
Unigine Heaven DX11 Benchmark 3.0日期:2012-12-23

作者: Unigine   大小:236MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:14114

簡介: Heaven Benchmark是一款專門測試顯示卡效能的軟體,支援DirectX 11,可評分數,支援Windows和Linux Unigine Engine所製作的測試電腦性能及畫面的軟體“Heaven Benchmark”(天堂測試軟體)。這是繼2008年的“Tropics”(熱帶海島)測試軟體之後的最新測試軟體,該軟體支援DirectX 9/10/11及OpenGL 3.2,只要自行下載安裝,馬上可以在自己的電腦上體驗次世代遊戲的畫面,還可以自己操控視角 Unigine引擎日前發佈了基於其Unigine引擎的首款DirectX 11顯卡測試軟體——Heaven,該測試工具提供以下特性: * 原生支持OpenGL、DirectX 9、DirectX 10和DirectX 11 * Tessellation技術的綜合利用 * 高級螢幕空間環境光遮蔽 * 由精確的物理計算生成積雨雲 * 動態的天空與光散射 * 飛行/步行模式的互動式體驗 * 支援ATI Eyefinity技術 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Heaven DX11/heaven_gui.png[/img] Description: Heaven Benchmark is a DirectX 11 GPU benchmark based on advanced UNIGINE™ engine. It reveals the enchanting magic of floating islands with a tiny village hidden in the cloudy skies. Interactive mode provides emerging experience of exploring the intricate world of steampunk. It is the first DirectX 11 benchmark in the world, the original version was released at the moment of Microsoft Windows 7 launch in October, 2009.

CPU 性能測試軟體 PassMark BurnInTest v8.1日期:2014-05-31

作者:PassMark® Software    大小:23MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:13367

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PassMark/PMBT-1.jpg[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PassMark/PMBT-2.JPG[/img] PassMark BurnInTest 是一款用來測試電腦系統的可靠性和穩定性的測試工具軟體, BurnInTest可以同時對系統所有的子系統進行穩定性的測試。通過它的幫助你可以在很短的時間內對硬體進行全面的檢測,並發現其中可能釀成大禍的隱患。 能夠像多執行緒應用程式那樣同時測試CPU、硬碟、記憶體、網路、光碟機、音效卡、顯示卡以及印表機。另外,對於那些瘋狂的超頻者們,它可以幫助你們檢驗超頻後系統的穩定性。最新版本提供了一個新的命令列參數:/r,它可以讓軟體在系統啟動時自動開始;對於並行和序列埠的測試進行了改進。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PassMark/PassMark BurnInTest Professional.png[/img] [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PassMark/PMBT BOX.jpg[/img] Description: PassMark BurnInTest™ is a software tool that allows all the major sub-systems of a computer to be simultaneously stress tested for endurance, reliability and stability. BurnInTest will bring intermittent or hidden problems to the surface so that after a successfully run the computer can be used with a much higher level of confidence. BurnInTest can also be used by overclockers to verify system stability at high clock speeds

Cinebench R11.5日期:2012-12-28

作者:Maxon   大小:146 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:12003

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Cinebench/Cinebench_SS.jpg[/img] CINEBENCH是業界公認的BENCHmark軟體,該軟體使用MAXON公司針對電影動畫開發的Cinema 4D特效軟體引擎,這個軟體引擎要價十分昂貴,包含蜘蛛人,星際大戰,等等都有使用它來產生畫面,現在可以用來測試CPU和顯示卡的效能,更重要的是免費。最大支援16個處理器核心與64個執行緒,比較特殊的是對於OpenGL的效能他也參考並測試。 目前Cinebench的最新版本是R11.55版,相比較Cinebench R10版,新版本對系統的要求更為苛刻,而評分標準也有了一定變化,同時還加入了當前平臺和不同平臺之間的性能評分對比功能,讓你清晰瞭解當前平臺的性能檔次。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL//Cinebench/cb_pic2.jpg[/img] Description: CINEBENCH is the free benchmarking tool for Windows and Mac OS based on the powerful 3D software CINEMA 4D. Consequently, the results of tests conducted using CINEBENCH 9.5 carry significant weight when analyzing a computer’s performance in everyday use. Especially a system’s CPU and the OpenGL capabilities of its graphics card are put through their paces (even multiprocessor systems with up to 16 dedicated CPUs or processor cores). During the testing procedure, all relevant data is ascertained with which the performance of different computers can subsequently be compared, regardless of operating system.

音效測試軟體 PassMark SoundCheck v3.0日期:2013-03-03

作者:PassMark Software   大小:1.18 MB   語言:英文   平台:WindowsALL   人氣:11563

簡介: PassMark SoundCheck是一款音效卡、揚聲器、麥克風的測試軟體,可以錄製聲音測試重播,直觀顯示輸入輸出的速率還可以用曲線圖顯示。還可以測試3D Sound和Audio FX。音質測試有正弦波、方波等可供選擇。 • 提供試用天數30天 • 支援測試電腦音效卡 • 支援測試電腦喇叭 • 支援測試電腦麥克風 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/PassMark/soundcheck.gif[/img] Description: PassMark SoundCheck™ is a Windows based application that allows users to test their PC sound card, speakers and microphone. Verify that your sound card can record and playback sounds at various audio sample rates. Check the capability of your speakers to reproduce the highest and lowest frequencies (and your capability to hear these frequencies).

Cinebench R15.0日期:2013-10-11

作者:Maxon   大小:109MB   語言:多國語言   平台:Windows   人氣:10304

簡介: [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Cinebench/Cinebench_SS.jpg[/img] CINEBENCH是業界公認的BENCHmark軟體,該軟體使用MAXON公司針對電影動畫開發的Cinema 4D特效軟體引擎,這個軟體引擎要價十分昂貴,包含蜘蛛人,星際大戰,等等都有使用它來產生畫面,現在可以用來測試CPU和顯示卡的效能,更重要的是免費。最大支援16個處理器核心與64個執行緒,比較特殊的是對於OpenGL的效能他也參考並測試。 目前Cinebench的最新版本是R11.55版,相比較Cinebench R10版,新版本對系統的要求更為苛刻,而評分標準也有了一定變化,同時還加入了當前平臺和不同平臺之間的性能評分對比功能,讓你清晰瞭解當前平臺的性能檔次。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL//Cinebench/cb_pic2.jpg[/img] Description: CINEBENCH is the free benchmarking tool for Windows and Mac OS based on the powerful 3D software CINEMA 4D. Consequently, the results of tests conducted using CINEBENCH carry\\\\\\\'s significant weight when analyzing a computer’s performance in everyday use. Especially a system’s CPU and the OpenGL capabilities of its graphics card are put through their paces (even multiprocessor systems with up to 16 dedicated CPUs or processor cores). During the testing procedure, all relevant data is ascertained with which the performance of different computers can subsequently be compared, regardless of operating system.

Unreal 3 PLA Engine DirectX 11 Benchmark日期:2012-12-23

作者:Giant IronHorse   大小:566.6 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:9700

簡介: PLA 是一款免費的多人線上第一人稱射擊遊戲, 用 Epic Games 的 Unreal Engine 3 遊戲引擎製作目前繪圖最先進的中國製遊戲。 除了採用曲面細分和散景等 DirectX 11 特效外 PLA 亦大量使用 NVIDIA GPU 加速的 PhysX 技術來製作更真實、符合物理原則的特效。 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/Unigine PLA Benchmark/pla-dx11-benchmark.jpg[/img] Description: Passion Leads Army (PLA) is a highly anticipated, free-to-play, multiplayer online first-person shooter from Giant IronHorse. Known locally as 光荣使命, Giant IronHorse\'s shooter is one of the most graphically advanced Chinese titles to date, in part thanks to the use of Epic Games\' Unreal Engine 3. Featuring a range of DirectX 11 effects, such as tessellation and Bokeh depth of field, PLA also makes extensive use of NVIDIA’s GPU-accelerated PhysX technology to generate realistic, physics-led effects. To help promote PLA, and to get gamers ready for its launch later this year, Giant IronHorse has released the first-ever Chinese-developed DirectX 11 benchmark featuring the aforementioned range of effects.


作者:primatelabs   大小:3.4 MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:8263

簡介: Geekbench讓你知道電腦或行動裝置的硬體效能跑多快 是一個相容多平臺的綜合性測試工具,可以支援蘋果、視窗、solaris和linux等系統,是蘋果平臺上最常用的測試程式,主要可以考察cpu和記憶體系統的運算能力 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/geekbench/geekbench.png[/img] Description: Geekbench provides a comprehensive set of benchmarks engineered to quickly and accurately measure processor and memory performance. Designed to make benchmarks easy to run and easy to understand, Geekbench takes the guesswork out of producing robust and reliable benchmark results.

測試轉檔效能 X264 FHD BENCHMARK 1.01日期:2014-04-22

作者:Atak Snajpera   大小:178MB   語言:英文   平台:Windows   人氣:4948

簡介: x264 FHD Benchmark 是一套可以用來測試你的電腦處理器的浮點運算能力以及多媒體的轉檔性能的工具軟體 [img]https://pic.xfastest.com/XFDL/X264 FHD BENCHMARK/x264-FHD-Benchmark-thumb.jpg[/img] Description: x264 FHD Benchmark is an application that allows you to check CPU performance by encoding video streams into the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC format.After installing the application, you simply have to press the Start button in order to start testing your processor. With x264 FHD Benchmark, you will be able to test how fast your CPU can encode a sequence using x264 settings.


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