img] Description: CrystalMark is a benchmark and system information application from Crystal Dew World. CrystalMark tests include: - CPU - HDD - Memory - Video (OGL, D2D, GDI) - And more. Benchmark results can be saved a text or HTML format as well as submitted online to comapare results.


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