
Cinebench R11.5日期:2012-12-28

作者:Maxon   大小:146 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:12003

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Cinebench/Cinebench_SS.jpg[/img] CINEBENCH是業界公認的BENCHmark軟體,該軟體使用MAXON公司針對電影動畫開發的Cinema 4D特效軟體引擎,這個軟體引擎要價十分昂貴,包含蜘蛛人,星際大戰,等等都有使用它來產生畫面,現在可以用來測試CPU和顯示卡的效能,更重要的是免費。最大支援16個處理器核心與64個執行緒,比較特殊的是對於OpenGL的效能他也參考並測試。 目前Cinebench的最新版本是R11.55版,相比較Cinebench R10版,新版本對系統的要求更為苛刻,而評分標準也有了一定變化,同時還加入了當前平臺和不同平臺之間的性能評分對比功能,讓你清晰瞭解當前平臺的性能檔次。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL//Cinebench/cb_pic2.jpg[/img] Description: CINEBENCH is the free benchmarking tool for Windows and Mac OS based on the powerful 3D software CINEMA 4D. Consequently, the results of tests conducted using CINEBENCH 9.5 carry significant weight when analyzing a computer’s performance in everyday use. Especially a system’s CPU and the OpenGL capabilities of its graphics card are put through their paces (even multiprocessor systems with up to 16 dedicated CPUs or processor cores). During the testing procedure, all relevant data is ascertained with which the performance of different computers can subsequently be compared, regardless of operating system.

Cinebench R15.0日期:2013-10-11

作者:Maxon   大小:109MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:10304

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Cinebench/Cinebench_SS.jpg[/img] CINEBENCH是業界公認的BENCHmark軟體,該軟體使用MAXON公司針對電影動畫開發的Cinema 4D特效軟體引擎,這個軟體引擎要價十分昂貴,包含蜘蛛人,星際大戰,等等都有使用它來產生畫面,現在可以用來測試CPU和顯示卡的效能,更重要的是免費。最大支援16個處理器核心與64個執行緒,比較特殊的是對於OpenGL的效能他也參考並測試。 目前Cinebench的最新版本是R11.55版,相比較Cinebench R10版,新版本對系統的要求更為苛刻,而評分標準也有了一定變化,同時還加入了當前平臺和不同平臺之間的性能評分對比功能,讓你清晰瞭解當前平臺的性能檔次。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL//Cinebench/cb_pic2.jpg[/img] Description: CINEBENCH is the free benchmarking tool for Windows and Mac OS based on the powerful 3D software CINEMA 4D. Consequently, the results of tests conducted using CINEBENCH carry\\\\\\\'s significant weight when analyzing a computer’s performance in everyday use. Especially a system’s CPU and the OpenGL capabilities of its graphics card are put through their paces (even multiprocessor systems with up to 16 dedicated CPUs or processor cores). During the testing procedure, all relevant data is ascertained with which the performance of different computers can subsequently be compared, regardless of operating system.

CPU 性能測試軟體 PassMark BurnInTest v8.1日期:2014-05-31

作者:PassMark® Software    大小:23MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:13367

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PassMark/PMBT-1.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PassMark/PMBT-2.JPG[/img] PassMark BurnInTest 是一款用來測試電腦系統的可靠性和穩定性的測試工具軟體, BurnInTest可以同時對系統所有的子系統進行穩定性的測試。通過它的幫助你可以在很短的時間內對硬體進行全面的檢測,並發現其中可能釀成大禍的隱患。 能夠像多執行緒應用程式那樣同時測試CPU、硬碟、記憶體、網路、光碟機、音效卡、顯示卡以及印表機。另外,對於那些瘋狂的超頻者們,它可以幫助你們檢驗超頻後系統的穩定性。最新版本提供了一個新的命令列參數:/r,它可以讓軟體在系統啟動時自動開始;對於並行和序列埠的測試進行了改進。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PassMark/PassMark BurnInTest Professional.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PassMark/PMBT BOX.jpg[/img] Description: PassMark BurnInTest™ is a software tool that allows all the major sub-systems of a computer to be simultaneously stress tested for endurance, reliability and stability. BurnInTest will bring intermittent or hidden problems to the surface so that after a successfully run the computer can be used with a much higher level of confidence. BurnInTest can also be used by overclockers to verify system stability at high clock speeds

測試轉檔效能 X264 FHD BENCHMARK 1.01日期:2014-04-22

作者:Atak Snajpera   大小:178MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:4948

簡介: x264 FHD Benchmark 是一套可以用來測試你的電腦處理器的浮點運算能力以及多媒體的轉檔性能的工具軟體 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/X264 FHD BENCHMARK/x264-FHD-Benchmark-thumb.jpg[/img] Description: x264 FHD Benchmark is an application that allows you to check CPU performance by encoding video streams into the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC format.After installing the application, you simply have to press the Start button in order to start testing your processor. With x264 FHD Benchmark, you will be able to test how fast your CPU can encode a sequence using x264 settings.

Cinebench R15.038日期:2016-12-30

作者:Maxon   大小:109MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:3558

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Cinebench/Cinebench_SS.jpg[/img] CINEBENCH是業界公認的BENCHmark軟體,該軟體使用MAXON公司針對電影動畫開發的Cinema 4D特效軟體引擎,這個軟體引擎要價十分昂貴,包含蜘蛛人,星際大戰,等等都有使用它來產生畫面,現在可以用來測試CPU和顯示卡的效能,更重要的是免費。最大支援16個處理器核心與64個執行緒,比較特殊的是對於OpenGL的效能他也參考並測試。 目前Cinebench的最新版本是R11.55版,相比較Cinebench R10版,新版本對系統的要求更為苛刻,而評分標準也有了一定變化,同時還加入了當前平臺和不同平臺之間的性能評分對比功能,讓你清晰瞭解當前平臺的性能檔次。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL//Cinebench/cb_pic2.jpg[/img] Description: CINEBENCH is the free benchmarking tool for Windows and Mac OS based on the powerful 3D software CINEMA 4D. Consequently, the results of tests conducted using CINEBENCH carry\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s significant weight when analyzing a computer’s performance in everyday use. Especially a system’s CPU and the OpenGL capabilities of its graphics card are put through their paces (even multiprocessor systems with up to 16 dedicated CPUs or processor cores). During the testing procedure, all relevant data is ascertained with which the performance of different computers can subsequently be compared, regardless of operating system.

顯示效能分析軟體 SPECviewperf® 11日期:2013-03-20

作者:SPEC(Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation)   大小:910MB   語言:英文   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:3415

簡介: Specviewperf 11工作站用專業圖形綜合測試軟件,新版本的主要變化是採用了新的圖形測試界面,以及增加了用於測試的新款專業級3D應用程度片段。 運行Specviewperf 11軟件的最低配置如下:   -支持OpenGL 1.5以上版本;   -系統內存3GB以上;   -硬盤容量6GB以上;   -若要提交測試結果,必須登陸SPEC網站;必須在1920x1080分辨率模式下運行測試,同時還必須運行在64bit操作系統下。  SPEC組織官方推薦運行Specviewperf 11軟件的配置和建議:   -顯卡至少具備512MB顯存;   -在32bit的Windows操作系統中進行測試前,應將當前頁面文件中“/3GB”設置至適當的大小;   -若發現程序在運行過程中性能明顯低於一個三維工作站級系統的預期時,Specviewperf 11軟件將會自動關閉。  Specviewperf 11軟件對操作系統的支持如下:   -Microsoft Windows XP(32bit和64bit)   -Microsoft Windows Vista(32bit和64bit)   -Microsoft Windows 7(32bit和64bit)   -Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation 5.4   -SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 sp1 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/SPECviewperf/SPECSpecviewperf 11.jpeg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/SPECviewperf/spec_ugs.jpg[/img] Description: SPEC/GWPG (Graphics & Workstation Performance Group) is an umbrella organization for autonomous project groups that develop graphics and workstation benchmarks and performance reporting procedures. The group supports the development of a range of graphics and workstation benchmarks that have a value to the user and vendor communities and is always looking for new groups that realize the value of working under the SPEC/GWPG charter. By joining the Standard Performance Evaluation Corp. (SPEC) in early 1996, SPEC/GWPG became part of an organization that comprises a wide range of performance benchmarking groups. Two years before, SPEC/GWPG reorganized its activities under approved projects to reflect its expanding role in graphics and workstation benchmarking. Each project has an organization that operates under the auspices of SPEC/GWPG. The project group can adopt the procedures of SPEC/GWPG or develop its own procedures that can be tailored to the objectives of the approved project. This arrangement provides complete autonomy, with the exception that the project group procedures cannot conflict with those of SPEC/GWPG and its parent organization, SPEC.

《真‧三國無雙 7 with 猛將傳》PC 測試軟體日期:2014-04-22

作者:gamecity.ne.jp   大小:157MB   語言:日文   平台:Windows   人氣:2622

簡介: KOEI TECMO Games 預定 5 月推出的 PC 戰場動作遊戲《真‧三國無雙 7 with 猛將傳》,現釋出 PC 版效能測試軟體,供玩家下載使用。 PC 版提供多種繪圖選項,包括角色顯示數量、視界距離、LOD、材質、動態陰影、著色器、後製特效等。 玩家可以使用效能測試軟體來確認 PC 執行遊戲的效能,調整繪圖選項來提供最舒適的遊玩感受。 PC 版效能測試軟體分為「一般繪圖測試」與「低階繪圖測試」兩種測試項目, 每種都會反覆執行 3 次來取得結果,給予「○:能順暢運作」、「△:能運作」與「✕:無法運作」的評價。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/KOEI/1.JPG[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/KOEI/2.JPG[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/KOEI/3.JPG[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/KOEI/4.png[/img]

顯卡測試輔助工具 OpenGL Extensions Viewer 4.5.2日期:2016-11-24

作者:RealTech   大小:7.66MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:3378

簡介: OpenGL Extension Viewer 能夠偵測繪圖處理器(GPU)對OpenGL API的支援等級資訊(OpenGL v1.1~v3.0),並內含測試功能。   OpenGL Extensions Viewer也有Mac版本。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL//OpenGL-Extension-Viewer/OpenGL-Extension-Viewer_1.png[/img] Description: OpenGL Extensions Viewer A reliable software which displays useful information about the current OpenGL 3D accelerator. OpenGL Extensions Viewer is available for Windows 32bit and 64bit and MacOS X, iOS, and Android. This program displays the vendor name, the version implemented, the renderer name and the extensions of the current OpenGL 3D accelerator


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